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Posts posted by HorseScentS

  1. What on earth are you talking about? There is no argument here on soy vs paraffin. That's not what this thread is about. You seem to be imagining something.

    Okay, STOP being rude to emilyspoppy! That's enough already! I've seen you do it quite a few times, which makes me wonder if you're the "nasty" he had trouble with when he first started posting here. KNOCK IT OFF!!! :mad:

  2. Thanks for your answer, that's what I thought but wanted to make sure. The funny thing is my testers say they could care less about the wax, all they care about is the scent! That was the same with me before I started making candles, now every little detail is obsessed about! Welcome to the world of making candles!

    I think most customers want a good scent throw and a properly burning candle. I recently heard a new term when a shop owner described the parasoy candles as "soy-based."

  3. Hi Susan! I have both types with & without spigots. I'd like to be able to just pour wax into pour pot from spigot without having to weigh each time to get to the right weight I need. Here's an example: I need 40oz of wax, I tare PP, pour wax in from spigot, I think 40oz is in it, but when I weigh, it'll have 38oz. Pour more wax in & it goes to 42 oz. Pour that out & maybe 39oz this time, back & forth! By then wax is cooling & I'm getting irritated! I'd like to put a mark on the inner wall of pour pot so I can fill to that, then weigh, add FO & dye. Scratching a mark is not working, any ideas on how to leave a better mark?

    Did y'all get snow?

    Exactly! That's why I don't fill my pour pot with a spout, I have my pour pot sitting on my scale as I ladle wax into it so I can see exactly how many ounces or grams are going into the pot.

    ChefMom's marked stick idea sounds really good.

  4. Hey there Tracey!! I use a presto pot with spigot. No lines needed in pot. Here is what I do. Weigh your pour pot, make note of that. So, if I know that my batch needs 32 oz of wax and my pour pot weighs 8.6 oz then my pour pot (filled with wax) should weigh 40.6 oz. See what I mean? Works every time.

    Yes, that's what I do too. I weigh my pour pot, then I press Tare to zero it out, then I ladle the number of ounces of wax I need into my pour pot. I just can't figure out how you would do that by filling the pour pot with a spout.

  5. I always got mine from Heartfelt, who is now oob. I've seen them on Ebay.

    Well worth it. I honestly can't imagine having to spoon/ladle melted wax. Prestos with spigot are worth it at any price, imo. Drain melted wax from your Presto into a pour pot, and add fragrance to the pour pot. Same with dye if you dye your candles. I have never mixed fragrance or dye into the wax in the Presto.

    How can you tell how much wax is pouring from your spout into your pour pot? Do you have your Presto up high enough that you can set your pour pot on a scale under the spout and weight the wax as it pours into your pour pot? Or do you mark a line on the inside of your pour pot so you know how far to fill it?

  6. Horsescents, are you suggesting Peak's fragrance oils are not of premium quality?

    No, I'm just being honest about what happened to my FO's. I didn't think it was a big deal because I never expected FO's to last more than one year. Others might have a different experience with Peak's FO's, for whatever reason. My central air conditioning unit was stolen, so now I use a couple of window units, and I don't know if it was always cool enough in my kitchen area where I keep the FO's last summer, although I don't remember having a problem with heat. As far as the quality of the fragrance and the CT and HT, they were awesome, except for Mulberry, and I'll definitely reorder FO's from Peak's.

  7. That is a very interesting comment.

    I wonder if it is true or not.

    I always believed that the wider the mouth of the container, and a good melt pool was all you needed for good through.

    Yes, it's true. :grin2: I'm not saying you can't get a great HT from a straight-sided jar or tumbler, because you can; but when the jar has a curved shoulder on it, it does throw better due to the action of the air or "convection" currents in the top of the jar, or maybe also because the shoulder traps more heat and keeps the melt pool hotter.

  8. where is everyone that uses tcs wax? I really wanted to know about the ct after packaging it and a few weeks to a month later,how is the ct and is ht still great?Wells,thanks anyway.

    I don't know where the TCS tart wax users are at the moment, but I can tell you that one of the TCS tart wax users here sent me a box of her tarts, including some she'd had around for awhile because she had discontinued that scent but knew I'd like it, as well as some of her faves, and the CT was so strong I could smell those tarts through the box! When I opened the box the CT just about knocked me out! lol

  9. What's a Pente? Annapolis is so beautiful! Did they have the huge hanging flower pots all over the place when you were there? I'm from Md. too!

    This was in 1982, I think, and I think I remember hanging flower pots, but I'm not sure. It's a beautiful little town!

    The Pente Game is a board game: http://allaboutfunandgames.com/how-to-play-the-two-player-game-of-pente I haven't heard of anyone playing it in years, but at that time it was so popular they even had tournaments. lol

  10. Oh my goodness, you are too funny! I know now what I received was not right but I have a really hard time playing hard ball with companies/people when they are nice when confronted with complaints. I guess if I were out a ton of money I would push harder but i'm such a wimp. Now my husband on the other hand will spend an hour on the phone to get a $1.00 charge taken off a bill if he feels he was overcharged. He says it's the principle not the amount that matters...I know he's right but my spine is broken (hahaha). So most of the time he has to do my dirty work...I affectionately call him my pooper-scooper-upper. LOL

    LOL That's hilarious! Well, maybe your hubby can get your money back for you.

  11. That's my point!

    Fine for most soy users, but nothing for more "traditional" chandlers. (At least the last time I looked.)

    On my last online purchase from them I requested that they add paraffin waxes (IGI-4630) (IGI-6006) to their stock. They asked me if there was any wax(s) I was looking for, because they were planning on adding candle supplies.

    Fillmore's is the closest "supplier" to me. I wish they stocked my wax. I'd buy it from them.

    I've been there, before they ventured into candle supplies.

    They are very nice folks.

    I got a good deal on a van load of jelly jars and lids despite PA sales tax, if I recall right. It was some years ago. I don't have a PA tax license. My business is in Maryland.

    Once again; JMO


    Hi-Jack: Maryland?! My parents lived in Annapolis for a couple of years, and I was there for several months at age 22, and I worked near the waterfront at McGarvey's. :grin2: I entered a Pente contest at a local bar there named the "something" Buzzard, I think, and I won! So they sent me all-expenses paid to a Marriot hotel in Virginia Beach for the big competition and I took my grandma with me. I didn't win, but it was a fun adventure. I remember the spiders were GINORMOUS and they would completely web us into our house so we couldn't go out the doors until one of use mustered the courage to open a door and throw a broom through the center of the web, screaming the entire time. I sure do miss those crab cakes! You're so lucky you live near the Smithsonian! I could spend a year going through it. Okay, end of hi-jack. :laugh2:

  12. Wellington Fragrance has an awesome Mulberry.

    I've used it, successfully, in 4627, 4639, 4627, 4786, and Palm wax.

    I only use their Premium line, and I have yet to find a fragrance that doesn't throw well.

    Interesting! I rarely see that company mentioned here, maybe it's everybody's best-kept secret? lol I'll have to give their Mulberry a try. I really love Cajun's Mulberry Madness.

  13. It's easy to admire someone with so much talent!

    By the way; That second post of your's was dead on the money too!

    Gee! I wish I was as smart as you! NO FOOLIN'

    Just stating the facts, M'am; Just the facts!!!

    Dave, Your admiring colleaque !

    Aww shucks, Dave, you're much too kind! :embarasse I'm YOUR admirer :bow: Because you are the *super banana* We really appreciate your input here, I hope you never stop! :rockon:

  14. Thank you Horsescents for all the info. After reading your response I'd bet my bottom dollar that that's what happened. When I called them this afternoon they said that these were made overseas so that could account for the discrepancy but that was all they could think of. They were very nice about it but I'm still sooo disappointed. They said I could return them but by the time I pay for shipping it just wouldn't be worth it...oh we'll. I guess I will try to order just one at a time from a couple of other sources and see what I get. :)

    I think you're right about the best way to handle it. You might also give Libbey a heads up about what's going on because it sounds like their product may be being misrepresented, since the Jar Store may be using the Libbey name to sell knock-offs.

    If you want to pursue it, you can send Libbey one of those jars, and if Libbey says that's not their jar, then you can call the Jar Store, demand to speak to a manager, and tell them that if they don't refund your money, your next call will be to the Attorney General's office to report them for fraud, and I have no doubt you'll get a refund...been there, done that! just not with the Jar Store...yet. lol

  15. No, you can't remove the insert and set it on a scale to weigh your wax. I just heat up my Presto with a big cafeteria size metal spoon in it, drag my box of 4627 over next to the counter my Presto sits on, then use the heated spoon to scoop lumps of 4627 into my Presto until it's full, reheating the spoon as necessary. It's very easy. To weigh the wax, I set my pre-heated pour pot on the scale, press Tare, and then ladle the melted wax into the pour pot until it's the amount I want. Then I set my wax-filled pour pot back in my electric skillet to heat the wax back up to the temp I want it to be when I add the FO, and I add the dye while I'm waiting for the wax to heat up. Add FO, stir, then pour. When I'm done I turn off my Presto and put the lid on it so whatever wax remains will cool down and be stored right in the Presto pot. You can do that with most waxes, but I noticed the instructions on Victory Blend say you have to use the wax all up after you've heated it and not let it cool and reheat over and over.

  16. It sounds to me like you got counterfeit jars that aren't Libbey. Libbey jars don't have a seam. Or maybe they sent you the wrong jars by mistake? Do they carry that same style jar by more than one maker? Anchor Hocking has some knock offs of Libbey jars and they do have a seam, and some are a slightly different shape like the AH Studio jar vs. the Libbey Vibe jar: The AH Studio is a bit taller and thinner than the Libbey Vibe. You could call Libbey and asked them about it and send them one of your jars to look at. Also call and see if the jar store will admit they made a mistake by sending you the wrong jars.

  17. I don't add a pillar wax, 4633 is a container wax. It softens it up a bit, but not too much. I was just trying different blends and I liked it, so I kept it.

    Oh, okay, I must have had a senior moment, sorry about that! lol I've been doing so many typos lately! Do you think the HT is better with that blend?

  18. I've received the pellets both times I have ordered, and I mix mine 75/25 with 4633. Last night when we came in from church I put 1 oz Sugar Cookie (MW) in my Living Room burner and it is still going strong, at 5% FO. The testers have gone so well they are BEGGING for more, and the Blackberry I ordered from Daystar is going over sooooo well too!! I quit using my Illumination warmer, that puppy just burnt the wax!! I have a combo/plate style warmer in my bath that I still use, I'm getting decent throw with the scents I've tried in it so far, super strong and lasting about 12 hours before burning out. And with my small plug in warmer I'm getting 2 days or more. I've tested out 14 scents so far, and all have been spectacular!!

    Since it's a tart wax that should already be the right consistency for clamshells, why do you need to add 4625 pillar wax to it?

  19. I always leave the lid on my presto pot and don't see how bursting into flames can happen if you have the temperature control on 200 or lower.

    I don't know, I've just read comments on here that the Prestos can suddenly heat up much hotter than the temperature you set it on, and also that if you leave the lid on the heat builds to a higher temp. But if you're saying that the temperature should automatically adjust downward if it senses the temperature rising, I guess it should be safe to leave the lid on.

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