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Candle Labels

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So I have some questions for those with more experience :)

Do you print your logo/labels at home or do you order them through a printing company?

If you print them at home...is there a software you would recommend?

If you use an online printing company...same question...is there one you would recommend?

I am currently having a friend who does graphic design do my logo...and I would like to have hang tags, rectangular labels, and circle labels. I am leaning towards printing them at home so that I can include the scent on the label.

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I buy online labels also and use their maestro to design...however I am not happy with the circle labels and printing them- they do not line up at all, I have tried 3 different printers and hours on the phone with support and they even admitted it was difficult to do with an inkjet or laser printer

I added a border to see if that would help but it made it worse- part of the label wouldn't print any any of the border at all- so I am now having to resort to sending it out to a company that does press on printing for my round ones and have yet to find one that is reasonable in price

But you can't beat the price and ease of use for square labels

Edited by moonshine
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I have inkjets and one of them is a pro photo printer that can print up to 13 X 19 and it doesn't do the job!

Support told me a laser will behave the same because of the way the printers grab the paper throwing round shapes off alignment just enough to make it look awful- adjusting margins did nothing for me either

I can get them to look decent without a border but you have to leave a big margin on the edge of the label and I don't like that look- I want a border! Lol

But I love the squares- doesn't make sense to me

Edited by moonshine
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Hmmm. I use round labels and I don't have a lot of problems. Sometimes it gets off a bit but that's with round and square for me. I am thinking for me, it is just how the printer feeds the paper.

I really want to get a laser printer.

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I am fortunate and can print labels at my corporation for 0.5 a sheet. They are printed on gigantic commercial printers that print a nice quality. One weekend I wanted to print and I inquired with Office Depot. They would print black and white for 0.10 a sheet. I did not inquire about color pricing.

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Thanks for all the info everyone. I am still torn between online places to go to for labels; especially after reading about the misprints some people experience. Once my friend finishes with my logos I will post them here so you can see them :) He is doing 4 logos: 1 for webpage, 1 for hang tags, 1 for rectangular labels and 1 for circular labels.

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I've had four ink-jet printers over the years. One was a Canon and was a Dell. I thought they were OK for regular printing projects, but didn't handle heavier papers as well as I would like.

My last two printers have been HP. My older HP Photosmart was a store display sample at K-Mart that I bought for $20.00. It came wih all of the paerwork, software and a full set of ink cartridges. It worked great until I dropped it while cleaning up my computer area while sitting in my wheelchair.

My present printer is an HP Photosmart 7520 (all in one) that my wife bought on sale at staples for $120.00. It has many features I will probably never use, but it makes PERFECT labels. That includes round labels that have borders.

I use Print Artist Platinum Series software, because I'm used to using it. I tried Print Shop, but did not like it.

I too buy my labels at Online Labels.com. but I do not use their Meastro software.

I find a similar type of label in the PA Avery drop down menu and adjust it in the tools section "Edit Dimensions" feature based on the information Online lists in their descriptions and specifications. They always work perfectly, if I edit the dimensions properly.

One thing I'd like to mention that may be important, though, is: I only load and print one sheet at a time. I feel that you might want to try that first if you have not already before you throw in the towel on printing your own labels.

I use their basic matte finish labels for my candle jars and warning labels, but if I were doing some B&B work as I plan to try I will most likely be using Online's waterproof gloss labels for ink jet. They're a bit pricey, but should do a good job.

Online labels advertise that samples of their products are available. I've always been pleased with their service, packaging and pricing.



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Hmmm... I also only print 1 sheet at a time and use online labels round Kraft in 1.5 - 2 and 2.5"

My all in one is a 7 thousand something series also and I cannot get a border to print for nothing

I will be looking into this print artist- it makes no sense that I can do a square with no problems in maestro and their support people I think are just as baffled and say the round are troublesome- I have spent hours on the phone with them and they even sent out new labels thinking maybe they were cut wrong and every place that is affordable to send them out to print same thing- they come back off center and it drives me nuts- and I couldn't afford my own candles if I have to resort to a company that does the "press on" printing! And labels by the sheet is expensive!

Thanks for the info Dave

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I never thought about having them printed at office max. My printer is an HP, 5000 something series, I think. It was a freebie, DH used to work at the college he attended, and people were constantly bringing him computers to work on, or boxes full of various computer junk. The printer was one of the better things he brought home. It's so old, there are no drivers for it for Windows 7, so DH had to "fake it" with drivers for another printer. It doesn't scan, or fax, just a printer. I really should get a new one that does everything, because there are times I really need to make a copy of something. It doesn't care for the brown kraft labels, but other than that it still prints great. I really need to print some oval labels for my portion cups. I wonder if I took a pdf and the labels to office max if they would be able to print it for me? I wonder if they would be off center too... It's worth a try I guess.

Edited by FaithfulScenter
Not enough coffee.
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Hmmm... I also only print 1 sheet at a time and use online labels round Kraft in 1.5 - 2 and 2.5"

My all in one is a 7 thousand something series also and I cannot get a border to print for nothing

I will be looking into this print artist- it makes no sense that I can do a square with no problems in maestro and their support people I think are just as baffled and say the round are troublesome- I have spent hours on the phone with them and they even sent out new labels thinking maybe they were cut wrong and every place that is affordable to send them out to print same thing- they come back off center and it drives me nuts- and I couldn't afford my own candles if I have to resort to a company that does the "press on" printing! And labels by the sheet is expensive!

Thanks for the info Dave

I've never tried printing their kraft labels. We're "country", but not "prim".

I do not use round labels much except for CD labels and warning labels for our candles.

Most of the time, all of our labels are left borderless, but once in a while I mess up on a new label and leave the (maximized) "guideline" border in tact and when I print out the first sheet that has it still in place, it's well positioned.

I believe there are many very good desk top publishing programs on the market. Print artist is considered by many to be amateurish.

There are some features I would like to see it have that it doesn't, but I have been using it (with updated versions) for many years and I am comfotable with it.

I'm old and obstinate!

Last week my DW bought me a new Gateway large screen lap top from Wallyworld. It was loaded and really nice looking. It used Windows 8 for it's opearating system. I fooled around with it for several hours amd asked my wife to return it to WM. They accepted it back since they allow a 15 day return policy.

The system I'm using to type this posting with was almost thrown away be a buddy. He mentioned he was hauling it to a dumpster when I asked him if I could have it. It said it was way too slow operating.

An hour after I plugged it in it was running fine. I offerred to return it to him, but he told me he liked his new lap top, even though he was still learning to use it. I asked him if I could have it when he was "done" with it. He laughed and said; "Sure!"

I'd hate to see you invest in and load a software program you might hate. It might also not be what's at issue with you.

Don't spit at me for saying this, but maybe it's time to consider breaking the bounds of a border or changing your shape. I used to use round pre-printed warning labels for our votive, pillar and jar candles. I don't recall ever buying any that had borders. They also wind up where they are, regretably, usually not even noticed.

PLEASE! Im not suggesting you give up on round labels with borders. I'm just concerned that changing your software based on my experience may make for an even more bothersome issue for you.



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Spit Spit Spat!! lol

I will never change my labels- I am "almost" old and obstinate too! haha

no but seriously I use the 8 ounce square mason jar and label the rustic lid which is round, I have bought other crafters labels that use the square on this jar and I do not like it all- especially after burns the label starts to crinkle and you cant peel it off- at least my way when you unscrew the lid you dont have to look at the label- you just have a cute jar with wonderful scent!

I can print my own warning labels just fine with maestro but the 2.5" round for the jars and the 2" for my melts I want a border to make them "pop" more. I can do the clamshell squares with a border but the round just are a PIA

For my Western line I have a bandana border and for the rest of them I want just a solid black so it is all uniform looking and the different scent categories will be printed in a different color in the center (fresh and clean in blue - herbal and woods in green etc)

maestro is free so to change and invest in a software that will work is a good idea and wont put me back to much. I do alot of photography and use photoshop alot, even for our business adds but to make a label in that program and know what dimensions I would need to make it AND get it to print right is NOT my thing! I like amateur and simple for label making -I thank you for your suggestion but I will research it with some others before I buy.... I also have not checked with my local print company- I have my designs saved in PDF so maybe they will be able to print them perfectly and not cost so much if I provide all the million sheets of labels I already have! lol

This is definitely one area that I am way picky on and cannot be happy with anything less than perfection- my husband thinks I am crazy- the one company I had print and design the western ones are off center some and they even said they tried their best but it was difficult for them but my husband claims nobody would notice unless I pointed it out....I dont believe him

Thanks Dave and I seriously was not spitting at you:grin2:

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{Thanks Dave and I seriously was not spitting at you:grin2:}

I knew that as I read it.

I am concerned for your mental state, however!

Have you tried Prozac?

I took it for awhile and a number of my employees thanked me several times! (lol)


I know how much of a stress something like this can be for a talented (Not-Me!) and particular (Yep-ME!) person. You spend what seems like an eternity and a small fortune developing a product that you are proud of and can't "finish it off" to suit yourself.

It's like baking the best tasting cake ever, only to have made a sloppy job icing it. Everyone is happily munching away on your delicious cake and praising you as a talented baker, but all you can sense is your own inner voice critisizing the frosting job!

I used to have problems even making mailing labels with my old printers using Print Artist Gold version.

I don't suspect that it's in the software or the labels. I think you will find, unfortunatly that the problem MOST LIKELY, in my opinion only, will be the way your printer is loading (grabbing) them. I may be totally wrong though!

The stumper is; Why do the rectangular labels look fine? I guess that I'm in good company if the folks at On-Line Labels don't know either.

Are your boarders "maximized" or have a slight plain edge around them? Could a change there make a slightly better impression?

I got blessed with my current printer. It looks like an ink guzzler, but I do like the way label alignments turn out. I guess we can't have everything the way we like it.

I do wish you the very best of luck in getting your labels to represent your creations in a manner that make you proud. You deserve it.

Please update us, when you resolve the issue.

Good luck, again!


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Moonshine, i feel your frustration. I do the same as you, Circle label on 8 oz sq mason lid. I use a Canon printer. I like it but I also have a little problem with the circles. It isn't real bad... I notice it, but I wonder if anyone else does. Have you calibrated your printer? Maybe HP's don't have that option. That did help me in the beginning. Do the labels consistently print off to one side? If so, you could adjust your margins, print on regular paper, hold the regular sheet of paper on top of the label sheet with a light or sunlight showing from the back to see how they line up. You just keep adjusting until your happy with the lineup and then save the label.

However, if they are not consistently off one way or the other, then I'm not sure what will work.

I have seen the sq. masons with hang tags. I like that look too, but the circle label on the lid is cheaper and faster.

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Moonshine, i feel your frustration. I do the same as you, Circle label on 8 oz sq mason lid. I use a Canon printer. I like it but I also have a little problem with the circles. It isn't real bad... I notice it, but I wonder if anyone else does. Have you calibrated your printer? Maybe HP's don't have that option. That did help me in the beginning. Do the labels consistently print off to one side? If so, you could adjust your margins, print on regular paper, hold the regular sheet of paper on top of the label sheet with a light or sunlight showing from the back to see how they line up. You just keep adjusting until your happy with the lineup and then save the label.

However, if they are not consistently off one way or the other, then I'm not sure what will work.

I have seen the sq. masons with hang tags. I like that look too, but the circle label on the lid is cheaper and faster.

I SECOND that opinion and suggestions! Good advice about alignment settings.


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