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Everything posted by Bottlecrafters

  1. I just got Ocean as part of my 10 pack from Peaks. It is weak oob. Hope it is a better hot thrower...
  2. I picked up more Strawberry and Vanilla.
  3. I just did my first two test burns on Birds (got it as my freebie on my last order). Great HT in 464, and a great scent! I wicked a bit too high, and need to drop down a size.
  4. I use CDNs mostly (sometimes CD) with 464. I could not get a full MP with HTP (+3" containers)
  5. Candle making that is Been at this nearly 3 months. I just looked at my spreadsheet. I have tested 92 candle combinations, and only have 1 that performs well...UGH! The good thing is that I think I have found my baseline wick(s) and FO combo. Now I just need to find the FO's that perform well.
  6. This is what I have coming from Peak, but won't arrive till Monday #1 wild mountain honey #2 Downy Fresh #3 coconut lime verbana #4 Cool Citrus Basil #5 ocean #6 Botanical Orchard & Nectar #7 sweat pea #8 tall grass #9 white tea ginger #10 Pink Sugar
  7. Could you send this to me? I would like to take a look at it. Thanks
  8. I am testing a container that is 3 1/8" diameter, using 464 and 6.6% FO. I have tried numerous wicks (ECO, HTP, LX, CD, CDN, CSN, etc.). The attached picture (ignore the droppings, I was trimmed, dropped them, and was too lazy to fish them out) shows 2/3 complete with test burn using a CDN12. This is the only wick that comes close to what I want. All other wicks are either too hot, tunnel, or burn out. This wick always leaves about 1/8" hang on the sides, and never full melt pool (after ~3 hour burns). On the plus side; the hang burns down as the pool burns down. The HT is great, container is only luke warm, a bit of mushrooming. Not the "perfect" candle, but is this something that would be acceptible?
  9. I poured a bunch of testers this weekend. I was heating to 185 (GB464), pouring into pour pot from presto, then adding FO. Midway through, I stuck the thermo into the pour pot after the wax pour, and the temp was at 175 before adding FO. So it was dropping 10 degrees before adding FO. I know most say to add FO at 185...so what I did was add the FO to pour pot, then pour wax into pour pot. Are there issues with this? How do you do it?
  10. I am testing as follows: 3" container 464 wax Steps: 1.) 3 hour test burn, extinguish 2.) 3 hour test burn, extinguish 3.) 4-8 hour torture test burn, extinguish 4.) various burn sequences (1/2 hour, hour, 4 hour, etc) until candle is done. Does this seem logical/appropriate? What is your process?
  11. OK, now I am even more confused ...let me see if I can get my feeble math challenged brain around this. I have been adding 15 oz. (flakes) and 1 oz. of FO. You are stating that this equates to 18.6 Fluid oz. So am I really only adding 5.37% FO (1/18.6)? If I am trying to fill a 16oz. container, I take my old basic formula (15 oz + 1 oz=16 oz.)... So (15 x .86)=12.9. 12.9 x6%(FO)=.774 oz. This gives me 12.9 + .774=13.67 oz. I know I am making this more complicated than it is, but the coffee hasn't kicked in yet... I guess my questions is, what is a simple formula for filling containers by weight?
  12. Here are a few lists: http://www.craftster.org/blog/online-venues-for-selling-handmade-goods/ http://freecraftfair.com/craft-business-resources/sell-your-crafts/sell-your-crafts-online/ http://www.craftmarketingtutor.com/sell-your-crafts-list-of-online-selling-venues-2.html
  13. Interesting...So then my FO calculations are wrong it appears. I have been weighing 15 oz. wax. Melting then adding 1 oz. of fragrance oil for what I thought was 6.6% But if I do your method, I tare out the scale, add 15 oz. of water x .86 = 12.9 oz. So would I add 12.9 oz of wax and 1 oz of FO?
  14. Don't forget to account for the oz(s). of fragrance oil you will add
  15. Fill it with water, then dump it in a measuring cup.
  16. MF throws pretty well. Using CDN12. Container is 2 3/4" x 7"
  17. Here are some FO's that give me good HT using GB464 6.6% with CD or CDN wicks: Creme Brulee (CS) Twigs and Berries (CS) Love Spell (CS) Sex on the Beach (NG) Monkey Farts (NG) Just ordered a 10 samples from Peak. Looking forward to testing. What are your best?
  18. I am still testing 464. I use between 6-7%. Some FO are throwing well, others...not so well. Yes, I always weigh. You need to test and find out what works best for you.
  19. Thanks for the replies. I was doing some torture testing. Assuming customers don't trim, burning for long periods, etc. So I guess customer education, is the only way to eliminate this, or they live with it. Just worried about safety concerns.
  20. While testing my candles, when I first light the wicks, they "pop" several times. Is this a concern? How can I eliminate this? CD wicks, GB464
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