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Everything posted by lkhwb

  1. Those look very nice, indeed. Lisa
  2. I do have my phone number on my website but I rarely get calls. Its almost always email. The last one I had though was a bit odd. I wasn't there so they left a message and a number, when I rang back it was an automated system dial this for that or that for this etc, and I couldn't get through to the person who had left the message. Not sure if they gave me the wrong number or what happened there. Very odd. Lisa
  3. I would so buy that!! Its gorgeous. Lisa
  4. I never had any luck with regular bath bombs, I couldn't imagine doing something this pretty. They look fabulous. Are they time consuming to make? Lisa
  5. That looks perfect, would love to see cut photos Lisa
  6. I have the one from soap wizards too. As long as I make sure to line up my soap on the leading edge properly, I'll get straight soap. But yes, you can end up with crooked soap from it!! The cutting slots are three or so mm's wide so you can slightly angle the cut if not careful and then if you don't line it up properly that will just reinforce the crookedness and it gets worse from there on out. So I spend a bit of time always making sure I'm lined up. It gives me reasonably straight cuts so I'm happy enough. The dollars to import a tank to Australia are too prohibitive for my level of soaping at the moment. Lisa
  7. Its good to keep your first recipe simple. You get to have a good appreciation of the oils and how they perform. I would though, probably go with: Lard 40% Olive Oil 35% Coconut 20% Castor 5% Too much castor makes for a really sticky soap and a softer one. It doesn't harden the way olive oil does. I too wouldn't use canola but I get DOS from it so just avoid it in general. Lard makes a lovely addition to soap as does olive, these will be nice and conditioning, the castor and coconut will make great bubbles, the lard and coconut will help in making a long lasting bar. I actually don't use soapcalc to check numbers etc. I got to know my oils/fats and what they brought to a soap and run on instinct pretty much You don't have to have a good set of numbers to get a great soap. Good luck! Lisa
  8. I think if you follow this type of routine that you'll have no problems Respecting the ingredients we work with is very important. Protecting our loved ones (furred and human) even more so!! Good luck with the soaping! Lisa
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