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Everything posted by RichardLOZ

  1. Welcome to the board. Everyone has their own way of doing things. I have always steered clear of the CB advanced and excel due to the poor throw. Have used both 415 and 464 and now use a custom blend of 464 and a soft container palm. For the most part I get great hot and cold throw, smooth tops and no wet spots. I pour between 180 - 190 with no issues at all. I did like the 415, but being as impatient as I am I could not stand waiting for the damn wax to go slushy so the 464 / palm combo totally suits me. It will also come down to the oil / wick / jar combination you are using as well. I have a shelf of oils that just do not work for me in my blend of wax at all, most from Natures Garden. Having said that, they get used in melts as they do throw very well in that medium. Good luck with it and most of all have loads of fun creating your products.
  2. We use the red colour block with a touch of black added for a nice deep red in soy.
  3. We have made some grubby pillars with feather palm and they came out looking very nice. We also have made 100's or tarts in various silicon molds without any issues whatsoever, so perhaps it depends on the type of palm and the brand that you are using.
  4. Yes we do both country / American Prim style as well as New Age / Hippy style candles and market each under different brand names. Two totally different markets for both look and scent so may as well try to capture both of them
  5. Can you post a link to the website that you found please.
  6. We use the small status jars with glass glow palm (soon to change to soy) and they are a right PITA to wick. Our are not too bad overall, however I really believe that it is something to do with the small status jar in particular and the way that the air currents work or something. I can use the same wax, scent and wick combination in a small JJ and it burns absolutely beautifully. Go figure..................
  7. I have also wondered that for sometime. Both NCS and ACS seem to have a selection of scents very similar to CandleScience. They both carry good strong throwing scents, but availability is an issue. NCS have now discontinued Apple Maple Bourbon which is a great seller for me. I am sure they get it from CS and there is nothing on the CS site to say that they are discontinuing it all all, so dont know what is happening there. Extremely frustrating which is why we now bring in the bnulk of our scents from the States as out of stock is very rare, prices are way way better even with the shipping charges and the selection is so much larger.
  8. Welcome Deena. Sounds as though you are based over in Perth if you are using 464 and ACS wicks. I have found that the CDN wicks work better for me in the 464 and the ACS wicks are better in the palm wax. Thats just a result of my testing however. David is great to deal with and also very helpful. Now that we have relocated back to NSW, I miss the ability to just go for a 20 minute drive up to Malaga to collect my order. Let me know if you need and suggestion for scents from ACS as they do have some great ones.
  9. Hey all One of my suppliers here in Australia is no longer carry Apple & Maple Bourbon as it has been discontinued. This is one of my top sellers, so I was wondering of anyone knew of an alternate supplier in the US who perhaps carries this scent of something similar. I have checked Bert's and NG, as well as fragrance finder, but have not yet had any luck. Keep in mind also that they would have to ship internationally. Thanks
  10. Jonsie As Tribal suggested I think, Andrew from Gala Glass in Adelaide is another option. Again not a huge range for candles, but his items are usually in stock, such as metros. Minimum $400 order and you get delivery to any capital city for $25 dollars, regardless of quantity. You can actually get Libby jars in Australia, however they are very expensive. Are you sitting down? I had a quote on the 10 oz Lucida jars and they worked our at about $4.00 each NOT including lids!!! The lids were almost the same price again, making for a pretty expensive jar! The lead time was also 16 weeks, which is a little crazy. Alibaba has some nice options, however unless you are buying like 30,000 pieces you dont have too much chance sourcing from there. Jars are not the only issue. try finding some decent melt burners here in Oz. I have found a few but not a great selection at all, and as yet I have not been able to find any kind of electric warmer with a deep bowl or any kind of candle warmer for wickless. Again from Alibaba you can get them, but I dont know what I would do with 20.000 electric warmers, or where I would put them.....LOL. Such is life. Perhaps a group of us should seriously look at importing a few pallets from somewhere like the jar store in CT and then we could split the shipping and customs costs perhaps. On pallet loads you can get substantially cheaper prices then what they have currently listed on their website.
  11. Jonsie Well if you do manage to work something out, I will take a full pallet of Libby Lucida 10 oz jars and a pallet of genuine Mason jars please
  12. Jonsie We use 464 +palm and have never experienced this issue. We also pour very hot for soy as well, with no wet spots and no frosting for the most part, just on one or two scents. We also do not use wood wicks, although when I have tested with the wood wicks I was getting the same issue as you, again depending on the scent. Personally I just feel that wood wicks and soy particularly are an issue, although having said that I know of one shop that gets loads of returns of the genuine Woodwick candles due to their extremely poor burn quality and issues with not being able to stay lit. I have not played with wood wicks too much as I just havent had the time to do so, but I think it is really going to be a matter of trial and error for each scent as some will work for you and some just wont. HTH
  13. Jonsie What you mean you cant go ahead and get us a couple of pallets of jares from the Jar Store in CT. Damn shame I reckon
  14. Yes they are way more expensive on the shipping. I was lucky as I was just in the US so had them shipped to me at the hotel in New York for $9.95 If you order in batches of 50 sheets rather than 100 sheets the shipping drops from about $55 down to $34 which is a little better at least.
  15. Hi Deena We are in the Blue Mountains and get all of our labels from 2 suppliers in the States. The labels for our coutry range come from Labelsbythesheet and the labels for out "New Age" range come from Onlinelabels. HTH
  16. Deena ACS is a great supplier. I used to live in Perth and pretty much bought everything from them. We have now moved back to Sydney and some things I still get from ACS such as my Soy, some palm, colour and a few scents. I also buy some items from NCS in Sydney, however right now we bring the bulk of our scents in from the US as it is generally cheaper and there is a far larger selection available which means that we can carry scents that few if any other people have. For us labels have also been a huge issue. We currently buy our labels out of the US as well from 2 different suppliers as we have 2 ranges of candles we produce that are totally different and I am unable to get the label sheets in Australia that we need. Everyone always says to buy Australian which I would be happy to do if the products we need were 1) available here and 2) reasonably priced in comparison to what I get get out of the States. HTH
  17. Hey Bart The crystal palm from ACS is basically starburst and is quite a nice wax to work with.
  18. Hey I am now on the search for some new labels for another line we are working on. I need 2" x 3" Clear Matte that can be printed on with an inkjet. The alternative is a black preferably gloss in the same size also that can be printed with inkjet. Yes I have a laser however I can never get the sheets to go through without slipping and going out of alignment and the inkjet prints perfectly each and every time. I have searched and as yet have not come up with the size I am looking for. As long as I can find this in the next week or so, shipping is not an issue and I am heading off to the US again tomorrow, a week in Dallas and than a week in Syracuse NY, so will just have them shipped to my hotel. If anyone can help, particularly as I am going to be in the states and shipping will be way way cheaper than to Australia, I would be forever grateful. Thanks
  19. Hi Jonsie If you are after [ublic & product liability insurance give AAMI a call. They have been great for us and very easy to deal with, not to mention well priced. I think our renewal is coming die in August, and from memory the years insurance was about $285 which was for both public and product liability coverage to 10 million for each.
  20. Sabrina I think you will find just like I did that the wood wicks will work in some oils and not too much in others. For example I found that when I was testing with the large in a 10 oz apothecary jar, Sugar Cookie worked not too bad, but Home Sweet Home would not stay lit at all. It is really going to be a matter of experimenting with each scent to see what works and what doesnt. In glass glow however it is a somewhat different story as they tend to torch, or at least that is what I discovered anyway Cheers
  21. Very nice crystal pattern there, although I do have to say that you must be a glutton for punishment pouring GG into an apothecary jar, even double wicking. I have tried and tried to wick those jars various ways and have not yet had any success, so I will be following you test burn with avid interest to see how you make out. Cheers
  22. Hi Debbie We use this one in glass glow. We pour into an 8 oz metro (status) jar, the medium size one (which I hate). We have had success in this jar using glass glow wicking with a CDN 12. It sure took some testing to get it right though, and am still going through about 4 other scents at the moment with various wick sizes to get those right. I hate the jar, however it is for a different range of ours, which is not country looking at all, so dont have too much choice in the jar selection unfortunately. HTH
  23. Hi Sabrina I have played around with wood wicks a little in GG. They do work much better than in soy, however it is quite a large flame. I have only had the large and medium to try so perhaps they would work better using the small size. This was in a 16 oz apothecary jar.
  24. I am also in the pour warmer category. Although I use a blend of 464 and non crystalising palm, I am generally pouring at around 155 - 160 which is quite hot for soy to be poured, however for my wax blend this works very nicely "most" of the time. I also do not usually warm my jars, however that may have to change as we are coming into winter here.
  25. Jonsie Unity will mail direct to Australia. I have purchased some from them before. Their large size crackle really nicely in palm, but in soy they were a failure as far as keeping them alight and such. I felt that although they crackled in the palm the flame was far to vicious for my liking.
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