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Posts posted by deb426

  1. Okay, I made these using C-3 instead of the Ecosoya and they came out just fine. I used Warm Vanilla Sugar from Millcreek and I love them. They were super easy to make. Has anyone else tried this recipe? I'm interested in hearing from someone with more experience than me. Which would cover just about everybody.


  2. The other thing you have to take into account with wholesale vs. resale is the marketing and overhead costs of the store you are selling to. You do not have to pay for any of these costs and can base your price on the cost of the candles only. If you are selling directly to the public, there are other costs involved which you have to consider. Whether you have your own store, are selling at craft shows, the internet, ebay, whatever, it is costing you more than dropping your product off at with your wholesale buyer and collecting a check. Therefore, your actual costs are higher with retail and you are justified in charging more. Your actual costs are lower with a wholesale because someone else is assuming your overhead.

  3. I think it's great what you guys do...teaching current generations about the beginnings of our country. I also think there is a way to use the recycled wax for your purpose in order to cut your costs, since you are not selling or giving gifts. What I would do is collect as many old candles as possible and melt them all down together. Try to get a large batch of 50 pounds or so. From this batch of wax, you can pour a couple of tester candles. If you find a wick size you like, you can pour the rest of the batch into candles. Just because you don't know exactly what the wax is doesn't mean you can't learn to work with it. It will only be cost and time effective, though, if you make large enough batches to make it worth testing.

    Also, if you do decide to buy wax, try to find a supplier near one of your members so that you can save on shipping. I know a lot of the re-enactment groups travel to each other's states so maybe you can even get another group to pick it up for you.

    Just a thought.


  4. I just got my newsletter from Peaks and there is a recipe for Lotion Bars that I would love to try. I make soy candles and I just want to make these for me, not to sell. For all you B&B people, I have a dumb question. The recipe ingredients call for

    Ecosoya Container Blend 135. I use C-3. Does anyone know if I could use the C-3 instead of the Ecosoya? I don't want to have to buy new wax for these but would love to mess around making some if I can use the wax I have.



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