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Posts posted by Trappeur

  1. Hey all,

    Shane from Shantille's Candle Creations here. I thought I'd share some pics of our container line. My wife's become a candle making machine since she's set a date in March for her first party. questions and coments always welcome.

    Hi Shane!

    First off the candles are just beautiful and the colors are so different and very striking...Great job on them....

    But if I may say so, I definitely would change the label if those were my jars....They do look like address labels and on the bale lid square jars they are too wide also as they wrap over the corners....On the bale jars and actually all the jars I think a nice like maybe 3" "square" label would look great. If you go with the smaller square label it won't over power the jar. And on the bale jars I would put the label on the adjacent side of the bale catch...so when you are looking at the jar you see the label and the catch to open up the jar will be on the left side or right side. And I would center the label also and not put at the bottom. She did such a beautiful job on the styles of the candles and you don't want to detract from the jar as with the labels on the jars now, they to me are distracting. Both the label and jar should compliment one another....If there is not enough time to get the correct label in time for her party, I would definitely remove those labels and just make a nice hang tag....I can't see what you did as far as design on the labels but they look pretty good even from a distance....Other than that..... beautiful job!

    I hope I didn't hurt your feelings as I never meant it to sound like that, so please don't take it that way...Just want to offer a little help for the final completion as presentation is the first and lasting impression....You know what I mean?


  2. I've never tried cdns in c-3 which I use.....I have great luck with the htps......I have tried the cd's and they are pretty good....Now I know of some people who just love the ecos...

    And I agree with you Sharon about not dipping the wick in the wax to put out....Its bad enough that I power burn and have black pieces fall in if I forget to trim the wick and have to pickout the black but to dip the end of the burnt wick into the wax....thats not for me.....And also since they say that is the proper way to put out a candle????Well how many candles have you picked up in a store and read the caution labels where they tell you to push the wick over into the wax to extinguish? I haven't seen one......So I agree how you think Sharon, as I think the same way.....Test a candle thru all the proper testing stages and at the same time test them just the way the normal person is going to burn the candle...because we all know most everyone does not not how to burn one....


  3. Thanks Shanna!

    Well, I've got a little list of some scent samples I'm going to order and play around with.....Everyone here has been such a big help to me..and I got great ideas too......And I even have some bottles of that original fragrance I'm getting to keep my customer happy and that is so important to me....He originally wanted 2 dozen candles....now I can't believe what he wants.....I'll keep you all informed what I come up with.....


  4. Hi Earth!

    Oh thanks...Yep I checked....I guess I will order that one from Flickers....You sent me a message? Dang! I always forget to check my messages and then find some that have been there for weeks...lol...I better get on the stick.....


  5. Can you tell me what it smelled like?

    Hi Scent!

    Ok this is what it said on the description.....

    Like taking a walk thru the woods thru falling leaves with the smell of mulling spices....lol

    I called BC and they didn't know what the notes were as it is discontinued.....

    I have a teencey weencey left and I'm trying to figure out what it smells like.....I can smell orange in it and fall spices though...

    I did check on the scent forum and there are a few Autumn Spice scents there...Out of all of them Flickers seems to have the right description....just thought someone might know. I do have an alabaster scent called orange peel and cinnamon and its close but needs something else....

    So I'm up the creek without a paddle!


  6. If anyone has used Autumn Spice from Bittercreek which is now discontinued do you have any suggestions for replacement of that scent that you can recommend...It was a great seller for me and I just delivered an order yesterday to a shop of which they were hoping for 2 dozen more..

    Unless someone could spare a bottle of it to me, please.



  7. I'm probably too late Toni, but Navajo Blossom I like too and also Painted Desert is beautiful too. But then the name you came up with Navajo Trails is awesome myself....I can visualize flowers along the trail....:laugh2: and Navajo Blossom you still have the Indian in the name which to me is strong, masculine and then the blossom in the name signafies there is a little bit of flower power in it! :laugh2: :laugh2:

    I even did a google search for Navajo names of flowers, and I don't think anyone has heard of any of the names......

    Boy you sure are having a tuffy thing with this scent right from the beginning when you got it....poor girl! lol So did you name it yet?

    Sorry I'm no help....but I sure love the sounds of that scent...


  8. Absolutely gorgeous Linda and that mold is to die for...I am very into rustic.....and those colors are just awesome. On the heart, the bottom part looks like black...Is it or is it a very dark brown? I've been admiring pillars for eons now...I'm going to get into making them one day...I know its a whole different ball game but I just drool when ever I see unique one of a kind creations and yours certainly is! :thumbsup:


  9. Hi Melanie,

    I just wanted to say your candles are absolutely lovely & beautiful labels also.

    The mason jar and lid you use I get mine from TVG glass in New York. The rustic lids are by far the cheapest I have ever seen anywhere....44cents each...all the big candle supplies I've seen run anywhere from 72centst to. 1.68 each.....

    I'm not sure what larger jar you use, but those black lids on them look exactly like what the Jar Store carries...


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