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Posts posted by Trappeur

  1. What a beautiful job Ruina! Everything is just done to so perfection...If you don't mind me asking, but how did you do your frosting on the cupcakes? I do frosting on my little muffin melts and it is so time consuming....Maybe you might have an easier way I could learn from....or is the whole cupcake a mold?

    Thanks and awesome job!


  2. I myself use c-3 for all my containers and just recently started making tart/melts using candy molds a few months ago and even silicone molds and I have no problem what so ever with that wax even though it is softer than a votive wax....I'll even put these molds in the freezer and they all just fall right out of the molds....I also ordered the Cargil votive wax which is a harder wax and that worked awesome for me too...And I make hundred and hundreds of the melts.....Both waxes I have no problems with melts cracking either though I have to be careful just how long I leave in the freezer to speed up the process of getting them made. The scent throw on both these waxes is awesome and I don't even have to wait a week for the scents to cure but just about immediately...

    I agree with what Farmer Jill also said about presentation. How are you going to present them, in little melt shapes or in clam shells? I think if you are going to use the clam shells, the c-3 is going to be a little to soft, though I have never tried in the clam shells as I don't make those.....Just like everything else, try testing and see what works best for you.


  3. Hi Wardaddy!

    Great for you! and on the first try too!!!Of all the luck, I swear! Isn't it just fun and oh, the addiction is really going to get you I see....I can just feel the excitment and enthuisasm (sp) you have.....!!!Good luck and keep everyone posted how things progress......

    I do have a question though, you said you added your fragrance at 145 degrees? Thats seems low to me.....but then I don't know anything about that wax and if it is soy or paraffin.... so excuse me if I jumping ahead......Seems your on a roll.....Good luck.....


  4. Hi Chris,

    I use that wax.....

    Type in Natures Wax Cargil c-3......You'll get it then...

    I use htp wicks - and for the jelley jar I use htp104 - you might even try the htp 93....

    Hope this helps a little....

    What are you melting, adding and pouring at in temperature?


  5. Hi Rae!

    Actually I bought my jars off the classified here...but I know I have seen this bottle on quite a few sites....I'd do a google search....


    I did wonder about that bottle still leaking with a cork for the top...Actually, if the diffusers start to sell and I start doing more of them, I do in fact want to get a jar that has a screw on top on it and not a cork...Thanks for telling me about that..It just reaffirmed to me that they can still leak...

    Hi Earth,

    Those reeds are 12" long...so that could be another option for me too about getting them shorter...question? If the reed is longer do they have a stronger scent? Or it probably doesn't make much difference....

    Thankyou everyone else for the compliments!


  6. Well, being that I've been talking about making the diffusers and asking questions, I just took pictures ot them.....I did them in different scents..

    8oz bottle with 6oz liquid.........

    I did 4 1/2ounce base and 1 1/2ounce fragrance...

    Since I don't have packaging as of yet, until I see how they sell at the shop I tried to come up with a way to attach the reeds for fear of them being stolen if I put the reeds in a separate display box. So I tied raffia around the neck and then tied the reeds into the raffia and then added a pine cone sprig. I thought they looked kind of big on the bottle but I have no other choice. I'm going to retail them for 17.99 or 18.99 - so I can have some leway to be able to sell them wholesale and also to give me room to buy the packaging and incorporate that price in to.....

    I welcome all critiquing! I'm the newbie here so I would appreciate any ideas any of you can come up with....

    Thanks for looking!




  7. Thankyou Miss Mary and Msale.....Well, I've got 5.12 invested in making the reed diffusers plus the cost of shipping which is not included in the 5.12 and by the time I figured out the retail, it pretty much comes up to 3x the cost. I didn't think that price was gauging the customer really and I have to say that I do, don't believe in ripping off anyone because normally I don't think I charge enough for my products....And also to, I'm using the 8oz bottle, so that would be a higher priced item...and I've decorated the bottle to presentation so it looks like a more expensive product (well, I think it does....I don't know...I'll have to put up a picture and get everyones input on what I did). And you;ve only got 2.00 invested in a 2 oz bottle Mary? Wow! thats great! And thanks for being so honest Miss Mary about you not willing to spend 20.00 for a diffuser....because on the other hand, I personally wouldn't pay 5.00 myself for a reed diffuser, thinking that it was cheap and not a product that would serve itself and I would bypass that item up if I saw it for $5.00...but to each their own thinking, right? So please don't take it personally what I just said because I'm not insulting you by any means...Its just my opinion...thats all...

    Msale, wow, for an 8oz you have 3.19 invested....Well, I'll have to shop more! lol

    Thanks everyone for the great input....I'm learning.......

    Oh, could you tell me how many reeds you use too? The more reeds you use, does that mean the more powerful the strength of scent is?


  8. Like Tootie said, I don't do thousands, yet in candles but do 1000's of melts .....lol....and Candy....you can actually do 100's in an hour? (you mean with 2 zeros?) oh my word! You must have 50 wick setters!Gosh!

    But I love what Stella does.....That is great Stella....because I've tried drawing on a piece of paper and then sitting the jar on the paper with the center marked, but you have to have a good eye first of all to even get it to land on the exact diagram.....its not that easy....I eyeball mine.....but now I know what I'M going to do, something very similar to Stella.....I LOVE that idea! Thanks!


  9. Hi Hellen!

    Thanks!!!! Your from Aussie Land? Wow, my sister met a great guy from Aussie Lane a few years back over the internet, lol....., they met, fell in love, and got married and he moved here to Maine....Terrific guy! So you do 50/50....If you don't mind me asking, who do you get your base from? This is my first time and I'm hoping that they are a good selling item for me..Well its too late to do 50/50 because they are already made, but I could add more scent as they say that base will take up to 40% and I don't want the strongest scent I can get....And using 2 more reeds will make a difference? Huh! Ok, I think I'll do this to my sample now....Oh Hellen, can you give me some suggestions as to what are good strong scents that take well in diffusers? Thanks again Hellen! Cheerio! lol

    Hi Faye...haven't spoke to you in ages...hope your doing well...Thats too bad, they didn't turn out for you.....Well, I'm going to give it my best shot....Take care!


  10. I use both too....I just got my first 2 silicone molds....They are a bugger to get out of the molds...I just have to learn to master it.....With the plastic molds they are not as thick as the silicone....I love the plastic and so cheap and they just fall out of the trays for me........But I do like the silicone too...but VERY expensive..

  11. I just made up 10 reed diffusers...first time for me.....I just want to check and make sure I did them right.....

    I was told to do 3 to 1 - so thats what I did, but if I need more scent in the bottle I can add..

    1. I bought the 8oz Just Scent bottles.

    2. I did a mixture of 4 1/2 oz diffuser base from Just Scent and added 1 1/2oz of my fragrances which are from Bittercreek.

    3. I used 6oz of the formulation for a 8oz bottle. If I didn't add enough scent I have room if you think I should.

    4. I ordered the good reeds from Wholesale supplies plus.

    and I have 8 reeds per bottle though they came packaged in 10....so should I use the 10 reeds?

    This is my first try at making them....I've been scoping prices and boy do they vary.....So I'm marking them for the my shop for 17.99.....Yea? or Nei?????

    I do not have them in a box but will do so after I see how they go....I have my label on them and a caution label too and I've wrapped a rustic adornment around the neck of the jar with a sprig of pine cone....I'll take a picture and show you....

    I just made a sample for me which will be my sample at the shop with the reeds already set up so when the people come thru the door they can smell them (well, I hope they smell!!!!, )

    I just got done making them all...Question...the one sample I just did when I stuck the reeds in bottle, how long do I wait to flip the reeds since it is just new? Tomorrow? Or will it catch up right away or take all day....

    These are the scents in the diffuser base.

    BC :Hot Apple Pie

    BC :Vanilla Bean Supreme

    Natural Artisan: Balsam Fir

    BC: Autumn Spice

    BC: 1/2 Lavender and 1/2 Vanilla Bean

    Coal Creek: Cranberry Cobbler

    BC: A Northwoods Christmas

    BC: I mixed 1/2 and 1/2 of Cowboy Blue and Aspen Glen

    BC: Gingerbread

    My main concern is that I did 3 to 1 formulation.

    I see some do 50/50.......Should I or not...?

    And is my price ok? I was thinking of mybe doing 18.99 instead of 17.99 as I have wholesale accounts and I would like to be able to make money of these if I sell them wholesale...


  12. No way Toni!!!!!!You were looking for fairys too and clicked on her name? For sure we would be double trouble if we lived closer to one another......I swear.....

    I'm glad you said you didn't want to sound stupid because I was thinking the same exact thing...I'm thinking she was Robin, then I go to check my emails and nope it wasn't her....so I just roll along figuring one day I'll figure it out....


  13. Oh! Is that you fairygirl? :laugh2: :laugh2: Boy for sure now you had me stumped! I didn't have the foggiest clue! lol..lol From fairygirl to mommy of 4! lol, lol...Oh that is so cute! Now I can put a name to a post you put up in Bittercreek....Oh, that is so funny......Thanks for telling me!

    Oh, you know what I did one time fairy girl? When I saw you post, I clicked on your name because I wanted to see if you had a website and thought you might have things made in fairys because I just love fairys....and nope, no web and no fairys! lol, lol....see how my mind works? lol


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