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Sometimes you have to treat yourself...

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Okay, it was kind of a splurge, and not something that I would buy regularly. (Though I might, if I could afford it!) Call it an early Christmas present to myself.


It's a very pretty candle; I've always loved the Diptyque aesthetic and label design. Some wet spots, but to be perfectly honest, I don't really care about wet spots, especially in a candle that was shipped to me in below-zero weather. People obsess over wet spots too much. Otherwise, a nicely made candle: properly trimmed wick, flat top, no frosting, and oh, the throw!

The hot throw is great; burning downstairs in the living room of my 1700 sq. ft. house, even the upstairs got a bit of scent, which is pretty unusual for a candle of this size (6.5 oz.). The cold throw is amazing. The box comes wrapped in Cello, probably to keep it clean. After taking it off, I could very clearly smell the candle, even without opening the box. Unpacked and sitting on the mantle in my living room, it throws throughout the entire room without even being lit. Impressive.

The scent is really nice--kind of a smoky, earthy, woodburning stove sort of smell, with just a hint of sweetness. Burns nicely, too. Some mushrooming at the end of a three-hour burn (not Yankee-caliber mushrooming, but some). After my recent frustrations trying out some Thymes candles, it was nice that Diptyque didn't disappoint.

Ah, if only these were cheaper. Very nice candle, though.

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I'm certainly not going to argue that $60 is a reasonable price for a candle, and having high-quality candles in scents that I like without going bankrupt is a large part of the reason I started making candles in the first place. That said, spending too much money on something extravagant is the very definition of "splurge." I look at it this way: I can afford to splurge on a high-end candle every now and again because I don't spend that much on candles on a weekly basis any more. :)

Edited by bsones
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