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Foil sample packets?

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I was thinking of using foil sample packets such as these (http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?CatalogID=9&GroupID=443&CategoryID=1541&ProductID=9541&ProductName=Crafters+Choice%E2%84%A2+Heat+Seal+Travel+Packet+-+Silver%2c+3+x+5+inches) to give away lotion samples but one supplier, not WSP, advised me against using a packet that holds an ounce to an ounce and a half and recommended against giving that much lotion away. They said that much isn't considered a sample size and that it won't convert to sales.

Does anyone have any experience using sample packets for lotion and would you recommend the ones like at WSP or something smaller that holds a 1/2 ounce of so?

Thank you!

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I don't have any experience giving samples away to customers for conversation to sales but am posting to tell you what I, as a consumer, feel when I receive samples. Most of my samples are from places like Sephora, Estee Lauder, etc., where they will give very small samples. I don't even know how much are in these little packets. I've received lotion, serums and other products.

9 out of 10 times, I will not go back to purchase the item because they did not give me enough product to figure out if I like it or not. Lotion in a small packet barely gives 1x use with rarely enough to do arms, legs, and feet. Serums get maybe 1x use and that doesn't tell me much either.

Not sure if that is the answer you were looking for but hope it may help some.

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Thanks Jeanie. It does help.

In my research of foil sample packets I've run across others saying the same thing. They couldn't make a buying decision simply because there wasn't enough product included in the packet. I've measured out 1 oz of lotion and it was more than I expected it to be. Perhaps that much would be enough to use for several applications? I'm a guy so needless to say I don't use lotion much and when I do it's as little as possible. From a woman's perspective would 1 oz be enough to get you closer to making a buying decision? I don't think giving away more than that is going to be feasible.

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From a woman's perspective would 1 oz be enough to get you closer to making a buying decision? I don't think giving away more than that is going to be feasible.
It would. Not only would it cover hands, arms, legs and feet, but probably would give more than one application which is what us women (ok..myself) like from a lotion to make sure it does what we are looking for.

HTH and GL with making your decision. I love the foil packet concept for giving out samples. It looks very professional. :)

ETA: If this helps, and you know what a bottle of foundation liquid makeup looks like - size wise ; Consider this: Those bottles are usually 1 ounce of product. They are used to put a thin layer on just the face, forehead and neck. Taking that same amount in a lotion, we don't put it on in a very thin layer and we use it on a whole lot more area than the small area foundation is used for.

Edited by jeanie353
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Depends on your target customer. for wholesale customers i send full size so they know what they are ordering by the case lot.

for retail, 1 oz of lotion, IMO, is a travel size lotion, not a sample. Customers pay premium prices for that size, just like in the stores.

Elements sells LDPE malibu tubes that hold .5 oz and that is even a lot for a sample, lasting most people many applications. They tend to refill those tubes and use them as pocket or purse sizes.

The foil packets look nice and are a snap to label, but are a total labor intensive pain to fill and seal cleanly. If you find them too big, they can be cut in half, or filled slightly less so they remain flat for mailing. As a customer, i don't like too much in the packets as they do not re-seal and make a mess/dry out/get contaminated, etc. after the test application. Do people really need to slather from head to toe several times to know that they like or dislike a product enough to buy or not?

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Guest OldGlory

My opinion on the question of free samples converting to sales in a retail setting - it doesn't work for me as a consumer (also of the female variety, and in the retail business for more than 30 years).

What does work, and Bath & Body W. gets this right, is a low price for a sample. You want the customer to want the product enough to buy a small portion of it to try it. Selling it at cost or with a small profit makes more sense than giving it away. Some people will take all the freebies you want to give them without the first thought of making a purchase. You want to avoid that customer, and you will if you charge for a sample.

My first introduction to CP soap was to buy really small soaps for $1.25 per bar. I bought 5 or 6 in different scents. The full size bars were 6 oz, $6, simply wrapped in a cello bag with a printed heavy paper label inside the cello and a wire wrap around the top of the bag. The sample bars were less than an oz, similarly wrapped, probably about .75 oz, and you could see the full sized bars were the better price, but I wanted to try it first. Like buying a 1 oz bottle of FO before committing to a 1 lb bottle. I knew if I liked the samples I would return for the full sized bars.

And women like small sized hand lotions they can put in their purse and use a few times anyway.

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Thanks ladies.

TallTayl - The idea that the packets aren't resealable has crossed my mind. That's why I haven't committed to them yet. I've also read where people have had trouble with them staying sealed and leaking the contents out prior to getting to the customer. I suppose there are some who want to be able to apply the lotion several times before they decide whether they want it or not. I've read several reviews of different lotion sample packets where the persons have stated that they didn't think there was enough product included to help them make a decision as to whether to buy or not. Perhaps those people are few and far between? I've never been a fan of the malibu bottles. There's just something about the way they look. If, however, others, such as yourself, have found that customers dont' mind them and will buy them then I can certainly get used to them...lol. I don't have the capability of putting them in the squeeze type tubes as I don't have a machine to seal them with, yet. :smiley2:

OldGlory - I have considered charging a small fee for retail samples. My fear is if I put free samples in a retail location that there are those who will take a handful or two rather than just one and just keep coming back for the freebies. I could use the malibu tubes mentioned above until such time that I find something different plus charge a minimal fee. I did see where B&BW had 2 oz travel sizes of body lotion for $5 each or 3 for $10. Maybe I'll try something like that.

Thanks to everyone again. It's a pleasure getting your input.


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I usually pitch the little foil packets, pain to open & keep even for free. Cute little bottles are my thing. Putting a lotion or cream on once is not enough for me. I wash my hands & arms constantly & how they'd feel at the end of the day would get me to buy more. So yes, more is better for me!

QUOTE=classiccandle;1006548]Thanks Jeanie. It does help.

In my research of foil sample packets I've run across others saying the same thing. They couldn't make a buying decision simply because there wasn't enough product included in the packet. I've measured out 1 oz of lotion and it was more than I expected it to be. Perhaps that much would be enough to use for several applications? I'm a guy so needless to say I don't use lotion much and when I do it's as little as possible. From a woman's perspective would 1 oz be enough to get you closer to making a buying decision? I don't think giving away more than that is going to be feasible.

Edited by ChandlerWicks
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I get little one ounce bottles from NG with lids that also fit my 2oz & 4oz bottles. I give samples when someone orders say several soaps or soap and body butter etc - probably about 50% of the time they end getting some lotion with their next order as well. They've been worth it to me, but like it's been said - I haven't set any out in a retail situation because of the same reasons expressed. I have however given some to the retailer to keep behind the counter and give out when appropriate. This has also resulted in lotion sales for me. just my thoughts...

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I like using lip balm pots for lotion samples. They're pretty cheap and have about the right amount for a sample.

Russ and I have been doing parallel research on this and I've decided, personally, that this is the way for me to go, too. I came to that conclusion a day or so ago.

I'm also going to be "fussy" about who we will be passing them out to. I plan to put the pot (Please! No confusion here. . . lol !!!) in 3"X3" zip lock bags with a lable attached to the bag with all of the pertinent stuff I want and need to say.

Thanks, Marilyna!


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Russ and I have been doing parallel research on this and I've decided, personally, that this is the way for me to go, too. I came to that conclusion a day or so ago.

I'm also going to be "fussy" about who we will be passing them out to. I plan to put the pot (Please! No confusion here. . . lol !!!) in 3"X3" zip lock bags with a lable attached to the bag with all of the pertinent stuff I want and need to say.

Thanks, Marilyna!


Your way sounds easier than how I did it. I used a little round label I punched out with a paper punch. It was adorable, but not the quickest. And I didn't have any room for ingredients.

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Your way sounds easier than how I did it. I used a little round label I punched out with a paper punch. It was adorable, but not the quickest. And I didn't have any room for ingredients.

Dear Marilyn;

It's not that I'm smart. I'm not! I am quite lazy, however! (lol)

I'm going to tell my DW that I've decided to introduce a "new line" to sell by making up an introductory batch that consists of a putting a little pot in a zip lock bag for her to pass out in our shop. I'm already smiling, just imagining her reaction.

And to think, that two of my earliest ambitions was to be a "preacher" and then a Maryland State Trooper!

I just can't help myself. If only "the voices" would just go away!

"Dave the Head"

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