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Everything posted by JI

  1. I am planning on mixing a lemon with cs basil & herb. Cs basil & herb always smells more parsley, sage and less basil to me. I was thinking "Lemons & Herbs" or something but that is so generic. I'd appreciate any suggestions! I just thought of something incorporating "bouquet garni" but maybe that sounds too ostentatious and "foodie"?? Citrus Bouquet Garni? I believe BG is a mix of parsley and other herbs tied in a bunch for a stew or something.
  2. I had smelled it once before a long time ago. It reminded me if grass and green herbs. If I were going to recreate it, I would blend cs's "basil & herb" with "meadow" at a 50:50 ratio. I don't recall a significant floral component to this fragrance. The "meadow" is described as wildflowers in a meadow. However, to me it is 90% grass and 10% flower. I really have a hard time detecting the floral in it.
  3. Yes. At hobby lobby I took a whiff of some of their large jarred candles and they smelled fake and not that good. Metal wicks (which is fine; but when it comes to China, I get skeptical with the lead situation). Off centre. Doesn't smell as good as Yankee or Root etc. If anyone finds anything about why we still see Chinese candles at walmart, let us know. The chinese have gotten very smart about redesignating candles as "utlity" which are exempt. After this, China started dumping more candles into European market. Now UK etc. are doing their own anti-dumping legislation.
  4. Fascinating insight. Esp. the whole Chinese situation. I looked into this a little more. It seemed in early 2000 range, Chinese candles made from a blend of vegetable waxes were exempted from all the anti dumping fines. Then, in 2011, this came up: Department of Commerce's Anti-Dumping Ruling on Candles to Benefit Ohio Tuesday, August 09, 2011 Department of Commerce's Anti-Dumping Ruling on Candles to Benefit Ohio The U.S. Department of Commerce has recently issued a favorable ruling regarding the anti dumping duty order on petroleum wax candles from the People's Republic of China. The Department determined that all candles from China, except for birthday, utility, and figurine candles, are subject to the anti dumping duty. This ruling will benefit U.S. candle companies and it follows a bipartisan letter signed by Congressman LaTourette to the Secretary of Commerce in support of the U.S. candle industry. The ruling is also welcome news for Ohioans working in the candle industry because it promotes fair competition. So this is good news for all our candle people. But how come I still see large Chinese jarred candles at Walmart or Hobby Lobby selling for "pennies" so to speak?
  5. Cs meadow. Not much flower. More grass.
  6. I use 444 and cs christmas hearth. Have not observed more frosting on cs ch vs others. Heat to 185, add frag and pour 150-155. I never have had wet spots on candles recently - except a few months ago. I used to wash glassware in dishwasher but now just spritz windex For me it is just as good and windex gets them squeeky clean which helps with adhesion for me.
  7. I use 444. Love it. Also I do not dye. I add a little uv inhibitor.
  8. I use a 16 oz jar like the top photo and double wick. I have tried unsuccessfully tonsingle wick but I have never tried zinc. My customers seem to like the double wick.
  9. So what type of soaps are caswell massey?
  10. Hello Everyone, I know nothing about soap but am in candles. I have always loved Caswell-Massey soaps but my pocketbook doesn't feel the same. I have purchased cold press soaps from a couple of local soapers in my area. Dye free, fragranced with either fragrance and/or essential oils. Some have oatmeal for a little nice exfoliation and goatsmilk. They are undyed and brownish in colour. Good lather, moisturizing. They are soft and tend to "break down" a little even though I drain my soap dish and keep the soap elevated using the rim of the soap dish. I am on the quest to find a handmade soap that is similar to Caswell Massey. I don't need artificial dyes, but I would love to find a soap like this. Is this unrealistic? Is it not possible? CM soaps are just so fragrant and I love them. Maybe they're chock load of bad things and I just don't realize. This is why I am asking your soapers for your opinion.
  11. I do not sell online. I have a business fb page. I only do wholesale and farmers markets. Shipping is a pain and I got discouraged with selling online when I looked into etsy. So many people were giving free or low cost shipping and their product was still reasonably priced. I decided. Thst since I make big candles I did not want to have shipping kill my bottom line. My wholesale acct people use the business fb page to review fragrances etc.and order.
  12. I really love the display with everything vertical. Plus the baskets add a nice rustic charm. Congrats on a great show.
  13. I like the sound of those lx wicks. Chrisr what type of wax do you use them with?
  14. Well the room she wss burning in...was it a big great room with vaulted ceilings? This could affect throw.
  15. So annoying! I bet since she shows thar much carelessness, it wouldn't surprise me if they were wicked badly too....so scary.
  16. If i powerburn a candle for hrs on end without trimming sooting is an issue. I also noticed eco wicks sometimes soot more than others. Is it just me? On my single wicked candles if i burn correctly there is hardly any. But i always get more soot on my double wicked large ones. The jar style is also inverted slightly. I recently coughed up some $$ to try out yankee soy candles. They were large. There was sooting despite trimming etc.
  17. For you store owners...is it scary opening up a brick and mortar? I know it is a silly question. But how did you know you were ready to explore thst avenue? Also if I suddenly had to pay all that rent etc I know I would have to raise prices obviously. I have never priced retail space. Is it outrageous or not bad? David; are you in an indoor mall or strip mall?
  18. All waxes -.to an.extent.will.produce soy esp with long wicks. It is difficult to eliminate completely.
  19. I initially thought that cajun was much cheaper than candlescience. But I looked at the packaging sizes etc and found thst they were the same. Cs measures and sells 16 oz by weight. Cajun sold an 8 oz package by volume; in other words 1 cup. Maube they hage changed but I was a oittle surprised. I went with cs because they always throw in the free 1 oz fragrance sample. Not sure about other suppliers. Btw I use 1 tsp pp because of outdoor markets. Cs recommended 1/2 to 1 tsp pp so I erred on the side of caution. I calculated it based on grams how much 1 lb uvwould last. Cannot remember exact but it was going to go very far for me.
  20. I don't notice any appreciable difference...maybe a tad lighter. I wonder if some fragrances break down quicker than others?
  21. I have an old candle in a closed glass jar. 464, cs christmas hearth. It is 13 months old. I am burning it noe to check on scent throw. Will post results compared to last year.
  22. The coffee candle - was it a container candle in a glass jar with lid or was it a pillar type or in a container with the lid uncovered?
  23. Maybe the cure time has more to do with the lid issue. Obviously a freshly poured candle cools and then you pop a lid on it. If you open it up within say that day, not a lot of fragrance molecules have time to collect. Vs if you have a candle that has been sitting for days. Also maybeni cannot smell a candle in the beginning since i still have "fragrance nose" so to speak from that same fragrance. Maybe cure time does not really matter!?
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