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Posts posted by moon01945

  1. Hi I used it in a soap and it came out really nice. I used canned. you consider that your liquid. If your recipe calls for more water you will have to add water in addition to the coconut milk just like you would with Goat's milk.

  2. hi,

    i did run it quickly thru soap calc. It does suggest more water.

    It did come up as a more creamy soap than bubbly. So it could be that you need to let it cure and you will have a more creamy soap in the end.

    Also when did you add the FO?


  3. So this has darkened and is a very dark brown. It smells great cut and when you sniff not in the shower. BUT in the shower it smells almost like burnt vanilla and the bubbles are brown. I knew the bubbles would be brown because it was sooo dark but burnt vanilla when wet? That is just weird.

    I also had some general feedback from people that they don't like dark soap. I like it cause it looks rich and different, but a lot of people are trained to want the white soap. So I am going to break down and get some vanilla stablizer. And I am thinking of getting a different vanilla. Any suggestions??

    I did use this vanilla in melt and pour and it smelled great. Maybe it is just not good in CP.

  4. I agree with ChandlerWicks!

    I do soaping but don't do candles but I read what you guys go thru testing and wicking. That seems truely dedicated and frustrating!!!

    Do a few more batches of soap and you will get a groove down! You may want to post your recipe and have us look at it for feedback (maybe you did somewhere else and i didn't see it). Also it looks like your FO traced really fast on you. That is hard when that happens especially with you are first starting! The first like 3 batches I did ended up tracing super fast.

    I suggest doing a plain batch of Olive oil just so you can see the progression to trace. Or try a different FO that won't thicken up on you so fast.

  5. yeah I was actually thinking the same thing.... calling getting on lists.. etc.

    I just re-read my post and WOW I can't spell. lol I was trying to type way too fast at work.

    Also I wanted to know what everyone thought about the cost per show. Some are really inexpensive and some are really expensive. When is is worth it to dish out $$ for a show?

    I am thinking when it is a really big forum. I don't think I am ready for that anyways but I wanted to see what everyone thought.

  6. The Market went well for me. It was a bit slow with foot traffic because of the holiday weekend. (it is a local farmers market and I think a lot of people were away or at cook outs) but I sold some things, got some feedback and got my name out there.

    i have two more farmers markets with them. i also am working on getting some displays in stores and thinking of what I want to have ready for next spring for mroe shows. I would like to start doing craft fairs and farmers markets but looks like I am too late for many of the christmas fairs.

    How did the other person do at their show?

  7. Thanks everyone! I love this forum BTW!!!

    Getting nervous.. also getting ready. printing lables and applying ... packing up display stuff in bins. All and all I am putting last touches together so I can pack up Friday night and be ready to go saturday morning.

    I have the soap I mentioned and bath salts, sugar scrubs, massage bar and whipped body butter. I hope to have more next week and the week after. I have no idea what will sell for me. Should be interesting! :)

    I started a FB thing and I was contacted by 2 local places about possible product in their stores. it would be great if this could grow into something real. I so wish I could quit my day job. But that will take a whole lot more work I think :)

  8. Hi!

    I have been testing and tinkering with soap for over a year now. I make mostly CP soap, but I do make a few other products. I have been giving my product away to friends and family. I am thinking of starting a website and getting this going more as a business but I haven't done too much on this at this point. Right now it is a very expensive hobby! :) Well recently I was invited to a small local farmers market and have been preparing for that.

    I will have about 14 different types of soap to display. 10 cp that will be cured enough to sell and 4 melt and pour "fun" soaps. I am hoping to finish up a few more of the fun soaps before then. Do you think that is enough? I also have bath salts ready.

    My table is 6 feet long.

    I am still testing bubble bars and bath bomb I don't feel ready with the recipe to sell them. I wish I did feel ready! I also have made lotions etc but I've only done small batches for myself or close friends. I still need preservatives so I won't be selling any of that stuff.

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