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candle price.


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hi all

Someone has asked me to make them some soy candle I make the 16 oz keepsake jars I fill them up with 12oz wax it cost me $5.71 to make one jar, I want to charge between $12 - $15 is that too much? Here is what my Keepsake jar looks like.



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hi all

Someone has asked me to make them some soy candle I make the 16 oz keepsake jars I fill them up with 12oz wax it cost me $5.71 to make one jar, I want to charge between $12 - $15 is that too much? Here is what my Keepsake jar looks like.


I usually see the good quality jar candles for about a dollar per ounce based on jar size, plus .95 cents, so your 16 oz jar would be $16.95 or thereabouts. But, if you can make a good profit by selling it for less and selling more candles, then that's good.

Edited by HorsescentS
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I usually see the good quality jar candles for about a dollar per ounce based on jar size, plus .95 cents, so your 16 oz jar would be $16.95 or thereabouts. But, if you can make a good profit by selling it for less and selling more candles, then that's good.

I wish I could sell my 10oz jars for $10.95. Hopefully someday I can bring my costs down so I can.

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First off might I say, nice candles :)

Now for pricing, as the 2 above said:

2x = wholesale

3x = retail

(is the general rule)

But, with that said, your market should also dictate what you can get or offer your products for. If you live in a small town where your the only candler (aside from "big store" brands that cost more), then you might be able to get $15.00+ for your jar. Now if you are like us in an area where there might be a candler every 5 - 10 miles, then you might need to adjust your prices a little lower to compete.

One hard lesson learned early on with our company was under pricing what we do. Yes, we got our 3x cost for our product (saying tarts for the moment here), but others were charging $4+ per pack when ours were only $2.50. Now-a-days we adjusted a bit to an even $3 but it's still not the cheapest (i.e. Wal-Marts brand) and were not the most expensive either.

Boy this so wasn't supposed to be this long but hope it helps some :)

Edited by EccoLights
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What beautiful candles!!! I charge $16 for that size and if the economy wasn't so stinky, you could probably get $18 per jar if you added a handled lid w/homespun tied around it and gave your customers a bag/tissue paper w/purchase. People WILL pay what you ask for if they feel that they are getting their moneys worth.:smiley2:

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The jars I use are pretty pricey too, but people really love them because they're heavy and high-quality, so I'd never think of changing to a cheaper one. Like puma52 said, if people feel they're getting their money's worth, they won't complain. Also remember the value of you making each candle by hand. :)

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