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Soapalooza reviews


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Today I soaped Kelly's OMH and Ginger Lime Zinger. Both of them smell yummy.

The Ginger Lime Zinger is citrusy and zingy. I can smell notes of a dash of ginger ale and lemon lime soda. When I poured it into the batter and blended it in my whole kitchen smelled like fresh limes and ginger spice.

Her Oatmeal, Milk & Honey has more almond notes with a creamy milk and sweet raisons. I can smell them all and frankly this one is better than the one I was using from Elements. I have also used the one from SGS and this is very close but a bit sweeter. I am really liking this.

Haven't soaped the Tassi Lavender or Blue Chamomile yet. But yowzer do they smell awesome OOB! I've heard great reviews about her Tassi Lavender so can't wait to try it. I don't think I have ever smelled chamomile FO and this smell different than I was expecting but in a nice way. I am going to mix them together and see if they make a good replacement for the Lavender Chamomile (also from Elements) I currently use but don't care for.

I also have the Hawaiian Sandalwood and Lemon Verbena. The Hawaiian Sandalwood had a strong coconut note OOB and smells like a smoothe creamy coconuty sandalwood. Different than what I remember Tradewinds Hawaiian Sandalwood. But I don't have the two together to compare so I can't be sure.

Have been on the lookout for a strong Lemon Verbena that sticks and doesn't discolor. Will wait til I soap this and see. But in her review she mentions it only discolors to a light yellow and is very strong. I am hoping this holds true.

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Blue Chamomile rocks! Sorry didn't see this sooner. I think others would say Tassi Lavender rocks too. I have it, but never used it. Dunno why lol. I had absolutely not probs with the BC. No discolor. No loss of scent.

So how about I tempt you here too: (Other rockers for me in soap from there)

Polar Express (On prebuy ... it's a terrific mainly-mint smell. Won't disappoint and is a peach to work with)

Acorns & Black Oak (when she brings it in, get it. You won't regret it and most men won't either lol)

Carpe Diem (I think I'm the only one who liked it lol, but man it stuck and was great unisex scent)

Egyptian Dragon (Just an OMG, but count on discolor)

Dragonfly Moon (Total dream to use)

Green Tea and Ginger (Very spa, sticks and no discolor)

Hooah (was a mover and if I remember right it did discolor. Strong though.)

Jasmine Grapefruit (I wish it were sweeter. This one is to dry to me, but it has no trouble in the A or D dept.)

Macapuno Sorbet (Will discolor, but it wasn't dangerous to me and it smells delish)

Persian Limewood (was a personal fav with no A or D)

Pink Jasmine Musk (I enjoyed this, but while you get to play with it, you can't piddle around too much if you take a water discount, which I do)

Red Santal (man if I could my nose out of the dang bottle, I could tell you more.)

Renaissance (I recall that it does discolor. It has a unique and nice scent to it, but it just doesn't oompf)

Stonewashed Denim ... (no A or D and sticks)

I have others, but they aren't listed on her site or I haven't used them yet. Go figure on that!

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I wanted to get the Persian Limewood but ran out of money. Next time.

This morning I cut the Ginger Lime Zinger. Its curing in a back room and the whole house smells like it. Mmmmmm!

I definitely want to try the Polar Express and the Red Santal. Always on the lookout for good sandalwood and mint scents.

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Another big thumbs up for the Acorns and Black Oak. Fabulous scent and both men and women like it, very popular. I'm hoarding my last little bit.

Egyptian Dragon is wonderful, which you have already tried.

Dragonfly Moon, clean beautiful scent, I hope this stays as a regular fragrance and not a special order.

Persian Limewood, very strong.

I can't stand Lavender but Tassi at least doesn't make me ill. I use it in bath salts and truffles as well.

I really like Maharani Padparadscha (SS version) but it does discolor. I think she calls this a Sandalwood Rose. The cured scent is different than when you first pour.

Going to have to try the Blue Chamomile and Ginger Lime Zinger. Wonder if that is like the Ginger Fish from Brambleberry. Anyone know how her Sangre De Drago compares to Tony's?

Grapefruit Jasmine, hmmmm. My son (and me too) absolutely loves the Bella Flora from BBW, which is now retired. The label says grapefruit zest, jasmine and orange blossom. I've tried the notes separately with FO and the jasmine just overpowers. I tried the blend with EO, using neroli, and it was much closer. But, that would be too expensive. Maybe I can blend this with the Neroli from AH.

Edited by ProudMarineMom
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I used to make my own grapefruit and jasmine using Flickers Sea Island Grapefruit with CS Honeysuckle Jasmine. But I only tried this with candles. The blend is a very citrusy jasmine scent. Lovely. Now CS HJ has been downgraded to candles only. Pity.

Okay ladies-- today I am soaping the Hawaiian Sandalwood. Since I am using my new ED mold I can try different swirls. I want to get vertical mantra swirl using the hanger method. Have no idea if it will work. But practicing will be fun. I am gonna use black walnut powder for a deep velvety brown on the bottom layer. This one is my first so I am just gonna do a two color swirl.

OOB the Hawaiian Sandalwood is really coconuty. I am having a hard time smelling any sandalwood notes. Hopefully in the soap and a good cure will change that.

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I love Grapefruit Jasmine. I stocked up on it (as well Tassie Lavender) when SS closed up shop back when. It's the most perfect fruity/floral scent, and it soaps great. So glad to hear that Kelly Bloom has brought it back (as well as the Tassie).

......Oh! She still has Rosemilk (just took a peek at her site)! I love her Rosemilk! I haven't soaped it yet (I really need to do that), but it's absolutely wonderful in lotions and perfumes.

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Great minds... I have been eyeballing that Rosemilk too. Hope it soaps nice. I remember rosemilk from some french milled soap I had with that scent for Christmas. To me its a 'retro' scent from my youth. Its on my list to soap.

Awww... so many scents... so little money. LOL

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The Polar Express and Sweet Pea Rhubarb are outstanding....Cuban Coffee...oh nearly everything is first rate (I bought these oils from SS) and the vanilla formulations don't discolor. I have the soap safe cinnamon too but like Scented haven't used it yet...go figure. First rate oils IMHO.


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Steve I have been using the soap safe Cinnamon from SGS and I can tell you it is soooooo fine! I didn't realize Soapalooza carried one. For now I am sticking with SGS as I just bought another lb bottle. I made a batch this weekend and it smells very cinnamony. I love washing with it and can't wait for it to cure. Its one of those that sells out fast too.

Update on the Hawaiian Sandalwood. The soap gremlins have been having fun with me. I had one problem after another making this soap. First I screwed up the lye water and had to start over. When I got to adding the HS to my soap batter everything was fine until I split the batter to color half the soap brown with some black walnut powder. The half that I put the walnut powder in turned into applesauce and the oils started seperating. The other uncolored half came out fine, perfect even.

So this morning I unmolded and poured off about a half oz? of oil and patted the soap block with lots of paper towels. I realize I used 1oz of the HS PPO when I should have used the recommended amount of .6 to .8% PPO. I simply forgot that coconut type FOs can be problematic. Anyhoo, when I get home tonight I will see if it is okay to cut. I am dying to see if the swirl took or it came out looking like crap.

Just a heads up on the HS-- use the recommended amount and definitely not black walnut powder to color. (On the other hand the tan and cocoa brown colors I can see on the top and sides are perfect so far!) Whatever happens I will post pics.

Edited by Candybee
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I soaped the Sweet Pea Rhubarb last night (probably another botched attempt at a mantra swirl) and that is one powerful fragrance. Wow! The rhubarb really adds great depth to the sweet pea and it soaped beautifully. I used a slow moving formula and had plenty of time to get my colors mixed and set up for the pour. I still overdo the sb but just can't help myself.

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