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Posts posted by debratant

  1. I tried these the night I got the email...since I was planning to make something. I didn't want to say anything about my experience with it because I assumed it was something I was doing wrong....lol.

    I never could get my hearts to stick to my votives. I was so mad LOL. After a 3rd attempt I called it quits...plopped the hearts into the votive and poured my container wax right on top of them LOL. I hope yours turn out better than mine :)

  2. Yep...they are re-counting ALL rural routes nationwide in February...which will result in some major changes. I've been

    a rural carrier with USPS since 93. Currently though...I'm out with an injury/surgery. Last year they counted the routes in order to save money...I lost 10,000 in pay..yet my mail volume was the same the rest of the year. I had 700 daily deliveries. The USPS conducts these counts during the times of year when business is slow (February) in order to save money. Right after these counts...mail volume seems to magically improve...but yet our routes have been butchered so badly pay wise...we are forced to take on more territory...in order to make the amount of money we were making. That is why you "may" see possible later delivery times...because carriers are forced to build their routes back up in order to stay afloat pay wise.

    Heck...after being there for nearly 15 years...I was making $50,000 when I was injured...now, after last years count it went back down to $40,000....yet I still have 700 customers on my route. It's hard to imagine what my route will have to take on in order to remain at $40,000 a year after the count in February. Probably 1,000 deliveries.

    USPS ought to apply cuts where they are needed...management and their exorbitant salaries. Do a search and find out what PM General receives...it's abhorrant....especially when USPS is crying about how much money they are losing.


    There will be many more increases in postage rates...no doubt about it. And I agree...though I'm a postal employee...we have some real winners that work for USPS. Some are just down right nasty. Not to toot my own horn...but my customers loved me...and no doubt wonder where the heck I'm at. My route would be delivered no later than 1pm most days...because I was a hustler...and didn't sit around with my finger up my butt. I went to work, did my job and went home.

    And the postage stamp goes up AGAIN in May!

    I also read that the postal service is re-doing their routes because of the drop in mailings by retailers.....so if you got your mail at a certain time of day....well that's going to change too!

    They are combining routes and making other changes, so they can prevent "laying off" carriers.

    Gee, I wish they'd lay off the counter people at my P.O. and get some new ones.....:tiptoe: Ones with personality, less chit-chat and give a crap about customer service.....:P

  3. I love them...and if I saw them I would buy them. Your style matches mine...I'm very into the rustic outdoor look. Also...I love the cork top. It gives it that rustic cabin look...and I'm wondering if you could possibly dip the top of the bottle in wax to seal it? We make homemade wine and have done that to our wine bottles to seal the top.

  4. Thanks for that first link JKG....I was looking for that one too...but I don't know if that's the one I saw or not?

    Brenda...I never thought to look in that sticky...I thought it was about soy wax recommendations only :embarasse . I'll save that one for sure. Thank you! I don't "think" that was the one I saw. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I swear I saw it here...but it wouldn't be the first time I searched the wrong board for something lol.

  5. I was searching on here a few days ago and came across a thread with wicking suggestions. Everyone contributed which

    wick/wax worked for them...and now I can't find it. I can't even

    remember what I was doing a seach on when I came across it. I've been looking and looking for 2 days now...and I can't find it.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's not the link to the database at candle cauldron...I have that one. UGH...I hate

    when I get so scatterbrained that I can't find something.

    If anyone could point me in the general direction...I'd appreciate it very much!


  6. I love to sew, but can't use a pattern for nothing. I don't make clothes though....I just do stuff for around the house, like curtains, table skirts, shower curtains. Believe me...if I can sew without a pattern...you can do it with one. I grew up with a stepmother who is a genius at the sewing machine. She could make anything and still does. She used to make us girls pin the pattern to the material for her...I hated that. I hated pinning that stuff LOL.

    Here is a shower curtain I made for our bathroom. Just a very basic one.


    And I made these for the living dining room...although...the green sheers are no longer hanging. It's not designer work....but it works for us lol.


    I have a very basic machine. I bought a basic one because I don't use it often enough to justify spending alot on it right now. In the future I'll likely upgrade, but for now...it does the job.

    Good luck :)

  7. I just made my first votives the other day...and that's exactly what they looked like after my second pour. I would NEVER sell those at all. Heck...I wouldn't even give them away (which is why I was making mine...to give to a friend). But...that's just me. I even tried the heat gun to smooth mine out...that didn't work either...what a mess.

  8. I can't comment on Hansel and Gretal...but from what I've read around the forums it seems to be a favorite.

    Pumpkin Souffle...LOVE IT. I don't use C3, but throws great in

    EZsoy for me.

    I poured some tarts with very vanilla last week and burned some of them last night....very strong to me, in my melter.

    The others I don't have...but I'll be ordering today too. I'm definetly getting Hansel and Gretal. :)

  9. Do you spritz with alcohol after you pour the soap in the mold? Or do you wait til it hardens?

    I LOVE the press and seal...best kitchen invention yet LOL.

    Yep...use those chunks, doesn't matter if the recipe is different. In fact...I have some chunks and confetti from some M&P soap that I am going to put into my CP soap today.

  10. I have a "Granny's Cookies" from Taylored Concepts right here in front of me. It's not Grandma...but Granny's close. It's got a definite buttery sugar cookie smell...and you're right....it's got an iced smell to it also. It smells great to me. I haven't used it yet...and really don't have another sugar cookie to compare it to....or, at least I don't "think" I do. I have so many fo's right now...that I'm not sure what I have LOL. I think I'm developing an fo fetish

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