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Posts posted by moon01945

  1. I ended up throwning the whole thing in the oven at 200 for a few hours. it appeared to gel. I left it out over night and it seems harder today. just really strange. Anyone have this happen?

  2. Hi! I made some batches over the weekend and I did some swirling. Finally I have a recipe that is letting me swirl with out clumping up to fast!

    But now it seems like it is taking forever to set up. i could totally be just impatient and used to batches hardening right up on me too fast. I did a batch with Australian Bamboo I took it to a light trace and it has been setting up for about a day and half and it is semi hard to the touch but not enough to cut.

    My recipe:

    20% Almond

    35 % olive

    30 % coconut oil

    5 % castor

    10 % sfflower - High olic

    water 30.4

    lye - 11.412

    all run through soap calc.

  3. thanks for sharing! Some people don't like to....I don't mind either, but I understand if you ahve worked on a recipe for a while and don't want to share.

    i am waiting for my order of Olive to come and I am going to try your recipe. I wrote one up very simular to yours. I didn't have canola in mine... mmmmmm

  4. Could be just me or my recipe. I am tinkering still.

    I made another batch last night with a different sent and made sure I didn't bring it to trace and pulled out the amount i wanted to color at that point. I am not used to adding colors and I definitely want to over mix from habit.

    The mix still wanted to set up quick after I added FO but the not bringing it to trace gave me extra time. I am learning!! :)

    the batch that was kind of oily doesn't have any oil on top any more and looks good. It is also really humid here --- so who knows.

    Her oils smell great so I really want to make them work. :)

  5. You needed to keep mixing hon. I have Sweet Moon from sockmonkey, does that to me all the time. It seizes hard as a rock, I pull out a rubber spatula and do my very best to keep it moving, within about a minute or two it loosens back up on me and then I keep going like it were any other batch. I'm willing to bet you needed to do something similar.

    Do you get an oily top on your soap with her FO's?

  6. so I made a batch last night and it totally seized up on me!

    it turned to hard pudding in like 30 seconds and I had to jam it into the mold.

    It appeared to get to gel stage, but today the top is oily.

    I am thinking it was the FO.. I am using At the Beach that i got from sockmonkey a while ago. I love the smell! Just didn't expect that reaction.

  7. Could you post when you receive your mold? I've heard various things about their customer service.

    I sent them an email today because my order is "Queued". it is a tuesday after a long weekend. I will give them a day to reply. I was hoping to get them this week, but if they haven't even shipped them yet I don't think that will happen.

  8. Hi! I was just going to start a thread on this also! I am also ready to invtest in a few good molds and want to see what people think of the ones they use..

    I have been playing around with soaping for a while now. At first I use cardboard boxes and I do have one wooden mold sheet mold - 9 bar. lumious i tried the plastic bag trick but i can never get all the wrinkles from the plastic. I kind of like them (the wrinkles) and will continue to use my wooden mold but I want to invest in a nice log mold that would have a liner or not need a liner. Anyone really happy with what they have???

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