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Everything posted by TFCbrooke

  1. I've been searching but not having much luck even finding either. Then when I do find them they're like $1 each. Is that a normal price? TIA brooke
  2. I don't really have much of a website. I have an etsy (http://timefliescreations.etsy.com) but nothing on it because I just haven't gotten into getting it up and going. So mostly I just sell through word of mouth. I have shea butter lip butters and clean complexion face bars on hand.
  3. Well I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up one of those melting pot things...the aluminum ones with the plastic handle that you do like a double boiler. I had a 40% off coupon. It'll be good to get me started and then if I decide this is something I really want to pursue I'll make one of the spigot presto pots. But one question...how do you get all the wax out of the spigot part?
  4. obvoiusly jars would go in a box but how do you pack/ship items such as tarts, clamshells, etc. i was *thinking* clamshells could go in bubble mailers since they are already in a plastic container. but tarts are more fragile/are just in baggies. so, ship in boxes?
  5. I haven't been on Bert's site yet...off to check it out!
  6. Where do you get those scents because those are definitely two things I deal with on a nearly daily basis! :rolleyes2
  7. Thanks Jacqui. The only thing on your list that I don't have is a heat gun...amazing that I have everything else already! LOL guess I need to figure out something to melt the wax in, too. I have a double boiler but it was just given to me as a birthday present last year so that I could make candies...so I better not use it for wax! LOL Hmmm...off to search for another option. I do have some old pots that I don't really use anymore (unless someone doesn't get around to doing dishes and I need a pot). Guess that will work for starting out. Okay...just thinking out loud now!
  8. ahhhhhhhh...I have been searching for vanilla pumpkin pie...i totally missed it on that website because it's under pumpkin vanilla. :rolleyes2 silly me!
  9. Oh I know about individual tastes...a lot of people raved about Monkey Farts (for baby shampoo) and I really really did not like it.
  10. they were solid gel like. one of them even had a key ring ... I guess so I could put it on my keys? any ideas how they made them?
  11. um, yeah...I've read a lot of "have a fire extinguisher close by" guess several people have had experiences with that
  12. awesome! i'm going to have to try this stuff...my least fave smell is onions down the garbage disposal! LOL
  13. those look great! I always hate to burn candles that look so pretty!!
  14. Just wondering where everyone's favorite places are to get FOs. There are just SO many choices out there!!
  15. http://www.thecandlesource.com/index.html They seem to have pretty decent prices on FOs (and colors) but I wonder if it's because they are cheap/not so good or just because they have good prices.
  16. I just ordered my first candle making supplies. I've been doing soaps and decided as much as I love candles maybe I should try and make my own. I ordered 100% soy wax, palm oil/coconut oil mix wax, 2 or 3 different sizes/types of wicks, clamshells for tarts, 4oz and 8oz jelly jars, and several different scents. I wanted to go natural for color so no colors as of right now. What would be your #1 piece of advice for someone new to this?? Thanks! brooke
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