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Etsy sellers

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So I like to look at etsy just to see what people are selling to get a look at possible competition for the future. I've seen so much garbage tonight it's crazy. I'm not going to sit here and say I've never had garbage or made mistakes but I've seen people selling warped clamshells, crooked labels, products with nicks in the wax in the clamshell, blurry photos of product, etc. Maybe I'm being super picky but I just think that everyone is trying to make a buck and I can't believe some people would sell stuff like this. I mean presentation is half the battle. I've worked hard for over 6 years to get where I'm at and still not even close to being what I'd like to be at.

End Rant, I apologize but my pregnancy hormones are in full force tonight :shocked2:

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I hear you. I work really hard on my etsy shop, it is how I make a living. Although some of my product photography could use some work (I am doing it slowly). I also see some incredible businesses on Etsy that have great photography, labels, products, and sales pitches.

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I hear you. I work really hard on my etsy shop, it is how I make a living. Although some of my product photography could use some work (I am doing it slowly). I also see some incredible businesses on Etsy that have great photography, labels, products, and sales pitches.

I agree there are some really amazing things but I kept running into ones last night that look like they don't give a crap and just throw things on there hoping they'd sell.

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I work really hard to keep my etsy shop nice. Except pictures need to be better. But I to have seen some really bad items. Wicks really off centered bad. flammable items embedded into the candle, chipped candles ect ect ect I have even bought candles that had a oil slick on the top of them when I got it. It's a shame some people just don't care what kind of product they sell

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