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Everything posted by Dolcibugie

  1. I use powder brown dye and sometimes the candles turn green after some days! I don't know why!
  2. Thank you ksranch, you're always kind!
  3. My first beer candle (not tested yet) Greetings from Italy!
  4. I always get very good results with aluminium too! I wish I could have all my molds made of metal!
  5. oh, I think that trying to slow down the cooling process may help... at least, it helped me! (sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian)
  6. Have you tried pouring the wax while the mold is sitting in very warm (almost boiling) water?
  7. Yes, I think you have the same tiny air bubbles problem I had. I solved it by keeping the mold very warm when I pour.
  8. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?104783-silicone-molds-tiny-air-bubbles...-help!&highlight=tiny+bubbles Is it maybe the problem I had?
  9. Today I have been making fruit embeds all day long... a friend of mine asked me for 56 fruit pastry candles and I make the embeds by hand, using mouldable wax (that's the result https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/418308_316978995004556_991084327_n.jpg)... it's a lot of work, I'm tired and my hands hurt a bit... but I'm sure my friend will be satisfied!
  10. Pillar wax becomes crumbly when whipped, while container wax keeps a creamy appearance. I mix 25% pillar - 75% container, it's still creamy.
  11. Maybe there is some water in the wax (I don't konw why) or in the pot. Try to remelt the damaged candles after having dried them well and make sure there is no water in the pot.
  12. The cake was excellent! Pears and chocolate! My father made it. Thank you all!
  13. Just the top! (and I think I will re-use the left wax!)
  14. This morning I went to the supermarket and saw some terrible birthday candles sold at almost 3 euros each! I refused to buy them and I decided to make them myself! Here they are! Greetings from Italy and happy birthday to me! :rolleyes2
  15. In Italy this would be called "affogato", that means... DROWNED! But it's a delicious dessert made by pouring hot coffee on ice cream and sometimes adding whipped cream on top. "Latte" is the Italian word for milk. Anyway, this candle is gorgeous!
  16. I make candles with kitchen molds: they are mini pillars. I suggest to the friends to whom I give the candles to burn them in a fire safe container. That's all!
  17. I learnt everything by trying and retrying, it's not a big talent, everyone can do it! But I really appreciate your compliment, thank you!
  18. Yes, even if they are a little smaller than a tealight.
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