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Everything posted by waxwench

  1. Don't you hate it when curiousity gets the best of you? And you waste money? Mass production. It's way over-rated. Reminds me of Yankme and their big waste of leftover wax. Thanks for the post!
  2. Looks like they have a specialty band for the tri-fusion pillars. That's pretty neat if I do say so myself. The Primatives aren't my thing though. Great website!
  3. Dipped bears. And I thought those were a waste of wax. Now dipped TP? Yuck. Nasty. And now towels and washcloths? LOL Some people will sell anything. Or, should I say dip anything.
  4. I love Vickeys! The FO mixes well and no oily feeling at all. I use it for body spray, room spray and linen spray. http://www.kycandlewaxsupply.com/
  5. I would certainly create havoc over their mistake and perhaps a letter to the BBB is in store for this supplier. Who is the supplier, if I may ask? I'd hate to see anyone get ripped off, when it can be avoided.
  6. I use the CBL wax and love it. You do have to add your scent at a high temp though and mix well (as with all waxes). The CBL has awesome scent throw. It's a mind twisting thing, candlemaking, but once you get a candle that throws fabulous, burns completely (no hang up) and no soot, you will be hooked. Testing, testing, testing can drive ya crazy, but it's also fun!
  7. Good to know people have had great CS with this company. I used to order my wax from them and the last time I ordered, they sent a new wax, telling me (when I called), oh, we replaced the old wax. I wouldn't have been so ticked if they had told me that up front, prior to just sending out the wax, most likely thinking I wouldn't notice! After a long drawn out battle, they finally credited me for the wax.
  8. You poor thing Wendy! You thought the last pre-buy would do ya in? You are a sweetheart for doing these pre-buys, cuz your stuff is the BEST!
  9. Everyone has a difference of opinion, but if I could get wax locally, I'd be darn sure to get it to work! Shipping is killer.
  10. Wow, that's quite a collection. I'm cringing at the thought of dusting all of them! Yes, I'm that anal!
  11. KY soy wax Millcreek soy wax BG soy wax BC soy wax Many choices to choose from and the answer to your question is unanswerable. I don't use soy wax because I don't like soy wax. But, that is just my opinion. The list above is some soy waxes I've read great reviews on. And most of use aren't loaded and we don't have funds to throw away either. And this is why long time chandlers will tell you, this is not a cheap endeavor. You really have to buy samples and test, test and test some more to see what works best for you.
  12. No need to heat your jars. It's a waste of time. No need to buy a heat gun if you have a hair dryer. May beneficial for you to purchase a kit from a reputable supplier to see if candlemaking is your nitch. It's a spendy business, no sense throwing a load of money away with unknown wax etc. Most of all, have fun!
  13. Thanks CandleMan. Seems like a long time ago I saw that post! Time flies, as they say. But no, I was talking about straight VB from BnB Works. Already have the killer VBN and that stuff is to die for! Thanks everyone!
  14. Anyone remember BnB's vanilla bean? Looking for this scent for candles. I know I saw a post about this quite some time back, but dang, I can't remember which message board it was on! Thank you!
  15. Smelly Jellies and such are great for small spaces, but they not be very effective in a large space. I was going to suggest one of the candle warmers but you did mention NO hot items allowed with little fingers. Sorry, not much help!
  16. 5 pages of nothing but blowing hot air! Too funny! I'm right. No, I'm right. LMAO. Thanks for the entertainment after a long day's work!
  17. As do I and everyone else who participates on a message board.
  18. :awww: One simple point (delete) can't be understood when you have a pea sized brain. It's ok. I understand.
  19. Me? A supplier? Hardly. Wouldn't want that job for all the tea in China. Damned if you do, damned if you don't job, especially dealing with women. You? A retired mod? Or a fired mod? lol My point is (which you can't seem to grasp, although it's simple) is if you don't like receiving a newsletter, be it JS or BCN or ICS etc, you have the option of deleting the email. It's really very simple. Here's a thought. Unsubscribe. Wow. Now why didn't you think of that?
  20. Another one that can't hit the delete button. LMAO. Always remember, opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one.
  21. I'm not a JS junkie, but I can certainly hit a delete button with very little effort. And not bitch about it! What a concept!
  22. I know. Hitting that delete button is just more than a person can take huh? Geeze Louise. Bitch if your water is wet too?
  23. I have great luck with JS scents. But have been through what you are experiencing with other suppliers. It's a hit or miss with some suppliers and other suppliers, everything seems to work! My favs are JS, KY, Wendy (not a supplier, but does pre-buys), Daystar, Millcreek, Tri-State, BCN (Bubble's n' Lights/WYW stuff), TCS, Lonestar. A perfect world would be one supplier with everything! It'll never happen!
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