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Posts posted by moon01945

  1. Hi! I don't make or use masks at this time and I don't know what lemon power is like. So I am totally shooting an arrow in the dark but I know that I have read up on for lemon that even with soap they suggest that you don't use Lemon EO with anything with your face because of the way it can react. Here are some details on lemon:

    How does Lemon work?

    • Antiseptic - Inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi.

    • Antidepressant - Helps uplift mood

    • Anti-nausea – reduces nausea

    • Astringent - Contracts, firms, and strengthens skin and other tissue; reduces secretions.

    • Circulatory Stimulant – helps to increase blood circulation

    • *Photosensitizing, phototoxic - May cause a skin reaction such as burning, irritation, or pigment change upon exposure to ultra-violet light (sunlight, tanning lights)

    • Tonic - Increases tone and vitality of skin, other organs or body systems

    Maybe this helps???

  2. the whole thing is really brown and the edges are a darker brown. Really pretty simple bar.

    It has been hardening up very nicely. I think they are good. smell like vanilla candy. yummy!

    I moved everything into AC after gel stage and cutting and that helped a lot.

  3. I found it really easy to work with.

    It is really hard to describe what it smells like... it smells really good. :) This is what the description says "The tantalizing base note medley of granny smith apples and honeydew melon, middle notes of strawberries and pears, with hints of spice." I swear I smell hints of banana also.

  4. Thanks for all the tips! I also did some reasearch and found some of the same info.

    i was doing larger batches - 2lb or 5 lb molds and wrapping in a towel over night to try and heat to full gel and was still getting soft batches.

    So.... I reformulated and added Palm to the recipe and did some last night. They looked harder this morning already compared to the other recipe. I also peeked last night and they appeared to be reaching Gel. They also didn't set up too fast and I was able to add colors. i didn't do a full swirl or column swirl but I think I would be able to.

    Thanks again.. I love this forum!

  5. I don't mind sharing at all.

    20% Palm Oil

    35% Olive Oil

    30% Coconut Oil


    10% Canola Oil

    I ran the numbers through SoapCalc. Bars have been curing for a week. Yesterday I tried making column with Apricot Kernel Oil

    hi... how long do you have to let this set up? I tried this and it seems really soft. I let it sit for 24 hours and it was still like soft like gel with a thin layer on top. I threw it in the oven for a few hours at 200 to try and get it to gel. It seemed to and is harder now but still softer than my other batches. I posted in the gallery. it was my Australian bamboo swirl.

  6. hey stella.. thanks for all your comments. yeah I think i am just really used to soaps getting too hard on me and now I am trying ones that will swirl well and I am just not used to it. Just need more time to let it set. It feels good now and I plan on cutting tonight.

  7. that was the part exposed to air... i think the whole brick will adventurally darken. Vanilla gets real dark.

    I think it looks cool with the really dark on top... but it will all darken.

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