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Aromabeads candles?

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A lady walked in today with a candle she bought at Walmart, asking me if I could make one using the same scent (Oh, no :undecided). The brand is Mainstay (Walmart).

What has me a bit puzzled is the look of the candle. On the outside it looks like granulated wax, similar to palm, but when you take the lid off, the top is nice and smooth. However, it looks like they melted the top because when you look through the glass container, you can see it was heated enough to melt the top and give it the smooth finish.

I wiggled the wick, and there is rattling in the jar. Curiosity got the best of me and I simply had to go check it out for myself :rolleyes2. All the container candles of this same brand (Mainstay Aromabeads) do the same (they do not stick to the container wall). I ended up buying two and will test one later on tonight.

Anyone familiar with these candles? Oh, I like the jar and the lids, and they are only $5 a piece!

Ok, can't wait, going to light one now, lol

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Marcuset, I do not have the one she left behind here with me, but it was a tangerine or mandarin-something.

I bought 2; the scent is Sun Splashed, and the other one is a "plain" Vanilla. Right now I have the Sun Splashed going. Burning ok thus far, but it's only been 10 minutes or so.

Jeanie, THAT is exaclty what I said to mysef. Nice container, love the black lids, pretty color, dirt cheap at $5 for 7.25 oz..

If it smells good, throws well and burns properly, I will pitch a hissy fit!:laugh2:

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I agree; but my question is: is it just this fragrance or is she hinting she can get good smelling candles a lot cheaper a Wallyworld? A few scents I do not mind - can't have a scent for every nose, after all, but most/all scents? Fit coming on, lol

JMO...I'd let her go back to WallyWorld for that one. But, if it's just for fun...maybe? That candle looks like it's improved a bit since they first came out. What scent was it, btw?
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Hmmm, interesting because Hanna's Candles are available at Amazon, but they received poor reviews. The one I tried tonight smells really good ,though. Perhaps I should try the other one. I wonder if it is the granulated wax that requires no heating; after scenting it, you pour it into the wicked jar, and that's it... apparently :undecided

I've looked at them a couple of times but never bought on though I do like the lid and jar. They are made by Hanna's Candles


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Do they look like this? It's hard to see theirs on the website


Hannah's candles main website states its 33% soy- as natural as they can get it...

Based on alot of their fragrance descriptions I'm guessing natures garden as one of the sources of FO- and they will fill anyone's jar for .90 cents an ounce....isn't there wick testing involved here?

I wonder if they are granulated palm and soy which if its a pillar wax that would explain it not adhering to the glass- I am curious and need to go find one myself- their website does not have a picture of the candle your describing - they all have a smooth look and a 9 ounce and a 4 ounce jar so maybe it's a "special" for Walmart

Edited by moonshine
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I saw that at candlewic but was wondering how you would add fragrance to it. I wanted to try it out but never got around to asking customer service if there was a way to add FO or if you were stuck with no FO.

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Moonshine, here is the pic from Amazon; it's what the two candles I bought at Walmart look like (the wax, I mean, not the container:


Scroll over the pic to enlarge it (you get a really good view if you look at the bottom of the container). The wax in the jars I got looks identcal.

Do they look like this? It's hard to see theirs on the website


Hannah's candles main website states its 33% soy- as natural as they can get it...

Based on alot of their fragrance descriptions I'm guessing natures garden as one of the sources of FO- and they will fill anyone's jar for .90 cents an ounce....isn't there wick testing involved here?

I wonder if they are granulated palm and soy which if its a pillar wax that would explain it not adhering to the glass- I am curious and need to go find one myself- their website does not have a picture of the candle your describing - they all have a smooth look and a 9 ounce and a 4 ounce jar so maybe it's a "special" for Walmart

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Here I go again! Jumping into water that I have no idea how deep it is.

I may be completely wrong, but;

During a recent phone-a-thon with Candlewic owner, Bill Binder he mentioned that he processes a lot of special waxes for a Walmart candle supplier. We were talking about granulated verses pastillated waxes at that time.

I've talked to Bill about granulated wax in the past and have bought a bunch of cases of his over-runs on granulated waxes as closeouts from him. The wax is pre-colored and sandy in appearance and texture (feel). The wax is pre-scented, but what I've experienced is not very strong throwing. A little bit of time in the wax melter and the original scent is gone and I can refragrance it to suit me.

Bill's company makes all kinds of wax. I have many types from there in my long-term storage area. A bunch are granulated. I'm pretty sure the waxes I have used were mostly paraffin. I turned my "recycled sand" wax into votives. I added a bit of Vybar. I got good cold and hot throw and sell out of the votives when, I feel up to making them.

If the Walmart candles are a para-soy blend I suspect the wax is CW's counterpart to IGI-6006. Bill agreed with me that soy tends to shorten the throw time in candles. I don't think the candles you are describing are cutting age technology. Granulated wax has been around for ages. It's made by processing regular melted wax (additives included) and sprayed into a rotating hopper drum(s).

I'll have my DW stop at WM and see if she can give me some info and bring home a sample or two.


BTW; See, Raven's (No actual names); I told you I would still be posting. (lol)


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Dave, I hope your wife will buy one or two so you can see what I'm yapping about. Also, look at the Amazon link above.

That's very interesting about Candlewic supplying a lot of waxes to the walmart supplier; any chance of getting more info still, like which wax, specifically :wink2:

The candle I tested last nigh smells delicious and burns fine... umph!

Yes, I am glad to see that you are posting. Remember, Dave: "Sticks and stones....", lol. Keep them coming; I, for one, enjoy reading your posts, and I'm sure I am not the only one. Those who do not appreciate your humor or input can always put you on their "Ignore" list. Hope you took no offense at my CW rant about the melting temps; I understand Bill is your friend, but if I have a problem I will say something... no need for nasty comments (I did not, as far as I remember), no insults, etc. but I am not going to refrain from posting because of.... because of..... because of anything! :laugh2:

So, don't you think a little chat with Bill is in order? Hehehe. Inquiring minds (ok, mine) want to know; feel free to think of me as a PITA.

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Dave, I hope your wife will buy one or two so you can see what I'm yapping about. Also, look at the Amazon link above.

That's very interesting about Candlewic supplying a lot of waxes to the walmart supplier; any chance of getting more info still, like which wax, specifically :wink2:

The candle I tested last nigh smells delicious and burns fine... umph!

Yes, I am glad to see that you are posting. Remember, Dave: "Sticks and stones....", lol. Keep them coming; I, for one, enjoy reading your posts, and I'm sure I am not the only one. Those who do not appreciate your humor or input can always put you on their "Ignore" list. Hope you took no offense at my CW rant about the melting temps; I understand Bill is your friend, but if I have a problem I will say something... no need for nasty comments (I did not, as far as I remember), no insults, etc. but I am not going to refrain from posting because of.... because of..... because of anything! :laugh2:

So, don't you think a little chat with Bill is in order? Hehehe. Inquiring minds (ok, mine) want to know; feel free to think of me as a PITA.

I actually hadn't seen your other thread on CW. I thought Bill was going to get away with it on this board at least. For my opinion on that subject, please read my post there.

No, I'm sure Bill will not discuss who he is blending a WM wax for or it's specifications; at least not to me. I have tried in the past to learn more about his accounts and propietary data, to no avail. I really do not have any of CW's corporate information or secrets that I can divulge either.

I don't want to put any stress on the professional, but friendly relationship I have with Bill and will just have to politely decline to do any more "snooping" there. I might, however, ask him how things are going on making his website better and more user friendly. The current shopping cart works well though and check-out is smooth. Those are often the hardest to fix things from what I've read.

I'll send you an email shortly.


"Reluctant Dave"

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CareBear, I remember. I suppose these Walmart Aromabeads are a "spin-off" of those, 'cause they have a wick.

Going2Adopt, thanks for pointing out they are made by Hanna's Candles; hadn't noticed I was so wrapped up in other candle concerns, lol. So when I read the label, I thought, "Great, now I cannot even complain they're not made in the USA". Jokes aisde, glad to see "Made in the USA" (Fayetteville, AR).

Going to light the other candle I bought; this one is a Vanilla.

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I picked up a couple of these a month or so ago. They had a bunch on clearance for $3 each. I don't know if they heated the top to melt the beads or if they poured a melted layer over the top of them. Either way it keeps the beads from spilling out during handling. Using beads I guess is a good way to differentiate from competitors for marketing purposes. I don't know if they are cheaper to produce also. Both candles I picked up had great cold throw. I can't remember what the first scent I burned was, but it had good hot throw too. I haven't burned the one in the pictures yet. It smells like mangos I think.



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Did you? Which scent(s)? Have you tried it, and if so, what's your conclusion? Thanks!

Now that is a cute jar! So do the beads melt like normal wax as it burns? Think I'm gonna have to hit Walmart tomorrow... lol
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Now that is a cute jar! So do the beads melt like normal wax as it burns? Think I'm gonna have to hit Walmart tomorrow... lol

It burns normal. It's just granulated wax.

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I didn't find any at the one Walmart i went to. I'll eventually hit another, but I'm doing my best to avoid Walmart, since whenever I walk in there for something like TP, I walk out with $80 of crap..LOL I'll keep you posted when I do.

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