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Everything posted by megandgarr

  1. So for those of you that do make the ornies out of the aroma beads, do you use the recommended ratio per the BCN website (4 TBSP beads to 1 TBSP oil)? I followed the directions, made one this morning and it is already losing the scent. I used a pretty strong scent that throws great in tarts so I am not sure if I just didnt use enough oil, or if the 115+ temperatures here in Hellizona killed it already. I put it in my car this morning. I can smell it but just barely, and there is no way it will come anywhere close to lasting 2 months. It would be lucky to last 2 days. Should I load up more oil or is there a maximum amount that these beads will absorb?
  2. I want to get some Harvest (yank**) type oil and would like to get it from one of the suppliers I typically order from. Has anyone tried any of the following and if so, which would you recommend? I will be using it in all paraffin for tarts. Thanks, NG - Harvest Type Cierras - Harvest Spice Just Scent - Harvest Type BCS - Harvest Type
  3. Debbie, I am with you. I do not sell and this is just one big crazy expensive awesome hobby for me and it sure seems to bring out an OCD tendency that I didnt realize I had. Holy Canoli!!! I also placed an order (set to arrive tomorrow, happy dance....) for a pound of pumpkin spice (tried it and love it), plus a pound of maple sugar & butterscotch bread pudding, which I havent sampled either of. I really hope they will be good. If not, I can add them to the over 300 oils that I have accumulated (thank God they are mostly 1 oz bottles). Dessa,
  4. Hi there, that was me that suggested HH from NG as a dup. I do agree that they are not exact but the closest I have come so far. I would never have guessed it from the description alone.
  5. I agree that they smell identical to the Alabster oils (oob at least). I have the mulled cider & banana nut bread. OOB they smell very strong.
  6. proudmarinemom... thanks for that bit of info. I will take a look at the summary/reviews!
  7. I am putting another list together for some more oils. I am definitely going to get a lb of the Pumpkin Spice as well as the Butterscotch Bread Pudding (based on the review of others). This is becoming a long thread so I am hoping someone might chime in and spare me from having to read through all 17 pages. Has anyone tested with the maple syrup? I believe someone said it smelled like french toast. Was that an oob review only, or has it been tried in wax, and is it strong? Also, I noticed a creamy caramel on his website. Has anyone tried that one, or is that one of the new ones that he added today? thanks, Dessa
  8. I agree with Iwantitgreen. Cierra's Harvest Pumpkin is the closest I have found to Yankee's Spiced Pumpkin. I just wish it was a tad bit stronger. I like BCS/BCN's pumpkin pie for a straight pumpkin pie scent with spice (less on the sweet side).
  9. Can car freshners be made out of the little wood cutout pieces that craft stores carry, or maybe out of little foam shapes? I thought I had seen a post about using the wood cutouts and just adding a couple of layers of FO on both sides and letting it soak in. I did that and couldnt really smell anything. Do they need to cure in a polypro bag or anything like that? Just curious since I wanted to make a couple for myself without ordering supplies and just picking up something from a local craft store and playing around with it. Any suggestions would be great. These would only be for me, so the appearance is not that important. Thanks! Dessa,
  10. If anyone knows of a dup for her country gift shop or hot maple toddy please let me know. Thx.
  11. To my nose hillbilly homebrew from NG is a dup for slatkins Leaves. I make tarts out of it and love it.
  12. I love slatkins leaves and to my nose it smlls just like hillbilly homebrew from NG.
  13. Janetscandles... I would love to hear how your pumpkin souffle/caramel/vanilla turns out. The pumpkin pie filling/caramel blend that I tried didnt come out great. The caramel overpowered the pumpkin scent (I used a 50/50 blend)l. It isnt a bad scent by any stretch but I do not detect the pumpkin much at all. I think that the pumpkin souffle/caramel might work out nice. Maybe I will give that a try this weekend. hmmm.... back to the chemistry lab!
  14. Since the search feature isnt very useful these days and they do not list scent descriptions, can I please get input on must haves? I am looking primarily for fall/winter scents & bakery scents. I already use their Orange Danish which I love. Any others? Thanks! Dessa
  15. Brandi, I just made a small batch of pumpkin caramel. They are in the freezer now so we will see in a few days how they do. I ended up using 50/50 Heartfelt's Sweet Pumpkin and Ooey Gooey Caramel from Candle Cocoon. I will report back once they cure. The butterscotch ripple sounds yummy too.
  16. Just got my oils today. I think the customer service was great and very personalized. So far the oils smell great. I dont mind the black marker on the side of the bottles since these are only 1oz samples. Here are my oob reviews: Blue Mountain Coffee - smells like a nice coffee but more of a lighter scent Pumpkin pie - again a very light scent Autumn Apples - this is a nice strong apple scent. It is supposed to be a BBW type but I can not remember what the BBW version smells like to compare. Next time I am near a BBW I will step in a sniff their candle for comparison. But it does smell good. Creamy Nutmeg - I do not detect nutmeg. It smells very similar to a pumpkin spice. At first I thought it might have been their pumpkin spice just mis-labeled however the pumpkin spice is a dark oil so it is definitely not the same. Pumpkin Spice - This does smell nice & strong but very similar to other pumpkin spices, heavier on the spice Mocha hazelnut coffee - smells nice but not a strong scent. Maybe it will be stronger in wax. Maple hazelnut crunch - I like this one. I smell more of the maple than hazelnut, but it smells good Cinnamon pumpkin bread - I detect more of the pumpkin & cinnamon but not much of the bakery notes. I also received an email from Luis letting me know that the cinnamon & clove was being reformulated due to feedback so that wasnt included in the shipment. I am going to check the site on Monday when he lists some new oils and pick a replacement for that one. Hopefully these will be great in the wax. I think I will be trying the maple hazelnut crunch, cinnamon pumpkin bread & autumn apple first. Those are my favorites so far. I will report back!
  17. I really like their Ooey Gooey Caramel. I use that in my caramel apple crunch and it is very nice.
  18. Fall is my favorite time of year as well. Just last night I was thinking about a pumpkin & caramel. I think that sounds really good. I have ooey gooey caramel from candle Cocoon, so that will be the caramel, but which pumpkin.... hmm, decisions decisions. I only have about 50 to choose from. LOL. I might try it with a straight up pumpkin pie filling scent from ICS and see how that goes.
  19. I love the CMS Orange Danish (or maybe it is called Hot Orange Danish) but orange danish nonetheless. Yum!
  20. Carole, a gal after my own heart. I love love love, did I say love pumpkin pie scents. I made 3 pumpkin blends recently and I am very happy with all of them (at least for the first few hours until they poop out on me), but that is another thread, LOL...
  21. I know it is a bit early still, but when does everyone typically begin working with the fall/holiday scents? Those are my favorite type of scents, so I am only asking out of curiousity because I love reading the threads about these scents and running out to order more FO's... Also because I live in AZ where it is so bleeping hot right now, if my house smell like Fall/Winter, I can just close my eyes and pretend everything isnt melting outside.
  22. Hi Ravens, What temp do you heat your wax to typically when adding FO? I would love to use the wax you do, but the shipping is just too high. Since I do not sell or make any profit, the expense of the shipping isnt justified for my very expensive hobby. I guess I will just need to do a test and use the same wax blend, the same percentage of FO and just try several batches at various temps when adding the FO to see which temp this wax blend is best at. The funny thing is that several people on another board that use 4794 (some as a blend) recommend heating to at least 195-200 and then adding FO, so I am inclined to lean on the higher side, but then at the same time I am afraid that going that high will burn off the FO.
  23. I know the feeling. I got out of the movie theatre a while ago (San Tan Harkins), got into my car and got an instant headache from the pressure and the heat, ugh. We had to replace the fan motor on one of our AC units (we have 2) a couple of weeks ago. And of course ours broke down on a friday afternoon AFTER the home warranty company closed for the day. Why does that stuff always happen over the weekend when you cant get anyone out to fix it?! Just Murphy messing with us I guess.
  24. I am in Gilbert... It is HOT today. I just walked some tarts across the street to a neighbor and practically handed her tart soup... LOL..
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