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Posts posted by TheWickedWick

  1. I am currently in the process of testing 6006 with cotton core wicks from Peaks. So far I've been very pleased with the results. The only sooting I've had was on the very last burn near the top of my tin and I would consider it very minimal. Only had one very tiny mushroom and that was also on my last test burn. I've tried CDN's and HTP's but got mushrooming on my first test burn.

  2. I use 6006 and CS Violet Lime totally rocks!! I can even smell it in my den which I have dubed "the room that sucks scents". Tried Cranberry Marmalade and until the very last test burn it smelled great. The last burn kinda smelled a bit fuel-ish to me. It could be I was just tried of smelling it.

  3. I like the simplicity of it... I've been thinking of trying to do one myself so if you don't mind me asking..what program are you using? I'm not overly talented in the computer realm so it would need to be super easy. I've thought about hiring someone but that will have to wait. Candle testing has put a dent in my budget for now.


  4. Hi Rebecca...just a thought here...how about

    "Guiding Light Candles and Gifts"

    I checked Yahoo Domain to see if it's available and it was. Or maybe Guiding Light Candles and Scents.

    Coming up with a name is hard. I'm trying to do the same thing.

    Thinking of "The Wicked Wick Candles and Scents" (Candles & Scents would be my tag line) or "Easy Street Candles and Scents"


  5. What wicks are you using? I use 4630 by itself..no added soy and use cotton core wicks from Peaks. The FO load for this wax alone is 8-10%. I use 1.5 oz/pound of wax. Not sure if Vybar would help or hinder. I try not to use anymore additives than I have to. I just use FO and dye. If you're not getting the throw you're looking for, it might be your wick. What size container are you using? I found out (thru trial and error) I was testing my small 3" 8 oz. tin in too large a room and expecting a slap you in your face type throw which just wasn't going to happen. Putting it in a smaller room made all the difference. With the Peaks wicks I don't get any mushrooming.

    Let us know what containers and wicks and FO's you've tried.


  6. I use the Ky votive/tart blend mixed with 20% gb 464 (the add'l soy really makes the tops very smooth) and I am very pleased with all my tarts. Great CT & HT and only let them cure 24-36 hrs before testing. I'm too impatient to wait much longer than that. I use 1.5 oz/lb FO and all so far have been excellent.

  7. Ah...the dreaded ole candlenose...I bet that's part of the problem. The den is where I hang out all the time plus where I test all the time. Candles are now in other parts of the house and have terrific HT coming from them where I had nothing but a mere whiff in the den. Candlenose + air flow = one frustrated candlemaker. Now I know where to test..at least in my home and I'm not as pathetic as I thought I was....:yay:

  8. I'm testing CS Cranberry Marmalade and really loving it. Received a 1 oz. sample of Peaks Orange Blossom in the mail this week and can't wait to try it. It smells awesome from the bottle. Also testing Peaks Jamaica Me Crazy and wishing it had less of a fake Pineapple smell and more Coconut. Next time I'll blend a Coconut FO and see how that goes. Next up on the drawing board will be Peaks Amish Harvest.

  9. Brenda...air flow could be the problem. Our house is a ranch style and I could smell my candles in the hall but not strong in the den itself unless the air came on. I like HT to hit you in the face as well and maybe was expecting too much out of a small container. Who knows except I'm very happy with the HT in my smaller rooms. Until today I was at the point of throwing my hands up and saying "I Quit"! Now I'm excited again...:grin2:

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