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Posts posted by debratant

  1. I got a notification that mine was shipped fedex and will be here on the 14th. That's a LONG time to wait. Good thing I wasn't in a hurry. 14 days is quite awhile. I'm looking forward to smelling my oils though.

    Edited...if they still have an ohio warehouse...they would have probably shipped mine from

    there since I'm in Jersey. Mine was shipped from Florida.

  2. Gail...I'm waiting on an order too. I placed mine on Oct 1st...got the email confirming my order...but nothing since. No tracking. Now...it's only been 6 days...but I placed an order with Peaks on Sunday evening...3 days after placing one with Mr. Missy's...and my package is due here tomorrow.

    I was so hesitant about ordering...but since they were having this sale...and I'm not

    a business....I figured it wouldn't hurt. I better get something soon.

  3. I've made a few batches of beer soap and have never ever boiled the alcohol out. I let it go flat right in the fridge for several days. Never had soap heat up either.

    As for the wine....I would boil it a bit...then stick it in the fridge for a few days before soaping it. I say boil it because we make homemade wine..and the alcohol content is very high...so it makes sense to me to diminish some of that alcohol.

  4. Wow...I'm just...wow. I'm so glad I did not place an order.

    I would never order from a company that charges a high minimum like that anyway.

    Just what are distressed oils?

    And to be quite honest...I've seen him posting his site on other boards over the last several weeks...pretending to be a customer who discovered this great source for FO's. He just rubbed me the wrong way by doing that.

  5. If I'm not mistaken...the flavor oils from WSP are not sweetened. I ordered some of the kiss kwenchers from Bittercreek for that reason....they're pre-sweetened.

    What about honey? Not sure if that's ok to use...I'm a lip balm newbie.

  6. I place some dampened paper towels on a cookie sheet that is also lined with tinfoil...put my pour pots upside down (so the wax drips out) on the sheet...and put into a 170 degree oven (lowest setting my oven goes down to). I keep an eye on them and check them in 10 minutes or so. The wax has emptied onto the paper towel...and I wipe up any remaining in the pot.

  7. If you can get into a credit union...I don't think they play those games. At least...the 2 I'm a member of don't. I've had my credit card thru my credit union for a long time. My interest rate is fixed at 8.9%. I'm also a member of my H's credit union...and they don't screw around either. They also didn't make risky loans and are not involved in this credit issue (so they have said)...so maybe that's a difference. I got my car loan thru them 3 years ago @ 3% interest.

  8. I thought I was the only one who doesn't like LoveSpell. It smells like sour throw up to me. ICK.

    But...I have Candle Science's...and a few friends who love it said

    it smells right on. I wouldn't know...never smelled the original, thank goodness lol.

  9. Holy crap...6 or 7 pm? that's just crazy! I have my mail by noon

    everyday usually. When I was carrying my route, I was done with my route and back in the office at 1pm and I had 700 deliveries. Then again, I'm a rural carrier who is paid salary...so it is beneficial to us to work quickly and efficiently so we can go home. I also started work at 5am.

  10. They are closing several distribution centers. 6 nationwide I believe. They are also offering early outs for those close to retirement. And I believe they are getting rid of some management postions.



    The last I heard, as a postal employee, was that they would eliminate a weekday delivery, tues or wed. But...who knows.

  11. Those all sound like neat ideas! I guess I'll be the first to ask though, what happens to the goldfish after the wedding? Who gets those? Or maybe a better question is...who is going to want them? I have a fish tank, 30 gallons...so I like fish, but fish are not for everyone...especially gold fish as their bowl needs to be cleaned out weekly.

    It is a very unique centerpiece idea. How many do you have to make? That's alot of fish LOL.

  12. If it is Rainkissed Leaves, then Just Scent has it duped.

    I don't know how accurate it is since I've not ordered

    it yet...but they do have it!

    I bought this lotion from BBW for my niece at Christmas and she

    loved it. I liked it too.

  13. You or your posts will not be met with disdain by me in the future. I'm not that kind of person :)

    But honestly...I do understand your point...and as I said earlier when you've been reading, researching, and trying to learn here...you too will just find abbreviating as second nature. I don't think I've been to a forum yet where abbreviating supplier names isn't the norm.

  14. Holy cow, is it really that hard to type out the names so everyone will be able to figure out your post without having to go on a hunt to look up what all these mean? :confused:

    In defense of Blossom..after being here awhile...and reading tons...it just becomes natural to abbreviate. There is a thread at the very top of this forum for supplier abbreviations if you get stuck and can't figure out who is who.


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