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Need help explaining soap making process


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When someone asks how you make your cp soap, what do you say? How do you respond?

I find myself explaining how I mix the lye with oils which in turn go through the sponification process that ultimately produces soap. While Im explaining each step, I can see peoples eyes start to glaze over. I get the feeling that my explanation is way too detailed.

What do you say?

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My official response is: "Oils and lye are combined to create soap. Once mixed a chemical process known as saponification takes place and once the process is complete the lye is used up leaving none in the final product."

If they get a weird look on their face about lye I respond with: "You can't make soap without lye. All soaps are made in this manner, not just handmade soaps. Indeed, if no lye is used in the process the FDA says it can't be called "soap".

And if their eyes haven't glazed over and they want more info I continue with: "As a precaution against the possibility of lye making it through into the end product all of my soaps are “superfatted”, which basically means adding more oil to the batch than the lye can process. This extra measure of oil escapes saponification as the lye is used up leaving the soap extra mild. Commercial soaps are not superfatted which is why they can be so harsh. Superfatted soaps will gently clean your skin while replacing the necessary oils stripped away."

The biggest thing is practice your spiel. If you can deliver it quickly and concisely then you sound like you know what you are talking about and you can get on with talking up the scents and ingredients. Practice on your friends. I know mine are tired of hearing about soap.

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