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How many fragrances do you carry?


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Looking at the Fall and seeing what is selling I am trying to slim down for next Fall and Winter. I have 15 fall winter fragrances and want to slim it down to no more than 8 or so. As far as spring summer goes I currently carry 15 or so and want to slim down to 8-9. Am I crazy? I just feel that if I carry less I can afford to buy the huge 5 lb containers instead of the smaller 1 lbs. I do not want to carry fragrances that only appeal to a few. In my closet I currently have a total of 34 varieties. I am wondering about the "less is more" philosophy. What do you all carry and have you slimmed down over the years?

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I do farmers markets, craft shows and some wholesales. I like your numbers. I also had a hard time selling pure floral this summer unless it was for old ladies. I had much better luck with citrus and herbal. I want tp phase out and ditch two of the florals and add an extra citrus.

How does this sound for the slimmed down version for spring/summer:

2 florals

2 fresh

1 woodsy

3 herbal

3 citrus

There would be some crossover bc some citrus can fall under herbal etc...

Then for fall/winter add:

8-9 classics like evergreen, gingerbread etc?

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I sell more florals in the spring and more fruit types in the summer. So these would be ones I switch out for each season to match what sells best for that time of year; Spring: florals; Summer: fruit; Fall: Harvest scent; Winter: holiday scents.

It works for me anyway. When I have seasonal candles leftover I sell them at bargain prices at an annual yard sale I do in the spring. I sell a boatload of out of season candles that way usally at wholesale price so I don't lose any money.

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