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Posts posted by deb426

  1. I usually test one jar and get the wick, color, etc. dialed in. Then I test the other jars but since I already got one working, I can usually, but not always, pick the right wick on the other jars. I still test them all though because sometimes I still have to go up or down.



  2. Luminousglow, did you personally speak to this person or did she just speak to your husband? Was this one particular conversation or more than one? Just trying to get a few more details since it sounded from your original post that you didn't actually speak to Diane but were relaying your thoughts on her conversation with your husband.

  3. Also check your local firehalls, community park, churches, etc. Local shows are usually cheap and since they are local, you can build repeat business that way. You could also ask one of your friends to do a home candle party (like a tupperware party). I have never done this but some people do.

  4. I've never used CO but I hear it helps scent throw. When I wicked the S&P in C3 in an 8 oz j.j. (2 1/4 inches in diameter), I found it to be a lighter oil to wick. I used an Eco 8. I can't remember what I used in my 4 ounce tin but I will check when I get home. I would assume an Eco 6 for the tin since I usually wick down one. I doubt whether the Eco 10 will be enough but the Eco 14 would probably too much. (Isn't that always the way..you need what you don't have). I can send you a couple of Eco 12's if you want to try them. Just PM me your addy. In the meantime, I'd pour one wickless and stick an Eco 10 in there to see what happens. If no good, I'd top that sucker off and stick in the Eco 14. What do you have to lose?

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