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Posts posted by TheWickedWick

  1. I think that was what I was smelling..fuel-like..and not something tropical which was why I thought I wasn't getting a good HT. Next time I'll try blending with something more fruity and see if that doesn't work. Thanks for the blending suggestions.

  2. After months of testing different waxes and scents in my den (which is adjacent to my kitchen) and getting dismal results on HT, I decided to place my testers (using 8 oz. tins..3" dia.) in different rooms of the house. One in my bedroom which isn't large and one in the guest room and what do you know...I have HT!!!! :yay:. In fact, I can smell the one in my bedroom now which is across from the computer room. My question is...can a room (my den) get scent overload from too much testing in that particular room or was I simply just expecting a small container to fill a too large of an area? I know I've read here where some of your little candles can overwhelm a large room with HT and maybe I was having too high expectations..I don't know.

    Any thoughts on the subject?


  3. I use Ky para-soy tart/votive wax and pour and cool on a raised bakers rack at room temp. After they are totally cool (2-3 hours) I then close the lid after afixing a caution label on the inside of the lid. My business label is on the outside of the clamshell package. HTH


  4. All my wicks leave at least 1/2 inch of wax on the bottom for safety purposes. I guess they tell people to dig the remaining wax out since container wax is soft and wash in hot sudsy water to clean the containers for reuse. However, how do they get the wicks removed? I don't sell now (still in the testing phase) but when I do I plan on using gasket sealer to stick my wicks and that doesn't come off without extreme work. For my testings I use wick stickums but I won't trust them to the general public just in case they come loose.

    This is an interesting question and wonder how they tell their customers about getting the wick out.

  5. I can't help you but i certainly feel your pain..I'm STILL trying to get GB 464 to work for me (without adding parrafin). I've mixed it every which way except stand on my head (and if I could have figured out how to accomplish that, I would have tried it)..and still have pitiful HT. I've left it alone for now and am making some parrafin container candles and para-soy tarts (with great success I might add :smiley2: ) just to give myself an ego boost. I'll conquer the 464...just not right now.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged..we've all been there one (or twenty) times ourselves. If it wasn't challenging I would have been bored with it months ago :grin2: !!!


  6. Some days my brain takes a day off too :cheesy2:

    I use: 12.8 oz of KY Tart wax

    3.2 oz of GB 464 (I've used C-3 too..don't see why you couldn't use 415. I'm not familar with the 415..but hey, what the heck-I'd give it a shot). The only reason I use the soy is because from time to time without it I get these smooth-like little dimples on top. It doesn't look bad at all and doesn't affect the way the tart melts or anything. The additional soy just makes the tops smooth.

    I use 1.5 oz. of FO. Don't use dye, however, today I'm going to test some in this mix.

    Have fun. The KY is a really easy wax to work with. I've been very pleased with the CT & HT and after a few minutes in the freezer, the way it pops out of my bowl. All my testers have given my tarts a thumbs up.


  7. Leah...I heat to 165* add FO 1.5 oz per pound stir for approx 2 minutes to incorporate FO and pour around 150*. I do add 20% soy (GB 464) to get rid of those little dimples. Sorry..don't add dye so I don't know about that. I'm making some tomorrow and will be trying dye in it for the first time. If you do them today, post and let me know how the dye works. I haven't read anything on past posts that anyone had any problems using dye.

    Have fun!

  8. Hello and welcome...not sure what kind of soy wax you're using but if you go to the Vegetable Wax forum and type into the search feature your specific wax you'll probably get loads of info on it. Don't hesitate to ask questions. The more info you can give on your wax type, container dimensions, fragrance oil type and amount used, dye, etc. the better. Good luck and have fun reading...there's a lot of interesting info in that section.


  9. I use the KY para-soy tart mix..I have to put it in the freezer for a few minutes and then it pops out pretty easy..I've never had to really "dig" it out. It would be nice to have your tarts just pop out of the bowl without the freezer. Most people I've talked to don't mind doing that and consider it a necessary part of using tarts...just like having to trim the wick each time you burn a candle.

    Good luck..very pretty tart pic Richard..I've never worked with Palm..going to have to put that on my "to do" list.

  10. Rebeccajo...glad you're asking these questions..I too seem to be wasting a lot of wax when testing does not go well. I have been testing like you..but when a wick type is not suited for your wax, what do you do with 3 jars of bad performing wax/wick combo. Sometimes I save and use in my tart burner but then you can only have so much :smiley2: . Interested in finding out what others do. I'm still trying to pin down my perfect wax so I suspect I will go thru a lot of missteps before achieving my goal.

  11. Leah..if after trying the KY wax and you notice your tarts have smooth-like dimples after setting up and if it bugs you, I add 20% soy and it smooths it all out. Just wanted to let you know this just in case it occurs. I emailed Vickey at KY and she said sometimes this dimple thing happens and suggested the 20% added soy to combat it. The soy didn't affect the HT or consistency of my tarts. Tarts still popped out of my molds after a few minutes in the freezer and came out of my burner just fine-again after a few moments in the freezer.

    Just a little FYI


  12. Well, I poured 6 tins this morning..8oz. 3" dia. x 2" tall. Three tins with 85% 6006 and 15% GB 464 with 1.5 oz. FO. The other three tins were straight 6006 with 1.5 oz. FO. All 6 set up beautifully. Wicks I'm testing are ECO 8, CD 8 & 10 and HTP 83 & 104. Not testing an ECO 10-felt it might be too large because it seems to work well in a mostly soy tin I'm testing now. I read somewhere (I believe Bug mentioned it) to be careful and not overwick this wax.

    My question is...how long should I let these cure before testing for wick and HT? I think I read this wax cures in 48 hrs. but I'm not sure. I've done so much reading here lately.

    After I test I'll post my results. Thinking about ordering some zinc wicks just in case none of the above work. Kinda didn't want to go the zinc route though.


  13. Egad!!!...don't tell me this...I just got back from a road trip to CS and picked up a slab of 6006..I plan on testing this tomorrow with 15% 464. I'm going to test with Eco's and HTP's though. I've tried using CD's and CDN's when I was testing straight 464 and never had any luck..mushroomed no matter what size I used. I seem to have more luck with Eco's. Never used HTP's before so this will be a new experience.

    Going to test 8 oz. 3" tins and 8oz. square mason jars. Planning to heat to 190 and pour at 180 with 1.5 oz FO. Thinking of starting out with Eco 8 & 10 and HTP 83. Right now I'm testing a 75/25 blend of 464 & 4630 with an Eco 10 and oddly enough it seems to be doing ok. CT was great..HT sort of medium. Should have let it cure longer than I did..HT might have been better.

    Just to make sure I have my facts straight...6006 is mostly parrafin with soy added (maybe a 75/25 ratio?) right?

    I too am interested in seeing what Bug has to say on your test results..hoping it'll save me some head banging :smiley2: .


  14. I'm thinking of trying this and saw from my forum search some old threads about some bad batches. I'm assuming (hoping) that this is no longer the case? I can pick this up from CS and save on shipping. For anyone who uses this wax as is (not blended) do you like its performance? HT/CT? Glass adhesion?

    Thanks for any input...still searching for my perfect wax.


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