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Everything posted by TFCbrooke

  1. Hiya! Thanks for claiming your picture!! Okay...cardstock...good! Got plenty of that from my scrapbooking!
  2. I have no clue what to call them so I'm just linking to someone's picture...(sorry I've forgotten whose picture this is...I got distracted trying to find them after I copied the link and I haven't had all my coffee this morning http://www.craftserver.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=18411&d=1260668929 The ones on the top above the clamshells. What would you call those kind of labels/tags/hangy things? And how do you make them? Do you just use cardstock and then cut them apart or do you purchase them from someplace that prints them out for you? Thanks!
  3. it was just the key ring through the hole. The ornie was only about a 1/4 inch thick and then a hole in the top of it (it was a Christmas tree) with a key ring through it. these things http://www.berkeleypoint.com/products/hardware/splitrings.html I haven't put it on my keys though because I give it to my youngest to keep him occupied in stores sometimes. I bought some of the stuff to make my own...the aroma beads are currently soaking!! Green tea with a slight green dye tint!
  4. Twoscents had a good idea...make ornies to hang out for people to sniff. And then on top of doing that, maybe some tape (not necessarily tape...but like those tab things that you might see on clamshells in stores or other items that stores don't want opened)...anyway, the tape things on the sides of it that have to be broken/cut to open the clamshell. That might deter (sp?) people from opening them.
  5. Good to know. I was reading about lrbd's dye mess, which is why I wondered. Didn't know if it was the brand or just liquid dyes in general. Is the reason for using liquid just because it's easier?
  6. Like the quality of them from different stores? Is there one that is better than another or ones to avoid? I plan on making most of my items dye free but if someone really wants a color I want to have that an option.
  7. Okay...I think that my candles have pretty good CSthrow now...LOL I was back in the room where they are "curing" and I could smell them just fine. Before when I was checking on them I was just going in there, taking a look and leaving. If you sit with them for 20 minutes you get all the scent you can handle! HAHA
  8. I understand how you decide if a candle/tart has a good HC throw. But what is a good throw for CS? Like should you be able to smell it from a foot away, sticking your nose right in the jar, three feet away? I can smell the candles I made the other day if I put them right under my nose ... like 3 to 6 inches away. Is that a good CS throw? Thanks!
  9. to ask about product liability...what kinds of questions should I be asking? I've looked at IBN and want to compare it with the company I have my homeowners and auto insurance with. Thanks
  10. These are all great suggestions. I hear ya about them being too expensive. I only have a couple of flavors in lip butters that are EOs and only use TTO in a couple of my soaps. But it's nice to have the resources just incase.
  11. these kind? http://www.candlescience.com/containers/rustic-jelly-lid/
  12. I poured my first soy candles today. I used MillCreek Soy Wax 125 and Christmas Speldor FO (also from MC). I weighed out 8oz of wax and 0.5oz of FO. Melted wax to 180. Let cool to 175 and added FO. Let cool to 100 and poured. (those were the directions that MC sent) I used the 4oz jelly jars from CandleScience. Empty they weighed 4oz. I did the tare button on my scale and poured in the wax, which filled to the bottom of the grooves on the jar weighed out to be 2oz. I used three different wicks to test. ECO 10, ECO 12, and CSN 12. I had leftover wax so I poured it into a clamshell. I know it's container and not votive wax, but what the hay! LOL So far they appear to be setting up nicely. For my questions... (1) How long do I need to let them "cure" before I test burn? (2) How on earth do y'all weigh out your FOs? I tried pouring it into this little dish thing but I ended up getting more FO on me than I did in the dish the first time. (3) For burn test...the jar is 2.75 inches diameter so I burn for like 2 hours 45 minutes the first time? Should it be liquid all over the top or just an inch out from the center (the wick)? I've been reading on here but am still confused because I've read so many different things! (4) Would I actually call this a 2oz candle? not 4oz? I purchased one from someone and it was the same exact jar and he called it a 4oz candle. THANKS!! Pics tomorrow...I have to find some batteries.
  13. Christmas Kitchen Home for the Holidays Sweet Tooth Over the Top These Are a Few of My Favorite Things Guilt Free Yumminess
  14. thanks...I'll be checking those out. off to see if my library has them for now.
  15. hmmm...interesting. thanks...i'll try that tomorrow. my stuff came today!!
  16. I use a lot of EOs in my lip butters and soaps and am on the hunt for a good book that gives descriptions of all the different EOs, what they are good for (ie: TTO is good as an antibacterial), etc. etc. I know I can find all this info on the web but I'm a hands on/book kinda girl! any recommendations?
  17. THANK YOU! This is EXACTLY the kind of answer I was looking for! I'm glad someone was able to understand my clear as mud question!
  18. so why shouldn't you make soaps and bath bombs when there's bad weather?
  19. that's what I wondered. I am just starting out on candles (well, waiting on my supplies) and wanted to only make a couple small ones to test, rather than a whole pound of wax and it be all wrong. so learning how much weight of wax needed to make a 4 oz candle is part of the process! HEHEHE
  20. This is probably an obvious answer, but... If I was going to make 4oz jelly jar candles and had a recipe that had a total weight of 16oz, would that then make four 4oz candles? I guess another way to put it...does 16oz of "dry" ingredients (by weight) turn out to be 16oz of "melted down" ingredients (by volume). Does that make sense? I know what I'm thinking in my head...hard time making it sound the same!
  21. that's what I kept seeing...wasn't sure if anyone ever had success. thanks!
  22. woah...LOVE the swirls. I love the look of swirl soaps, but those actual round and round swirls are awesome!
  23. Is this possible? I know that for CP/HP they recommend LOTS of coconut oil, so I did a search for coconut oil M&P soaps and several glycerine ones come up with CO as the first ingredient.
  24. okay...that's good to know. so the small amount of wax that is left in there from one batch won't mess up the next? because wouldn't the walls of the spigot have a little wax residue.
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