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A 415 Pour Temp Question

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If any could chime in here. Ok- on last night, I put 1 pound of 415 in the presto w/ 1 TBSP of USA. I heated it to 185. I cut it off and let it sit until this morning. When I looked at the wax, it was just perfect. It was smooth and creamy. So WOW..... hot 415 wax -unmoved - makes a perfect candle --- in a presto. Now, today when I get home, I am going to reheat it and add the FO- (undecided if I will dye it). My question is - I am pouring into one Jelly Jar, and I will pour the rest into an 8 oz Apothecary jar. I have read to pour around 100ish - cool and slushy. So because of the difference in the jar sizes, the presto pot example has got me thinking, should I pour both jars at the same temperature? My mind says no. I had previously poured CS- Honeysuckle and Jasmine into Jelly Jars at 117 and the tops looked dry rotted. ( Then again, when I poured the wax, it the was of a syrupy consistancy - not slushy) I fixed them with the heat gun. But anyway, what approach should I take on these jars?

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Hmmm... Good question

I mainly use the square mason but have been testing the salsa jar and the 16 ounce square blue mason and I pour at the same time same temp- I pour right about 100 just as it starts to get cloudy and most of my tops are perfect smooth - some have a little crater effect going on but it seems to be in heavier fragrances only

I do keep my jars heated on a griddle so they are warm when I pour

I have noticed if I pour when it is cloudy and hard to get it all out of the pour pot the tops are even better but I hate scrapping and wasting wax - so maybe try both jars at same time same temp and see if there is a difference- if one jar turns out different then play with temps next time around and see

Honeysuckle jasmine is one of those I get mild crater tops- not bad but I don't know if its mental or not but the ones that do have that top you can smell immediately when you light them as opposed to baby butt smooth....I have not had any that are bad enough to try and fix though but definitely try pouring at 100 or a little under rather than 117

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I've let 415 cool in a presto pot and it look butt ugly, so the difference must be the USA. Since you did not "pour" the presto pot at the slushy stage and it looks good, then why should adding it ti containers at a non-slushy stage matter? One difference might be rate of cooling, it takes hours for a full presto pot of 415 to harden completely. The other question is why does pouring at the slushy stage work? The wax is starting to harden and then we pour it, kind of seems like a bad thing if we want smooth tops but it works. Could mixing or stirring substitute for pour slushy? Pour into the container at a warmer (non-slushy) temp and stir slightly as the wax becomes cloudy. I wonder if this would work. Maybe the bad tops of 415 are due to uneven cooling, pouring at the slushy stage or stir should fix that.

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Hmmmmm, it's a good thought. I'll try.

I've let 415 cool in a presto pot and it look butt ugly, so the difference must be the USA. Since you did not "pour" the presto pot at the slushy stage and it looks good, then why should adding it ti containers at a non-slushy stage matter? One difference might be rate of cooling, it takes hours for a full presto pot of 415 to harden completely. The other question is why does pouring at the slushy stage work? The wax is starting to harden and then we pour it, kind of seems like a bad thing if we want smooth tops but it works. Could mixing or stirring substitute for pour slushy? Pour into the container at a warmer (non-slushy) temp and stir slightly as the wax becomes cloudy. I wonder if this would work. Maybe the bad tops of 415 are due to uneven cooling, pouring at the slushy stage or stir should fix that.
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