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Posts posted by lauramw71

  1. Scent works has a dupe for Pure Grace! They call it Pureed Grapes. Never would have made the connection but it is a great dupe! I sell a lot of it


    They're sooo spendy, but if that's the best place to get it, I might have to break down and order it. I think Daystar sells a dupe of it too, but haven't heard too much about it.

    Thanks Suzie!!

  2. oh my goodness really? I ADORE Pure Grace and Amazing Grace. I wish I could find a dupe of the Pure Grace... I think the scent works has it but wow it's pricey.. SOS has it too but i'm kind of leary of them. I have the Amazing Grace and I horde it for myself. LOL My fiance hates that smell too so I can't wear it around him. I guess I need to find a new "signature scent" that he can like haha

  3. Has anyone tried this? If so, how do you like it? I have the GMH lotion from there and everyone loves it. I also use the Hemp lotion from Aquatech, but sadly, with the price increase am going to have to d/c it. It'll be about $43 for a gallon and that's just too pricey for me. I'm trying to find a suitable replacement for it. The GMH is my thicker lotion, so now I need a thinner one; non greasy of course.

    Anyone think this will fit the bill? I ADORE the hemp lotion, but just can't bring myself to spending that much money on a gallon of it. :(

    Thanks much!


  4. wow! I would seriously call the store owner and say something to her about this. That was VERY unprofessional for her to make a comment that rude in front of customers. She is an employee of that store, and represents everything that store stands for. I also agree that she has some vested interest in scentsy. I've heard the Scentsy nazi's can be quite... vocal.

    Obviously your tarts are great, or the store owner would not choose to carry them.

    Man some people have NO brains!!!

  5. Oh I have heard those kinds are easier to squeeze laura... thanks!

    I wish I could easily order like, 1 of each kind to try... lol Ah well!

    Any more recommendations?

    Have you ever seen any of the Philosophy bottles? I bought 2 4 ounce bottles of Amazing Grace, and they use the same bottle. Maybe that will give you a better visual of it?

    I got mine from WSP, and I think you can order just one bottle. But of course, they have a $15 minimum, so you would have to order a few things to get that minimum met...

  6. I used the goats milk lotion base from NG and did NOT like it. It left a really tacky and sticky after feel. I think I might try it for maybe a spray lotion, but I put the tub I have of it back in the cupboard and haven't used it at all. I prefer the GMH from WSP, and also the hemp from aquatech. Although since it's now going to cost like $42 for a gallon of the hemp I might have to discontinue it. Just way too costly. :(

  7. I get my aroma beads from NG. They are great from there. On the lines of sea glass, have you tried using rock salt? You can color it too to make it pretty. Is it saltworks.com that you can buy huge sizes of the salt. I made some of the rocks with just dendritic salt, fo, and the rocksalt. I have one on my desk here and the smell is fantastic. I actually have a storebought diffuser on my desk that has ZERO smell, but my salt rocks are great! Totally outshine the diffuser. Just a thought since you were looking for new air freshner ideas!

  8. Hi Laura,

    I used to sell Gold Canyon so I am pretty familiar with their scents. I recently poured Country Clothesline (from Aroma Haven) in tarts and to my nose it smells exactly like GC's Clean Sheets. You might want to give it a try if you havent already. It is spot on.

    I'll have to try that one. I have Country Clothesline from NG, and it smells exactly like Downy April Fresh. Maybe in a candle it'll be different. I ordered Clean Sheets from Elements, and I can't wait to put that one in a candle. VERY strong FO and could be what I'm looking for!!!

    I made my FIRST candles last night with the smoke & odor eliminator. My house smells nom nom!! HAHA Now I want to make more and more HAHA Just what I need, another addiction *sigh* LOL

  9. I got my very first order from CS. I NEED to stop reading forums.. I keep finding new suppliers. LOL I normally do just B&B, but wanted to make some candles so I quit spending so much $$ on Gold Canyon ones. LOL Now if I could find a dup to Clean Sheets and Pool Towel from there I would never have to go to GC again for a candle. LOL

    I got: (these scents are all OOB, got it yesterday and haven't done anything with them yet)

    Pumpkin Pie - I'm not smelling much pumpkin. LOTS of spice, not much pumpkin

    Rain Water - ICK! Smells too flowery. Reminds me of the old Tinkerbell perfume as a kid lol

    Apple Harvest - yum yum YUM! All apple and spicey goodness mixed together! not very strong though.

    Peanut Butter Cookies - umm not sure about this one. Not smelling much peanut butter, something I can't name...

    Grapefruit & Mangosteen - YUM! Pure grapefruit! Good summer scent

    Cinnamon Buns - oh lalala! Smells like Cinnabon!

    Smoke & Odor Eliminator - nice. fruity and spicy mixed

    Xmas Hearth - I dont know... can't even describe. smells good though

    Cool Citrus Basil - nice and herby! I like this one, make a good lotion

    Carmalized Pralines - holy cow my FAVORITE! Lovin this one! nutty, and burnt carmaley (new word i guess lol)

    Ocean Breeze - nice fresh scent. Good shampoo or soap scent

    Brown Sugar & Fig Type - more perfumy than I thought, but a warm scent

    Twigs & Berries - I'm smelling grapefruit? followed by a woodsy scent. I like this one

    Strawberry - smells like strawberry. lol got this at request of coworker

    Very Vanilla - I don't know about this one either, smells chemicaly?

    Sea Mist - another fresh one. Will be great in summer.

  10. Bummer, just checked Aquatech's website, and they are now charging shipping. Before it was included in the price of the product. For me, that means a gallon of the hemp and aloe body wash will be about $40. I wanted to try the sample set, but with shipping it is over $20. That makes WSP and EBC much cheaper for me to buy (about half the price). I like the fact the Aquatech base has no parabens or SLS. Hmmm... gonna have to think about this one.

    Seriously? so now on top of the "shipping included" prices they added more shipping on top of it??? YIKES! I ADORE the hemp lotion, but if the price has gone up even more, I don't know if I can swing it. Darn it! I was going to be ordering more here soon as my gallon is already gone. :(

  11. oh darn! I know what I did wrong! LOL The recipe I had I THOUGHT it said it was for 2lbs of rocks, but it was for 1lb. So I cut the amount of dendritic salt and FO in half for my recipe. So this could be my problem! I put 1/2 the amount of scent in it for the amount of rocks I have.. No wonder they were dry so fast. LOL

    I think I'm going to start using some scents that I dont' care for for these trials. LOL

    Back to the drawing board!!!!!:laugh2:

  12. Oh that helps a LOT! Thanks! There was another supplier that said their recipe was a secret so they wouldn't give out the ingredients. I just would really have a hard time selling something (when I start selling) and telling people I have no idea what it's made out of... I just might have to try this one!

    Thanks so much! :yay:

  13. I just got a sample of the linen spray from elements with my order. I'm kind of liking it! It does have alcohol in it. But I sprayed my pillow with Apple Cobbler Delight that I also got as a sample (YUM!!). I could still smell it on the pillow in the morning! My home made stuff doesn't last that long so I might have to try that base out in a bigger size!

    What ingredients are in the base from the candlemakers store? I won't buy anything without knowing the ingredients and they don't list theirs on their website. :(

  14. Well, I don't know what I think of these. I mixed .5 oz dendritic salt with 5ml FO. Than I mixed 1lb of salt into that. I've never used dendritic salt before. I thought it would still be liquid, but it was like wet sand. I mixed it up good, and then put some in a glass bowl and set in my bathroom on the toilet. Can't smell it at all :( I used Cider Snap from Elements. It's a strong, but not overpowering scent. I did put some of the rocks in my potpourri burner, and that had a wonderful throw. So I don't know... I'm not sure if I didn't use enough FO? I've got 40lbs of rock salt to play with. LOL

    I got asked to donate a couple of baskets for a couple fundraisers and wanted to make sachets with the rocks. But I don't think I'm ready for that. Apparently I need to do a bit more testing. LOL

  15. Hmmmm the combo could be the culprit. Can I ask why you are using glycerin and DPG? Most of the recipe's I've seen don't have those added so I'm just curious. I've just gotten a 40lb bag of salts so I'm ready to start playing! And I thought I had read to use mica to color them? Dang, I'm not really much help here am I? LOL

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