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essential oils or a blend? Advice please...

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Guest OldGlory

Did she order any melts with those results in mind? You can buy essential oils for a lot less money...just not thru doTerra.

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If she is paying $40 per oz she needs to do way more research to find a better supplier. You could buy retail from Aura Cacia for less than that. There are better prices out there. Are you sure they aren't $40. per lb? That is still too high for real wholesale prices for many oils.

Most EOs need to be mixed. Blends works better than singles. They work on "notes" base notes, top notes ....

Try reading some articles on blending EOs. They take more work than FOs. Here's a good article http://www.aromaweb.com/articles/aromaticblending.asp

Edited by Jeana
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I made a whole bunch of eo melts for her to try out. Bc of pricing we used 0.5 oz pp. Peppermint was great. Cypress fine though lighter. Citrus ones were disappointingly light. No fuel smell. Just too light. Perhaps if i had used 1 oz pp it would have been better. But at the $40/oz who can afford to? Another reason why i prefer frag oils.

Yeah, That prices isn't right. Essential oils should be alot A LOT less then that. That's a hell of a lot more then full retail.

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I totally agree with you that 40 is insane. I know I bought an oz of some eo a while back for $15 or so for my floor steamer. She is this holistic doc who totally believes do terra. She makes it into drinks and tonics for her patients etc and told me that all other eos are not good. I am not into holistic things or eos - although they do smell good. But there is no talking out of it with her. I already talked with her about increasing concentrations or blending it with a fo. What does one do? I got the impression from her that all other eos were adulterated and not suitable. I find it hard to believe. Oh, and to add insult to injury, the 40/oz is her wholesale pricing. Though some are in the 30 something range.

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Someone has sure brainwashed her with a lot of crap about true essential oils. I get most of mine thru NDA http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/ and none of them are adulterated. Sounds like she's into the garbage Young Living spouts about only their oils are 'true' essential oils. Those people are rabid about their absurd EO beliefs!! :cool2:

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Someone has sure brainwashed her with a lot of crap about true essential oils. I get most of mine thru NDA http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/ and none of them are adulterated. Sounds like she's into the garbage Young Living spouts about only their oils are 'true' essential oils. Those people are rabid about their absurd EO beliefs!! :cool2:

I was thisclose to ordering a bottle of Thieves from them but then stumbled across a site that used almost the same oils in a anitbacterial product. Sooo, I decided to buy the oils individually from another source and combine when I want to make new batches of my own gel. It did cost more to buy them individually but I can then also use them for other stuff.

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So i forwarded this link (new direction) to her to point it out as a comparison tool. Maybe she'll look into it. It still might not compare to doterra though. After all, doterra are only the purest oils, harvested by vestal virgins, under the waxing moon prior to the stroke of midnight.

Edited by JI
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I don't work much with EO's but I've read through this thread and something concerns me for your sake.

You state she makes tonics and may use them in non-diluted concentrations in direct contact with "patients".

I'm not aware of the legal requirements of this practice in your state or any other state, but I would be a bit concerned that you could get pulled into a legal mess if she does harm to or kills someone.

If I was approached by someone to make products for even private labeling or personal use that can be as risky as what little I have learned from doing research on EO's, I would make sure that they signed a waiver releasing me from any and all liabilities from the products you make for her, their use and her practice in general. I just saw a notary's seal flash through my brain's "eye".

I would also mark up the price you charge her for what you are doing for her by adding your labor costs to the equation. What's your time worth? Just add it to the cost of materials at their marked up resale price. I would require a minimum purchase amount for her based on dollars rather than measure (weight). Only you can really determine what those amounts are.

I'd "stay on the bus" with her at least for awhile. It might be an interesting ride. Who knows. Maybe she will break down and sell an EO/FO blend candle line down the road that might turn into some nice profit dollars for you if you take the trip with her.

Just be careful!

JUST MY OPINION !!! (Usually I just write "JMO", but this time, I really wanted to make sure you understand I'm NOT writing from EXPERIENCE.)

Keep us updated, please. This sounds interesting.



Edited by emilyspoppy
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Guest OldGlory

doTerra actually advises customers that certain EOs can be used internally. I have heard of fennel EO being used internally before, for stomach problems, and there is a certain classification that must be on the bottle that indicates safe internal usage. I am not an expert in this area, just relating some things I've heard and read over the years. Sure seems like a slippery slope to me. I mean, come on, if our customers are not responsible enough to burn a candle correctly, is it safe to assume that same person will differentiate and use EOs responsibly?

Or maybe I'm just jaded by time and experience..?? LOL

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