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Posts posted by lauramw71

  1. I have both... Well, I have the cyclo, and make my own spray base. I think the cyclo has more staying power. I've seen recipes for it to be used in lotsa things.. linen sprays, body sprays, perfumes etc. it's just TOO expensive for me to use it for sprays. I use the cyclo for a more concentrated perfume base. The body spray I make is with distilled, preserved water, a modifier, glycerine and FO. It doesn't have the staying power as a perfume does, but than again, it's a body spray, not a perfume. I've thought about trying a premade base, but haven't really found one I want to try out yet.

    Does that maybe help a little? lol

  2. So I found some Solar Salt in a blue bag at the grocery store. it was $4 for 40lbs!! woo hoo!!! My dendriatic salt won't be here till probably late next week, but I am so excited to try these out that I'm going to make some without it. I know that the scent will last longer with it... but this will work for now! HAHA I make aroma beads, but the scent doesn't last very long so I'm hoping this will work better! :)

  3. I don't think you want the pellets. I've read that they won't work. You want the actual rock salt crystals. Our lil gas station here only had the pellets. I might try Ace Hardware since there's no Lowe's or Menards by me. Might have to wait until i'm in town to stop there. :( Not easy to get that kind of stuff when you live in a small town.

  4. I've been looking into making these and have spent the better part of today googling. I read that you want the big solar salt rocks (NOT the pellets). They get prettier if you wash them, put them on a towel, and let dry. Than mix (I know I'm going to spell this wrong) dendritic salt with your FO. After that is mixed up well, mix it into the salt. Lay on foil or parchment paper and let dry. From what I've read, it doesn't take much FO at all to scent these. They last like 6 weeks or so, and then you can sell a refresher oil to rescent them. I just ordered some dendritic salt so I'll be trying this when it comes. Can't wait to try it out! I think they could be more popular since Glade now has them...

  5. I make my own body spray with preserved distilled water, poly-20, glycerin and FO. I make it at 2% FO..

    Cyclo is just too spendy for me to use it as a body spray, so I use that for a perfume with about 20% FO load (if it's skin safe at that amount). How does the alcohol work for you? I was thinking of getting some of that to play around a bit...

  6. I absolutely love this base! I prefer a lotion that doesn't make me feel like I need to put more on right after just putting some on. Does that make sense? I also have wsp's gmh lotion, but it feels drying to me. Others just LOVE it, but I personally don't like it. I've never had a problem with an odor from the hemp lotion. It's just FAB!!

    :) Laura

  7. Aqua Spa doesn't seem beachy to me either. It's more of a masculine soap scent. I love, love LOVE white tea and ginger from wsp. I can't live without that one! I have Sandcastles from NG, and the description screams beachy but there is nothing beachy about it. It's got like a cinnamon scent. It does make a good air freshner tho. I made it in a dpg/fo mix for my potpourri burner thingie.

  8. Ugh, I have WAY too many 1oz bottles. I don't sell, just make lotions and the such so these lil bottles really last me a long time. If I get one that I don't like OOB, than my fiance gets incense out of it. LOL He is so NOT picky on the scents for his incense. Everytime I get a shipment, he reminds me that anything I don't like he would like incense out of it. I'm really not thinking he would appreciate a bunch of honeysuckle or gardenia incense sticks. HAHA

  9. I've never had a problem with receiving my orders from them. My problem is the poor quality of their oils. Some are great and others are just plain awful. I'd rather spend the extra $$ for a good quality fo. I've read bad posts about this company on many forums. Hope you get everything straightened out!

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