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Hello ladies and gents.

I've snooped on here for many years, and posted a few times, but I've finally come across a question I just can not find an answer to.

Has anyone ever rebatched their candle wax? I have been saving my wax scraps (left over wax from testing) a/k/a hoarding problems.

My thoughts are it's scented. If I made a candle is the smell going to be horrible? Will the previous oils burn off? Right now, all the scraps sitting in a plastic bag together smell magnificent.

And in no way shape or form would I ever sell this. Just a shame to waste. So figured if I could just rebatch for my home/office. If no, then I will just throw it out.


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I often reuse my wax to make candles for the patio - it's outside and the smell doesn't really matter. If I have some candle stumps that I can remember what the FO was, I'll pour several compatable scents into layered candles - only for my personal use.

Then there are always firestarters :-}

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I use EVERYTHING....I'll make chunk votives or pillars for my house, or for stuff that I iknow isn't usable for candles, I make firestarters. I mix cedar pet bedding and wax in a dedicated presto pot, then put it in a cupcake paper. you just light the paper and they work great. I don't put alot of energy into making them look pretty. I mainly use them myself for camping, but I do sell some in my store.

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I use EVERYTHING....I'll make chunk votives or pillars for my house, or for stuff that I iknow isn't usable for candles, I make firestarters. I mix cedar pet bedding and wax in a dedicated presto pot, then put it in a cupcake paper. you just light the paper and they work great. I don't put alot of energy into making them look pretty. I mainly use them myself for camping, but I do sell some in my store.

Great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use my leftover wax on a warmer to scent the house much like a melt does and I also pour into flat cookie sheet-allow to harden and break up and use mixed with herbal potpourri or in little fabric bags as sachets in closets (cool areas) they make the area smell amazing and it's flameless :)

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I use my leftover wax on a warmer to scent the house much like a melt does and I also pour into flat cookie sheet-allow to harden and break up and use mixed with herbal potpourri or in little fabric bags as sachets in closets (cool areas) they make the area smell amazing and it's flameless :)

Love this idea!

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