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Posts posted by lmc

  1. Today at work a Scentsy Rep had come and set up a table for residents and workers to shop (senior living)....stopped by for a few to check out their scents and the Rep commented that Scentsy wax is all natural and is in fact, the same wax thats used to coat apples at the supermarkets. I've never heard of this...have any of you?

  2. USA helps with the tops and texture of wax...I do not use any additives and Ive used up to 9% fo without any problems. CDNs tend to mushroom less with this wax...if you can purchase 76* Coconut Oil there, try adding 1tsp per 12oz wax or pp while melting C3. Coconut Oil seemed to help the C3 burn easier and may help the CDNs to work better for you.

  3. Thanks for help. So far I have tried a cdn14 and it seemed small, the jar is a squat jar (probably about 2 inches of wax) so am I right in thinking that I need to get a full melt pool first burn as the jar is squat? The next step was going to be a cd16?

    Some think that full melt pool should be reached on 2nd or 3rd burn....let it burn till the end, it may surprise you and catch up halfway through. How is the ht? If the flame is too small and ht is poor then try going up a size.

  4. There are some great threads on tempering....Tempering helps to greatly reduce frosting, gives wax a much smoother, creamier look, and for C3 it takes away the 'bubbles'. This is what I do....

    Heat wax to 185* (you can add up to 1 tbs USA-universal say additive-pp to further help) and hold at that temp for a few minutes stirring it on occassion

    Remove from heat and let cool to slushy stage (to save time, I do this at night and let wax harden, then finish next day when Im ready to pour)

    Then heat back up to 185*, add color, remove and add fo, stir 2 minutes then pour at temp you like.

    Stella has many threads on C3 and tempering and gives the scientific explanation on how and why tempering works so well. Do a search on tempering and you'll get some great info...hth

  5. Hi, I've been using C3 for several years and love it. Let me first say that what works for one won't necessarily work for another. I can offer some suggestions but it all comes down to testing and finding what works best for you.

    For me, I prefer CDNs and Premier wicks...ECOs work well too tho. I temper C3 but that's for looks and doesn't really play a part in ht. I heat the wax to 185*, add fo (8.5% works well for me and doesn't cause seepage issues), stir 2 minutes, cool to pour temp (125* works for me) and pour. For optimal throw, I let the candles cure for 2 weeks...one week is fine for testing purposes. For citrus fo's, I add at 175* to avoid a fuel smell.

    CandleScience has some great oils that work well with C3...Macintosh, Mistletoe, Lime Cooler, to name a few.

    Soy, including C3 tends to be pickier than paraffin when it comes to fo's...wicking, oils, cure time all play a big part in achieving a great ht. Keep good notes, let the candles cure, test a few different wicks, dont go overboard on fo (will lead to other issues like seepage and clogging the wick)...you'll get there! Have fun! HTH

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  6. I have been making candles for several years now and I make for myself and give some to my family....I have no plans to ever make a business out of it. However, I would like to give some to my friends on occassion as gifts. The question is IF heaven forbid, something were to happen (jar breaks, furniture gets scorched, whatever) am I held liable for damage?

    The whole state tax, filing tax, business license, liability ins. is what keeps me from selling to begin with, but I'm unsure of what my responsibilty is if something should happen from a candle (that Ive made) that's gifted compared to one sold. TIA

  7. If you need some tart molds try Candlesource.com....his shipping is very reasonable (click on shipping options, use small flat rate box). He also has some very good, affordable oils. Throw a few samples in with your tart molds : ) Some that throw great in soy and parasoy are...


    Caribbean Coconut

    Pink Sugar

    Butt Naked

    South Pacific Sea

    Spicy Apples & Peaches

    I know you dont care for bakery so these are some that you may like...hth

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