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I just saw a Sharon Osborne interview on GMA where she was telling Lara Spencer that Howard Stern sent her and Ozzie an oil candle for Christmas. They lit it up in their bedroom, had a romantic evening by candlelight(no fragrance, mind you) and went to bed. In the wee small hours they heard a noise, woke up, and see the glass had broken and oil with the flames were all over the floor and table. Obviously, they had left it burning... Ozzie opened the french doors to the outside(wrong) and Sharon ran into the bathroom and got water, which she threw on the flames(wrong again). Well, the flames exploded into a huge fire! Ozzie had just had surgery and had a cast on his arm, so he started beating the flames with his cast, and his cast caught fire! Sharon said his hair is now above his ears because he burned that much off! Her advice was to never leave ANY candle burn that long. Just goes to show that even the rich and famous can be crazy when it comes to candle safety.:tiptoe:

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Guest OldGlory

That's the biggest variable - how people treat the candle. Even providing written instructions is sometimes not enough. I mean, how much instruction does it take to light a match, touch it to the wick, and viola! you have a lit candle. People don't understand there's more to it.

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