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The Weekend

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Today I have been making fruit embeds all day long... a friend of mine asked me for 56 fruit pastry candles and I make the embeds by hand, using mouldable wax (that's the result https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/418308_316978995004556_991084327_n.jpg)... it's a lot of work, I'm tired and my hands hurt a bit... but I'm sure my friend will be satisfied! :)

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I made a handful of tester melts to test FOs to see if they make it to the "candle" list. The FOs I poured were:

AHRE Chocolate Layer Cake

MW Sugar Cookie Royal

ICS Bear Claws

ICS Camel Sticky Buns

ICS Cinnamon Buns (classic)

ICS Cinnamon Buns (ICS)

ICS Cinnamon Donuts

This was a good weekend to pour testers because I am on the tail end of a nasty cold and my nose is still stuffy, but since it is still stuffy, I can't test them yet. :(

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We have been shut down since Christmas and are still shut down. Waiting on my new 200lb wax melter to come in and we are building our new shop. Kinda getting ancy. Ready to get new shop completed and moved in so we can start making product again. So excited though because we are going to have double the space as before and I will be able to work on candles during the weekdays when I am caught up at my real job and not have to haul everything home to the barn and only work on nights and weekends. post-13781-139458506998_thumb.jpg

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