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Posts posted by Wessex

  1. So it passed their tests. Good for them. It does not come close to passing mine. Burns slightly different, takes color different, and is no way acceptable to me as Glass Glow Palm wax. I am getting the feeling they are not prepared to make this right. I have been nothing but happy with all aspects of CS. I hope this does not signal a beginning of the mighty dollar trumping their customer service! Hopefully they will figure out some way to do the right thing here. I have not asked them for anything, other to aknowledge that this is not GG Palm. So far they have not stepped up.



  2. Who carries the best peach scent, must work in soy too!! I want it strong and kickin' !!


    Iwas looking for a good peach a while ago. Here is the thread.


    I went with the peach from CS. Scent was pure peach, which is what I wanted. I thought the HT was a little weak, but my Mom said the 8 oz jelly easily scented her kitchen, bathroom, and into the living room (all large rooms).



  3. Soot is the byproduct of an incomplete burn (wax being consumed). If your candle is wicked perfectly, you will get no soot. Of course everytime the flame is disturbed (walk by it, AC kicks on, etc.), it will throw some soot. So to answer your question, a properly wicked candle should produce no or very little soot. But there is no such thing as a perfect burn, LOL. Some times you may notice sooting on the container top at the end of a burn. This is because at the end of a burn (especially in a deep container) the flame will struggle to get enough air and "dance" and flicker. This means the wax is no longer completely being consumed.

    Pardon the rambling answer, LOL.



  4. I do not repour GG (of course with feather and starburst you have to). I have done a few experiments where I hit the top of the container with a heatgun when it starts to set up and you can see the voids forming. I melted the entire top to let the air out and then let it set up. It took care of the voids. But I have really found no benefit to it. The voids do not really affect the overall burn. And it does not affect the appearance of the candle one way or the other (in my opinion).

    Of course I am learning new things as I go!



  5. Now the question is when are they gonna raise prices? Hate to wait to long, but also don't want to order before I am ready. Oh, and was just on their site and saw they now have a Sugar Cookie Brulee!!! OMG, how many different super sweet FO's do we need, LOL. Of course I am going to have to try it :).



  6. I notice that with a lot of things, we have a small farm and I sell my eggs. I've had several people tell me that no way would they buy eggs that came out of a nasty chicken, they only buy theirs from a store.:shocked2: Funny because no way would I buy mine from a store, I know my chicken coop is clean and I know what mine are fed:cheesy2:

    OMG, your eggs come from a chicken! I prefer the magic ones that appear in the cartons. I've only found these at stores. :rolleyes2



  7. I use CSN wicks with my GG palm, was not happy with the way the CD's burned. So can't really address the wick up part of your question. But I have found that certain containers near the 3 inch diameter do tend to tunnel to some extent with the CSN wicks. But as long as the wick is sized properly, I find the tunneling catches up and gives a good burn. Let it burn to the end and see what happens. If it doesn't catch up, then you will have to wick up (or down sometimes). Also, some FO's in GG just will not give a good burn with larger diameter containers (single wicked).



  8. Howdy All,

    I have to order one small item from BCS and figured I should add some FO's to the order to maximize my shipping dollar (and I am a FOHO :)). Looking for a few scents that work well in palm (and by extension soy). How is the Sissie's Sugar Cookie? Any others worth trying? Thanks for your time.



  9. Welcome to you both! Now lock up your credit cards and block all candle and bath/body supply sites from your computer :). Ok, don't blame me when you become hopelessly addicted, LOL. Again, welcome to the forum. Lots of good info here, the search feature will give lots of good stuff. And if you can't find it, there are lots of people here willing to help.



  10. You gotta love good customer service. I have found that almost all of the suppliers I have used for candle supplies have been friendly and helpful. I have not used JBN yet, but was thinking about a couple of FO's they carry and now I think I will pull the trigger.



  11. I found a small bag of Crystal Palm wax I had from many moons ago from C&S and made a pour. Same stuff! Looks like somebody, somewhere screwed up. Still have not heard from CS about the issue, which is unusual. I am PO'ed because getting the wax from CS is so much cheaper (and faster - 1 day shipping if I did not pick up) than where I used to get it. Oh, and after many months (and many cases) of testing, I was geared up to do some major pouring this weekend. Now what am I supposed to do? Actually go outside and enjoy the sunshine that finally showed up after 10 inches of rain :yay:. Oh, well, it will work out. Anyone want to buy about 45 pounds of CRYSTAL Palm wax, LOL.



  12. I have one FO that I went from 6% down to 3% and had no effect on burn rate that I could tell. Of course it was one of the "middle of the road" Fo's I use. Meaning it did not need any large wick up or wick down over my basic starting point. I think the best thing to do is make one or two test containers (I assume it is a container candle) on sizes that you know work well.



  13. This is under the description for the GG palm. Don't know if it is a new addition or not, don't remember seeing it before. But it may have been there before.

    This wax is 100% natural, and therefore may produce some slight variations in appearance. While we quality test every batch produced, you may experience textures slightly different than what is shown in our picture.

    Not getting a warm, fuzzy feeling. Still have not heard from them about my concern.



  14. I did talk to the people at CS. As always, they were nice and helpful, but did not really have an answer. They are supposed to email me if they come up with anything. They said they tested it and it performed like it was supposed to do. I have a few candles poured with recipes I know work well, just waiting a day or two to burn them. Will let you know if things are different.

    Here is something else interesting about the new batch. I poured some candles last night, and just for giggles decided to not cover them as they cooled ( I usually cover). They actually turned out better! The crystalization showed more clearly and they actually looked pretty good (but still different than previous batches). Hopefully things will be just fine and I am freaking out for nothing.



  15. This is from CS, they just got it in about a week ago. I actually poured it at 3 different temps and had the same outcome each time. I have found that GG is not as touchy as some people think when it comes to pouring temps. I've poured from 205 down to 175 and pattern comes out the same. Cooling is where there is a difference.



  16. OK, think I have the nightmare scenario. Just got a new case of GG Palm from the usual supplier. Poured last night and the wax is different :(. Tried several different pours with tested recipes, at different pour temps, just in case. But wax is not the same. Supplier is same, all info on case is same from manufacturer, but is a new batch. Called the supplier and they said they have had no complaints and the wax is in tolerances.

    So instead of showing a nice crystal pattern, the new stuff is much more opaque with very small crystalline structure. You can kinda see the large crystal formation, but is obscured by the small crystalline structures. (kinda like it was poured into a cold container, if you know what I mean) I also noticed that it set up alot slower as it cooled. It remained liquid much longer than the previous batches. Kinda reminds me of the "crystal" palm wax that some other manufacturers sell.

    So I am thinking that the past months of testing are not worth a damn now. I hate to have to test everything all over again. If it comes down to that, I quit :mad:! Anybody ever had this problem? Am I totally screwed, or what? Rant, rant, rant.


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