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Posts posted by deb426

  1. I just received a pound of Moon Lake Musk from CandleScience because I wanted a scent that would appeal to guys. It's a little too much like cologne for me but then I'm not really a musk person. I was wondering if anyone mixes this scent with anything in order to "soften" it? I was thinking maybe vanilla? Also, any ideas on a different name or is it your experience that guys are okay with "Moon Lake Musk?" I was thinking the name sounded a little girly.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.

  2. I work in the insurance business, and we don't try to fleece people. If the agents don't walk people through each exposure, they are open to E & O claims in the event that something happens and there is no coverage. It's always the insured's decision what they need or what they choose not to have.

    I understand what you are saying but I work for a personal injury law firm and too often people come in after an accident with automobile insurance policies which were not properly explained to them by their agent. I didn't mean to imply that insurance companies fleece people. But I have been doing this for 18 years and I hear the same story over and over..."My agent didn't tell me that."

    Many times I have seen people not have enough coverage because it has not been explained to them properly. I have often seen someone who has too much coverage in one area and not enough in another. Insurance companies are businesses and like any business, they want to make money. Sometimes people are undersold insurance in an area that has a higher likelihood of costing the insurance company money and oversold in an area with a less likelihood of exposure for the insurer.

    My advice was for the person to educate herself in addition to speaking with her agent. I stand by that advice because I think people need to take responsibility to understand what their insurance policies (and other contracts) mean before signing the agreement. It's too late to do it after an accident happens.

  3. My stupidity. I am embarrassed to say that I forgot that I had inserted the wicks without tabs for just an initial test for flame size. I was trying to dial in the wick size for a proper test for these two scents. All of a sudden this morning on my way to work it hit me that these were the two that I did that with.


  4. Hi,

    I need some input here if possible. I am working on a new line of candles for a store that specializes in recycled items. I am using veggie tins for containers. I use C-3 wax and 1.5 fo pp. I use ECO wicks.

    I am currently testing 8 scents. I have five which are good all the way to the end. One has been set aside for now. Two are giving me a headache. The two scents each did the same thing about an inch or inch and one-half from the bottom, both using ECO 10.. After having a full melt pool and good burn for most of the container, the wick just disappeared. It didn’t really drown. The wax stopped getting a full melt pool and became kind of "sludgy" for want of a better term. It just hung in there between being solid and being liquid until the wick got too short.

    I tried a smaller wick for both of these but the flame was way too small. I am sure that a bigger wick will be too big.

    Anyone else familiar with this? I have had the sludgy bottoms before when working on large containers but never to the point that the wick disappeared. I know that soy burns down and then out and I believe that this can make the bottom of a larger container tricky. BTW, a veggie tin is a smidge less than 3 inches wide and 4 ½ inches tall.



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