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Posts posted by lauramw71

  1. I really like NG's Bamboo Hemp for incense. Patchouli is also great for incense. Any FO that I don't like gets turned into incense, my fiance LOVES incense (I HATE it, so he only is allowed to burn it in his "mancave" lol) Oh, I think his fav was Cherry from NG. He went through those really quick and wants me to make him more. I don't make the cones, I make the sticks.

  2. Has anyone made the shower gel with this? I made it the other day and followed the directions. Made a slurry with the xanthan gum than added it to the imagine base. It did not thicken up at ALL. I tried to use it anyways, and there were NO suds at all. :( I don't know if it's something I did wrong, or if it's the base. argh!



  3. Because you loved it.. that's why it isn't available. HAHA Go figure! Guess this means I'll have to add another new supplier... darn, didn't want to have to do that. Because you know you have to make the s/h charges worth it at a new supplier! Which means ordering more new FO's to fall in love with. LOL drat!!!

    I think I'm leaning towards SOS... I want Pure Grace, and Baby Grace (NG has Baby grace, but it doesn't mix with cyclo so I want to try another supplier), and Obsession and SOS is the only place with all 3. Hope they're worth the extra price.. $4 for 1 oz is sooo spendy to me!

  4. Thanks for all the help! I think if lip balms are something I want to keep doing I'll invest in a filling tray.

    Carebear, you confirmed what I had thought. Dixie cups was not the most ideal container to melt in! I do have some glass ramaken cups. I think that would be great to melt them in. I need to make bigger amounts instead of just the small amounts that I did.

    Using pipettes sounds like the most logical way to fill them. That way I won't have a big streak running down the side!

    I'll have to do more trials this weekend!

  5. I've used Elements once and I really like them. VERY fast shipping, they have such great reviews, and lotsa fun little samples with my order! I would definately recommend them if they carry what you want. Oh, and their Apple Cobbler Delight FO is soooooo yummy!!!!

  6. I know snowdrift farms has a thing that tells you the FO % for different things like body splash, eau de toilette, perfume. Basically you're right, the difference can just be the FO amount. I use cyclo for my perfume spray, but make my own body spray with preserved distilled water, eo/fo modifier, glycerin, and FO. This makes a nice clear spray. The way I look at it is, it's a body mist, something to spray over your whole body so it doesn't have to be as strong as the perfume. Does help with the whole "layering" thing!

  7. Candle Warmers! BRILLIANT!!!! I do have one of those! I think I messed it up from the get go.. I melted the base in the lil dixie cups... I only made a few, and gave each one of my kids one. While they may be ugly, wow I love the feel of it!! I think it'll be much easier making a bigger batch than just 5... Almost too small to work with! I WILL get this down if I have to use the whole tub up practicing! HAHA

  8. I like both actually. When I'm getting ready in the morning, I use a spray (cyclo and fo) because I want to spray my hair and my clothes. But during the day when I want to touch up my gorgeous scent :D, I use the roll-on. So many people are extra sensitive to scents anymore, I'm too afraid to "spray in public".

    That probably wasn't much help huh? haha

  9. I make the scented salt rocks. Our work had some benefit and I donated a basket for it that included the rocks. The person that won it actually asked me how to make them so she could make them for herself :| Seriously???? Go to McDonalds, tell them you love the Big Mac, but don't want to buy it from them anymore and could they please give you the recipe so you can make it yourself... LOL

  10. Oh my.. I made these for the first time tonight. They get hard FAST! I had to keep reheating it up and some of it was cooling as soon as it got in the tube. I melted it and it had already started cooling down before I got the flavor oil mixed in. Wow! What am I doing wrong? Will the reheating be a problem? I made a tiny batch. .73 oz of the base. I only wanted to make 5 tubes. Is it impossible to make small batches like this? What's the best way to keep it warm while filling? I used a small dixie cup to fill the tubes with. That part worked great... But what I used of it is fantastic! I'm very excited about this base!

    thanks for the help!


  11. It's really liquid, you can make shower gel, bubble bath, shampoo, scrubs, body whip etc with it... As far as it being drying... I'm not sure. I always put either an oil spray or lotion after my shower. For the foaming butter you mix melted m&p, the imagine base, and their lotion base all together. I haven't made anything else with it yet. You do need xanthum gum to make the body washes and shampoo...


  12. Well I got mine yesterday and made the sugar body butter wash stuff... body butter makes me think of a lotion lol...

    Yes it does get hard fast! I can't imagine trying to frost with it... This is the first time i've made any body scrubs... it's cooling right now so I haven't added scent or sugar to it yet. I like that it came with alot of different recipes to try it out with!

  13. Ok, this is my first time making this. I just got a 1lb tub of this yesterday and I'm kind of at a loss. I don't want to make a whole lb of it, just a few to test out.. maybe 10 or so? I'm not quite sure where to start. Do I melt the whole tub down and than measure out what I want? Or do I just scoop some chunks out and measure before melting? I can't wait to try this out!! :)

    Oh, and is 3% flavor oil pretty standard or is this too strong?

    Thanks for any help, tips and pointers anyone can give me!


  14. Thanks for the replies! I usually wait to buy stuff after it's had some reviews but since I have the money now I figured i'd better get some before the money's gone. LOL I need to check out their facebook page. I don't want to add suppliers on my facebook because than people won't need me.. they'll go to my supplier and figure how to make it on their own haha!

  15. um.. top of my head I don't remember. I've only made 6 candles so far. lol It was whatever candle science recommended. But it's not the zinc. HTP 73 maybe? I only ordered a few because I wasn't sure what to get since it ws my first foray into candles. I think I am going to use the zinc when I order more wicks. I've read they are the best with this wax.

    Let me know how it works for ya!

    Oh, but I use the 8oz jelly jars. I'm sure that would make a difference in wicks?

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