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Posts posted by debratant

  1. I've had it with my Tog. I've simply had it. I made 2 batches over the weekend and they both leaked out of the mold. I like the style of the mold because it can do both logs and slabs.

    Does anyone else out there make a combination log/slab wood mold? I've not run across any.

    I don't want to deal with those stupid dowels either. They have never fit correctly after I first used it. I probably got water on it...and they expanded, hubby had to widen the holes. PITA.

    Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!

  2. I found these pretty funny! Would make an excellent gag gift...I agree. I would buy poo soap for a gag gift if the occassion should arise. Just depends on the occassion it would be an appropriate gag gift for. I doubt anyone who receives those kinds of soaps as a gag...wash with it...although...I'd use it as long as it didn't SMELL like poo. Heck..I'd use it as a dog soap if nothing else. I washed with a vagina and a penis over the summer....part of a swap. It's just soap LOL and meant to be humorous :)

  3. I absolutely love Hinoki Wood. I need to get some more. Still have about 3 oz left...but man...great scent.

    Sorry to hear that the CS is not so great. I've ordered from MMS once...and had no problems with my order, but have of course, not been there in person.

    I actually love this scent...manly or not LOL.

  4. I've ordered a few from WSP. Reasonable prices and the quality of the ones I've ordered were good. I'm not an expert at EO's...but for soaping...I'd say they will be perfectly fine should you try them.

    I've also ordered quite a bit from New Directions like Moon posted. Check them out.

    They have great prices also...and their oils are very good.

  5. I hate it. To me though..it smells like vomit. I'm the only one who gets the vomit note LOL. Maybe it's the grapefruit that I'm picking up in it. I get mine from Elements. I dunno...never liked this FO from day one. Have not ever smelled the original either.

  6. I use 4627 paraffin mainly....well....because of the scent throw. I really don't care about paraffin/soy/palm and the issue over the environment, whether it's natural, supports farmers etc etc.. I just want a candle that smells good. Don't get me wrong...I do care about our environment...I hate all the people that crap up this country with litter. Burns my butt. But as far as candles go...for me...it's all about the scent throw LOL.

    I love feather palm...but I don't use it because it's "more natural". I use it because I love the way it looks and it smells darn good too!

  7. The Fragrant Mind is quite interesting. It has alot of blends in it

    geared toward emotional well being. It's really a good book if you

    are looking for emotional healing with oils...I guess that's the best

    description I can give lol. I bought it a few years back because I was having panic attacks...and I wanted to try to calm myself with oils.

    They do help me to relax.

  8. Your welcome Scented. I too can't sit here looking at the screen. I LOVE the book by Valerie Ann Worwood. She also has a great book called The Fragrant Mind. I have alot of essential oils...but...I won't use them in soaps...because they are just so expensive for me. I do love to use them for myself only.

  9. It is just so frustrating LOL. I added another 1/3 of a cup today. They are now down on my dryer getting some warmth. I believe I only used 1 oz of fo too...because it was so strong. I've got a good 2 1/2 cups of beads in that jar now.

    I did a red hot cinnamon that soaked up overnight. I have done several batches...but this one is the worst.

    I really use these things alot myself. I pour some in my trash can bottoms in the house...I pour some in my bagless vacuum right before I vacuum. And of course...I put them in my car. I just love these little things.

  10. I've had these in my jar for well over a week now. In fact...it's approaching 2 weeks. I've added more beads...and they still are not dry.

    Is Genuine Leather from Peaks a tough fo to work with for these? I'm going to add more beads today...but honestly...I've added so much already.

    I guess I'll just keep adding and adding til they dry out? lol

    My beads are from WSP. I've not had any problems in the past with these.


  11. I know exactly what you mean lorrie. I'm having the same problem with the matte clear. I think it is the label. I don't like it...and heat gunning it doesn't help. I even cleaned with alcohol first before applying. Still looks like shit. I don't want white either.

  12. Yeah, it's classier looking to wick the mold...which most of the time I do. But for my own pillars for myself...I don't bother. Who cares what it looks like when I burn it...and I never burn it completely down. I actually have a wicked pillar cooling right now for a friend.

    It's a good point to bring up though...but to each his own I guess.

  13. I like the concave look...so I put the wick pin on the outside. Instead of the gooey putty..I've started using the glue dots...I push 2 glue dots over the pin...then push the pin up through the hole. Haven't had them leak yet and you can get a few uses out of those glue dots. That's just how I've rigged it. I hate that putty lol.

  14. What mold are you using? I've found, in my short time making pillars, that using the seamless aluminum works much better. I love 1343 wax.

    I don't add anything when making mottled...just 1 oz FO and pour around 180 into a room temperature mold.

    For a rustic...I usually chill the mold...add 3tbls stearic...1 oz FO.

    I know the wax recommends only 3% fo...which is what you used...but like Scented said...I would up your FO amount.

    I've gotten pinholes in a few pillars...but I actually think it adds to the unique look

    so they don't bother me :)

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