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Everything posted by ScentedLuxuries

  1. Yes, they can be mixed together. Just test the wick to make sure it burns properly before you make very many of them. The Nature Wax is C-3
  2. Exactly! I used CBA from the get go and had nothing to compare it to. That was a mistake. I had no idea how much better the other soy waxes are. I'm tempted to throw away the last of my CBA (about 20 pounds). That really says a lot about the wax, doesn't it?
  3. 30 oz. Pillar (4"x4.5" concave mold) made with Father Palm Wax from CS. I used a halloween scent. Can't wait to test it!
  4. I went ahead and did tea light burn tests tonight with the 3 waxes to check burn time. (This is not a scent throw test) Used TL-28 wicks and the clear plastic cups from CS. Still the same formulas with scent and dye, etc. CB135 burned up quick. This one was disappointing. Customers would definitely not be happy with a tea light that burns up that quick. This is my least favorite of the 3 waxes so far, so I'm not sure I will pursue trying to wick it again with a different wick. C-3 Was next to burn out about 30 mins. later, but I like this wax enough to order a smaller wick and try again. GB464 - It's an hour later since the other 2 burned out and it is still going steady, slow and a full melt. Very impressive burn results! So in my tea light (wick&wax) test, GB464 is the clear leader for long lasting burn time. I am very impressed!
  5. I used that wax for a few years, and needless to say I am testing other soy waxes now because I want to switch. Although CBA makes a pretty candle, the scent throw is lacking. Every now and then you'll get one that has a good throw, but more times than not they aren't so rgeat. They need a long cure time.
  6. From my initial tests, from the pour, and 1 day of cure time, the cold throw is the same for all 3 waxes at this point. All have similar tops too. None of them were completely smooth which is OK with me. Right now I am looking for scent throw. I'll deal with tops later. The 3 waxes I'm testing: C-3, GB464, CB135 Scent - All 3 using CS's Lavender Vanilla, same jar, wick, FO ratio and dye. I'm using LX wicks because I prefer the self trimming and they work well with soy waxes.
  7. Red & Black always makes an ugly mauve color for me. I'd steer clear of that mix.
  8. I can vouch that Ecosoya PB is an excellent wax. I'd never try any other pillar/votive soy wax.
  9. Looking at CS's site, it looks like yes, they are indeed the same wax.
  10. Well, I got the testers poured up last night with the 3 types of soy wax I bought to sample (as mentioned above). I can't wait to see how the tests go. It'll be hard to wait for curing. I made each with the same exact methods, same jar, same scent, dye, same pouring temps, and the same wick. I figured this would be a good starting point for each that way I can compare the results accurately. Then later I'll tweak each one here and there, as needed, as I go through my testing. I still have high hopes for the 464!
  11. That is disappointing news. I have been using CBAdvanced for a few years and I am tired of the scent throw, so this week I ordered 3 (10 pound bags) of different types of soy wax from CS, along with 10 lbs. of feather palm wax. I ordered GB464, C3, Ecosoya135. Candle Science raves about the GB464, so I had high hopes for that wax. I've been looking forward all week for these to get here so I can play and test. They will be here today.
  12. Oh OK! No wonder I couldn't figure it out. I've never made any of that. Thank you!
  13. One tablespoon of stearic acid per pound of soap will increase hardness in future batches. Give them a little time though.
  14. What does FBB mean? I'm sure I'm having a "duh" moment here. I'm assuming the BB stands for Body Butter. What does the F stand for?
  15. Chocolate & Peppermint Chocolate & Lavender Chocolate & Strawberry Chocolate & Banana
  16. I was trying to think of things that might make a good pillar mold. items from around the house. What types of things have you all used that make a good make shift mold for a pillar?
  17. 6006 is a very good wax. I use it exclusively for my "paraffin jar candles" since it has so little soy in it. Make a bunch of testers with it and do what works best for you. Sometimes the manufacturers instructions aren't going to work for everyone. This is why it is recommended to test so you can get a "formula" that works best for you. Aralin's Mommy - it was probably the fragrance oil making it soot. Not the wax.
  18. CBA is more well know for it's appearance than it is for the scent throw. As lovely and as easy to work with as CBA is, the scent throw isn't the best. I use LX wicks with that wax and have pretty good results.
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