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Posts posted by Wessex

  1. Thanks for the reviews. Wish you would have posted a few hours earlier, I just put in an order at CS this afternoon, LOL. Got the Gingerbread, but was waiting on the Peanut Butter cookie. Now I wish I would have ordered it, too. Of course already have loads of the Vanilla Hazelnut, love it!

    Thanks again for the reviews.



    BTW, thinking of adding some vanilla to the Cin Buns (can't remember is they are CS or NG). FO is too much Cinnamon and not enough Buns for me, LOL. What are your thoughts on that?

  2. I am also trying to settle on the CSN wicks, mostly with good results in GG. But some FO's just don't want to work well with the CSN's. One FO is killing me, LOL. No matter what size I tried in CSN, they always mushroomed, but only on certain jars :angry2:. So with this FO and a couple other ones I am currently settling on CD, LX and RRD wicks. Don't want to use all these different types, but want the burn as perfect as possible. Oh, and with the 8 oz. jelly's, depending on the FO, I am using the CSN 7, 9, and 11! Go figure.

    Testing, testing, testing....



  3. With my GG palm tealights I use the TL21 from CS. Was happy with the ECO tealight wicks from LS (believe they are ECO 0.5's), but they tended to be a little small for most FO's. I only make tealights with extra wax when I am doing pours. Always keep a few tealight cups and TL21's on the pour table ( kitchen counter, lol) for when I miscalculate wax amounts and have a bit left in my pot.



  4. I wanted to check out the Status jars at DT, so I picked up a few of these as well. Very cool swirling in them. I picked up a clear, cobalt and teal one. Pretty cool, but I'm not sure I want to use them as containers. Made in China, and the swirled ones I picked up look like they may not take the heat too well. But hey, as long as they are for me only...what the heck, LOL!

    BTW, the status jars at my DT are in fact the Libbey made ones. Label had "478" on it, which is the Libbey stock number, and they match up exactly. Buck a piece and no shipping! Score! Wish they had lids...



  5. Hi and Welcome,

    If you are looking to get them shipped, it depends mainly on where you live. I can get cheaper prices on jars by buying more expensive items at closer suppliers and saving on shipping. You may want to try this one to begin with, but there are many suppliers, so knowing where you are located would help.




  6. I wasn't comparing it to Peaks Amish Harvest. I said it was similar to Peaks Cornucopia. Big difference. AH is super spicey with an almost burn't note in it. I frankly didn't care for it. But Cornucopia is a lovely fall harvest scent with pumpkin, apples, nuts, and a touch of caramel. Its yummy. But so much better than Slatkins Leaves.


    Thanks for the description of Amish Harvest. The "burnt" was what I was noticing but could not think of a word for (silly me). I was also thinking I was the only one who did not like it! Was hoping once I put it in wax it would be better than OOB, but was not so. I do like the Cornucopia, though.



  7. Just remember Karma is a bitch :smiley2:. If he doesn't do his own testing, he will probably not have the knowledge or experience to last very long. It is alot tougher to succeed if you do not have the basic understandings of how your products work and how different factors interact. Unfortunately, large corporations reverse engineer products all the time. Small manufactoring businesses need more experience with their products to succeed (in my opinion). Bet he is not in business for long.



  8. OK you bunch of enablers :cheesy2:

    Now I want to order some of the ICS scents. Just when I was happy with my CS and NG choices!

    I've got to stop reading the FO threads...



    BTW - CS Cin buns is good and strong, and I love the HT with the CS Hansel & Gretel in my feather palm votives.

  9. I would agree that you need to try another wick. I had a similiar issue a while ago when testing small whisper jars. I was using every wick I had (just to see what happened across the board), and the zinc cores were doing almost the same thing as your problem. Just way too hot. I knew they would be, but wanted to test and make sure.



  10. I think the problem may be in my nose, LOL. Some of the FO's I can smell really well, but some I don't seem to smell at all. I took a couple to SIL and Mom last night, and they called later to say they had a good smell in a large kitchen. So maybe I am just too tough on some of the FO's. I am mainly using FO's from CS and NG, with a couple from MW and Peak.

    As far as wicking goes, I have been trying to limit my wick supplies, so hoping to stay with CSN's for the most part. I am finding that these work well in most applications, but am not completely happy with the wick. Seems that alot of times they are not self trimming like they should. Oh, well, testing, testing, testing we will go!

    Oh, I am also finding that many FO's that I would think need to be wicked up, in fact, need to be wicked down! And some of the lighter FO's that I would think need to be wicked down, in fact need to be wicked up!

    Well, its off to pour more testers.



  11. Testing my GG in the 9 oz hex jars I am getting anywhere from 34 to 38 hours using the CSN 11 wick (depending on FO and other factors). There are no hangups, no sooting, good clean burn. I am actually getting more time out of the 8 oz jelly jars! I have been doing 4 hour burns (except when I forget to check the start time and accidently let one go for 6 hours, LOL).

    Using the CSN 9 wick has been increasing time by a few hours, but with most FO's it is too small and leaves mega hangups or very small (drowning) flame. I am happy enough with the short burn time as long as the HT is good.



  12. Howdy All,

    I am looking for FO's with great hot throw in GG and Feather Palm wax. I have found several great FO's, but have been disappointed with alot more. I have found many food types that are good, but no real fantastic florals or botanicals. If anyone knows of any that work, please let me know. Actually, any types, as I'm always interested in new stuff. I am looking to put in an order from NG soon, and am driving near CS in the near future (again, LOL), so any FO's from these would be great.

    Thanks in advance for your help. I know it has been discussed before, I have searched the posts and have gleaned some good info. Just looking to pick your brains a bit more. A bit disappointed in many FO's I had hopes for. I think most people have been there :(.



  13. You might want to pick up some CSN 11's and 12's. In my 8 oz jelly jars I have found that many FO's do great with the 11's, one needed a 12 and a couple seemed to do ok with a 9. Also with the 9oz hex (sold as different sizes, but holds 7.4 oz) and the 9oz 12-sided (or classic, again sold as different sizes but hold 7.4 ozs.), the CSN 11 seem to do well, with the 12 almost the same.

    Again, just my experience, and keep in mind that I have been concentrating on the CSN's for the most part. Oh, and if you are going to do pillars, I have found CSN 11 and 12's are pretty good in feather palm (but there are several posts about that on the boards, thanks to Top.).



  14. I've been testing GG in containers constantly for over a month now and have discovered that the RRD's do seem to burn hot for the most part. I have settled on mainly CSN's for most of my containers, but even with correct sizing they seem to mushroom a bit on first burns. I have a feeling when I cut the wick to length it is fraying a bit and causing the mushrooming (just a guess at the moment). During subsequent burns the mushrooms do not come back (after trimming).

    As far as the votive jars are concerned, I would go with a CSN 5 or 7 depending on your FO. In my 4 oz hex (close to the same inside diameter as the votive), I have been finding that the CSN 7 and occasionally 5 are doing the best with full meltpools and HT.

    I have also found the CD 5 (and occasionally 6) work fairly well in the small (101) whisper jars with certain FO's, but again the CSN 5 and 7 work a tad bit better. But so far I have not been 100% happy with many of the tests.

    As far as the apoth. jar, I think it will be tough to find a single wick that will work 100%. I have not found anything that will correctly work in anything with a shoulder over 3 inches in diameter without leaving hangups. But I have only been testing in 12 oz beanpots and 12 oz whispers, not the apoth.

    Of course I am just getting started, but have used about 60 pounds of GG wax so far. Got lots of results, but these are just off the top of my head.




  15. I guess I am a bit jaded when it comes to this sort of thing, but sounds like someone looking for freebies. If you want to go forward with it, I would email back saying that they are welcome to purchase products at retail. Then if they decide to carry your product, you would apply the original purchase as a credit towards their wholesale purchase (minus shipping of course). You work hard to make your products and should not be cheated out of them! But sounds like a "freebie chaser" to me. Just my two cents.



  16. Yea, I saw these today on their website. Wish I had seen it a few days ago, just picked up an order Wednesday! Figured I had to go down to Ft. Bragg and guess what was on the way? Yep, CandleScience! So of course ordered way more than I needed to save on shipping costs! (Did save almost 100 bucks on shipping!)

    Of course now I am tempted to order a few of the new FO's. Sneaky SOB's :cheesy2:.



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