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Everything posted by TammyGCC

  1. The website domain is a great idea. It took me a long time to come up with my name. I am really happy with the name I chose. Good luck to you.
  2. Just a few days left. I have a whole lot of faith.
  3. I don't know how I am doing. I do have a whole lot of faith. I have been by their several times to add more of my business cards and to add some different candles.
  4. I am using candle wick's square braided wicks (Any of them) I am wondering if it is possible to over wax them. You wax them be for you use them. Let's just say you leave them in the wax a little to long because you get distracted by something happing. Is it possible to over saturate the wax on the wicks ?
  5. It has now been a week. I am still feeling good about this. I still have not got a whole lot of hits on my web site. I will be sure to let every one know how I do.
  6. I was there first thing this morning as soon as they opened up. I had a poster made for the occasion. I have a couple of my really tall layered pillars. Several of my jars. Blueberry, vanilla, Cinnamon, spiced apple, maple butter, and that is just naming a few I chose in the beginning. I plan on changing it up from time to time. I took a lot of my business cards also.
  7. In 2 days I will have a booth at the local bank to display my candles. I am wanting to be a success. I will have the whole month of November. I hope I have chosen the right scents and colors. Wish me luck.
  8. Never mind I guess I should read first be for I say any thing. You went with soycandlejack. Sorry.
  9. TammyGCC

    Wax melts

    I hope they do well also. I have tart molds but, have yet to sell them. I should.
  10. I haven't been tweeting that long. I use the name candle_tammy. I know it is plain, but you have to be creative. A whole lot of names are taken. I do use a candle picture I made as my avatar. You can always put your website in your profile. That is what I did.
  11. I use lonestar as my wax and some of my scents. I use the vegetable wax, the ecosoya pillar blend and the CB-135. I do get shrinking a lot in the pillar blend I have just come to think this is normal and expect it. I use lonestar cause the are close. I want to check out a heat gun I have used a blow dryer.
  12. I have just heated it up and wiped out with a paper towel for years never had a issue. I use 1 or 2 pounds of wax at a time. You do learn a lot of things on this forum.
  13. I will say I can never find any one to ask a question too at Hobby Lobby.
  14. I have a candle on Etsy. I am still getting my feet wet with them so I can not offer you any advice. I can tell you That I am currently using them. Sorry I can't help.
  15. The CB-135 say's on the box 100% soybean. I assumed that meant soy wax.
  16. I have had this happen. I am not sure what wax it happened with. I use vegetable wax and CB-135. I am pretty sure it was the vegetable wax that did this. I just thought it was something to accept with this wax.
  17. I will say again this is a great idea. Twisting the wick really works. I am just amazed on how close the burn git's to the side of the pillar. Sorry about my previous post. I didn't spell the word thank completely.
  18. Okay the Soy wax I use for all of my pillars and votive candles is Ecosoya. My container candles is CB-135 or vegetable wax. The containers I use the most of are mason jars. The half pint ones. The ones you use for canning. The wicks that I have found in bulk that work the best in that size jar is Candlewics WR2001. The good advice Stella1952 said is read read read. The scent sometimes makes the wicks not burn as good. So good luck to you and test test test and above all have fun.
  19. I will try your suggestions. I am really interested in figuring this out. Thank you so much.
  20. I use them. I have gotten some scents and wicks from them I also have purchased some of my dye blocks from them. I have not had a problem. Good to know their service is good with others also.
  21. I am just wanting some information on getting people to see my web site. I had a card up on a local bulletin board. It is no longer there. (The bulletin board) I was getting people looking at the site but not now. Well I am, just not the traffic I would like. Any body that can give me some advice would be very appreciative. I really want my business to be a success.
  22. I tried this on one of my larger pillars and it is working. I got kinda worried there for a while and it did turn. This was a great suggestion. I am very impressed. Than you again.
  23. I am happy too that you are excited about making candles. I am not sure about what type of wax your beginning with. The beauty of candle making is that if you get the wick size wrong then you can remelt the wax and do it over again. A lot of my layers for my container candles are from remelted wax. Well the left over wax from my creations. I hope you enjoy this craft as much as everyone here does. good luck to you and hope to see some of your creations soon. I am not sure how many times the scent will hold up while remelting.
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