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Just call me Murphy....

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You know, as in Murphy's law, if it can go wrong, it most definitely WILL!!!! My printer has decided to crap out on me, so now I can either go spend money I don't have and buy another printer or hand write my labels, either way, I'll lose money! I'm about to have a stroke!!!! I think I'll just pour my heart out today, and pray DH can fix my printer situation when he gets home from work. T - 3 days til the craft show and I'm going NUTS!!!!!!

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Welcome to my world. LOL I seem to have the same problem about 10 days before a craft show. Everything seems to go wrong, out of stock or just can't find. Whether it's wax, embeds, jars, or lids. This time it's wax. I've spent the last 2 days doing nothing because I'm waiting on wax, thankfully it's arriving today, and I can finish what I started on Friday but couldn't finish it because I ran out of wax. UGH! I hate when that happens. Not too mention the FO's I've been using are running low and I had to order more. It's very stressful from Sept. thru Dec. and I go through a lot of Aleve.

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Yes, it is always something!!! DH is a super awesome computer guru, so I'm sure he will get it fixed, if not, we'll go from there. I don't have any printed, because I just changed my labels, and I don't have any old ones left. Last night I printed some business cards, and some pictures for my sons school project, and then the computer started saying it was out of paper. There's plenty of paper in it, and it's not only my laptop saying it, but DH's desktop too. It's actually connected to DH's computer, and I just print through the homegroup wifi connection. The printer is super old, but it still prints well, and I get my ink cartridges from Amazon for $12, so I'm not ready for it to die on me!!! I'm just going to keep pouring, I feel much calmer now :)

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Guest OldGlory
huh? <<snickering>>

Just to be clear, I was snickering at the 'online short term personal loans' post - sheeesh, how do these folks find this message board?

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Only thing I can thing of to do while your guru isn't at home, is possibly get online and see what you can find out about your printer possibly doing this. If that doesn't help, it might not hurt to just call the manufacturer and ask their tech dept. It might cost but most times it doesn't. Hope you find out what it's problem is !

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