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Everything posted by KrazeKelly

  1. Here are the cut photos, except the cake. It's still pretty soft and so are these but I cut them anyway. I'm not sure I like this recipe, it looks like the base color is going yellow instead of white and they seem much softer than normal by this time. Not digging the sea mist but smells really good. Love Love Loving the Sweet orange and chile pepper! More orange and less red next time though. Midnight pomegranate is okay, the skewer really messed it up. Smell awesome though!
  2. Last night and today making a big ole mess! LOL! This is Midnight Pomegrante, did a spoon swirl then forgot and put my skewer all the way to the bottom and swirled instead of just the top. Maybe I'll remember next time. Can't wait to cut it! This is Sea Mist, did ITPS but remembered to only swirl the tops on this one. This one is Sweet Orange and Chile Pepper. Love how it smells and how it turned out. I did ITPS on this one also. The lighter color is orange, just hard to tell in the photo. This is my first attempt at a soap cake. I did Strawberries and Cream with Buttercream frosting. I read reviews of this scent and it's probably going to turn brown on me but I wanted to try it anyway. I used TD so hopefully it wont turn too dark. Who knows about the buttercream, it has vanilla in it so it will probably go dark also. I have got to get some vanilla stabilizer one of these days! I had some MP strawberries to put on top of it but I figured I better not push my luck just yet. Be back when I can cut them all!!
  3. I use csn14 in that size also. They burn perfectly every time and only leave a small shell when done.
  4. Those turned out great!! Love them!
  5. Awesomeness!! When I grow up I want to be just like you!! LOL!!
  6. Did 4 Lavender Sage Palm wax 4" pillars and 4 Large Lavender Sage glass glow container candles for a friend in California. Plus made some MP embeds for soap. My first adventure in MP soap and it was okay....I made some cute orange and pink butterflies. I also made my first bath bombs. The first ones turned out a grey concrete color using midnight blue mica but they work. The second batch color turned out a very pretty purple but they are rising out of the molds...haha!
  7. I heat to 208-210 and pour immediately after adding FO and dye, once blended well (Just a couple of minutes if that) Then I break out the entire top (or bottom if a pillar) at least twice as it is cooling and melt top with a heat gun if lumpy. You can see air bubble under the surface as it cools because it will be lighter in color. I just melt with a heat gun until the bubble comes to the surface and fills in with wax. I've never heard of flipping the jars, so can't help with that.
  8. Here is some coffee soap I made a couple of weeks ago. I used a higher OO % in it and it took several days before I could unmold it. I used coffee for my liquid and mixed in some grounds also. I sprinkled calendula on top but decided to texture it afterwards. Thankfully I remembered to turn it on it's side before I cut it and only have the calendula lines at the top. It smells awesome if you like coffee. I used Fresh Coffee from CS FO.
  9. I think they are jumping into something they do not have enough information about yet.
  10. Aztec just posted on FB that you can use oil based candle dye for soap making. Anyone ever done this? I have never heard of this before. Also, they are going to sell a soap blend of CO, OO & PO that you just stir and it turns to liquid. Then you just add your lye solution. Just curious what you guys think about that?
  11. Very pretty! I bet they smell awesome!
  12. Thanks everyone! If I can do it anyone can. The roses will need lots more practice...LOL! They are still cute though and look flowerish But look at the soap! I love the ITPS, how cute is that!
  13. I've never piped anything in my life but I've been wanting to try some piping on top of my cp soap. My mom-in-law gave me all of her piping tips yesterday (0ver 100 of them!!) from when she used to teach cake decorating and I bought some bags. I was very intimidated at first. The top of the soap worked great but I let the cp get to hard before I started the roses and leaves. My hand was shaking I was having to squeeze so hard!! LOL I finally gave up and mashed all that was left in a guest soap mold. But I ended up with a few that are pretty good. I did my first ITPS and used Sweet Pea FO. I didn't put FO in the roses since I'll be useing them on a different soap, probably for Mother's Day. I can't wait to cut the soap!! So here is what I ended up with.... I decided to make a flower out of my test run. These are the first leaves I've ever made! Pretty happy with them
  14. For Valentine's I changed to Monkey Love....LOL! the majority of the people that I know think it's very funny and buy it just because of it's name. I think she may be a little uptight myself.
  15. Very pretty! Thanks for posting, I love looking at soap photos!
  16. I asked, they didn't have a clue...lol! It was with the make up, eye shadow, etc and has a glue to use with it. They were .99 and buy 5 get 1 free so I picked some up. I thought I would check online for more information but no luck yet. Ok, update! I found an article online that says they are cosmetic grade. Yeah! Now I have soap glitter with no shipping charges!! Thanks!
  17. I know you are suppose to use cosmetic grade glitter so is the glitter you can buy at Sally's Beauty the same? I could not find where it said cosmetic grade on the bottles. Thanks Kelly
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