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Everything posted by coffeebean

  1. Sounds like your dabbling with the same wax that I have been working with. I am having issues with my 415 wax. It just seems like I should have a hotter scent throw. I just tried the wick change same jar wax color and the only difference was the wick. One was a lx and the other was cdn. The cdn didn't have as much scent throw as the lx so last I tried adding FO at 185 instead of the 150. If this doesn't make a change I'm thinking I need to add prafin or add the 70/30 blend to the 415 and see if that works better. My candles look and burn awesome, I just think the HT should be better than what it is,
  2. I wish someone would have gave you an answer to your question cuz thats what I'm up against right now. My local dealer doesn't handle the ecosoya pb anymore and I was looking for something else that would be just as good for my tarts. I only used that for my tars and sell many. Did you happen to find any wax close to the ecosoya pb yet?
  3. My fav is cranberry marmalade. The amaretto nog, JMO , yuk. I have a full 8 oz. bottle I will be tossing. Nobody asks for that scent and I won't use it.
  4. I have been using 415 and love the way it looks. I use CO and a bit of eco PB tart wax in it. All my candles come out with smooth tops, no frosting,and no cracking. They all have great glass adhesion, no wet spots. They have an awesome cold throw and the hot throw is fine but I'm thinking it could be better. I was using eco 135 it worked but wasn't giving me the hot throw I was looking for. I used the cba and that looked beautiful but no scent throw at all. Now I just ordered some 464 and I'm going to try to see if I can get a better hot scent throw. I did just try a sample of homegrown 100% soy wax and it wax terrible. A lot of frosting and the sweating was that bad it covered the whole top of the candle. If someone using the 464 can give me any advice it would be appreciated. Do you think it will give a better scent throw that the 415?
  5. I have been using 415 and love the way it looks. I use CO and a bit of eco PB tart wax in it. All my candles come out with smooth tops, no frosting,and no cracking. They all have great glass adhesion, no wet spots. They have an awesome cold throw and the hot throw is fine but I'm thinking it could be better. I was using eco 135 it worked but wasn't giving me the hot throw I was looking for. I used the cba and that looked beautiful but no scent throw at all. Now I just ordered some 464 and I'm going to try to see if I can get a better hot scent throw. I did just try a sample of homegrown 100% soy wax and it wax terrible. A lot of frosting and the sweating was that bad it covered the whole top of the candle. If someone using the 464 can give me any advice it would be appreciated. Do you think it will give a better scent throw that the 415?
  6. My favorite is the 7up pound cake, love it!
  7. I have been using the 415 and loved it but now my supplier is out. The closest supplier is offering a 402 at the cheepest price, but now I would probably have to change everything an test all over again. Can you tell me anything about the 402 please? I don't want to change but I will run out of wax if I don't do something else.
  8. Can anyone tell me where I can purchase cdn wicks other than JBN please?
  9. Funflames what ratio do you mix your cba and 415, if I may ask? I have been fighting here trying to find the right look with the right scent throw. As soon as I think I have it figured out I make some and they flop. I loved the way the cba looked but it didn't have the hs so I went to cb135 but now I have ugly candles. So I started adding different additives and thought I had it figured out with the coconut oil but this batch was a disaster. Now I ordered usa to try that, I didn't get it yet so thats where I'm at right now. Then I read two ppl on here stating they use cba with 415 and it gives the results I'm looking for. I really hoping to find something that works, I have so many additives now that the only thing I can do with them is sell them on ebay. I'm begging anybody on this board if they could please help guide me in the right direction. I have even asked cs and they haven't got back to me yet. Theres got to be a pure soy wax out there that throws hot scents and looks good.......isn't there????
  10. No I didn't try that one yet jps, but the 50 works best for my coffee scents. I just oredered some new sizes in the rrd and the cdns so I'll be testing them this week. I can let you know more results then.
  11. I do use dye chips with my 135, I have never used liquid dyes.
  12. Thanks a bunch elfcat I found it today right where you said it was. It was a lot cheaper than the one at the vitamin isle. I'm running test burns right now and the ones with 1/2 TBS co pp isn't as nice as the 1tsp pp candles, in case you all wanted to know. It definitly improved me cb135 scent throw and frosting issues.
  13. I use the lx 24 in a 3" container with no problem. I just switched to cb135 due to the cba didn't have much hot scent throw. I still am using the lx wicks though but just ordered cnd and rrd. I burn the rrd 50 in my 3" mason jars with all coffee scents other wise they drown out. If I have lighter colors I use the lx 24 in the same jars, but I have never used the scent your using.
  14. Yep flamey I tried the mixture of cba and cb135 and it just took away my hot scent throw. I read what sweetladyjen wrote and I wonder if thats worth a try? So far with heating up to 195 no lower than 185 then pouring at 150 and adding the coconut oil they have been much better. I am going to test the two I poured last week. One with 1/2 TBS coconut oil and the other just plain cb135. They are both the same jar,wick,scent,poured the same temp ect... If the one with co comes out better thats what I will do with all my candles then. I have everybody sniff when they stop in and all the people have chose the cb135 with co having a bit more scent to it. I've got to sit down and learn how to post pics on here to illustrate my testers. You all are so informative and a great help, not only am I addicted to this testing, I'm always on here reading, lol.
  15. Thanks funflames I will try that. Do they have a nice scent throw with that wax then?
  16. Elfcat, what section of the super walmart do you find your coconut oil please? I bought a tub in the vitamin section it was 1lb and cost 9.96 and was not louanns. It was extra virgin coconut oil. It is for eating I guess. Is this not the one I need? It works in my candles though. It gives a bit more scent throw and it help a lot with frosting and smoothing out the tops of my cb135.
  17. I'm having the same issues as you flamey. I just switched to the cb135 due to the fact I could not get the cba to give me a nice hot scent throw. Now I have been pouring and testing the crap out of cb135 to get a nice candle. I found no changes adding bw, so then I added coconut oil. I do get a bit better throw and it looks creamier, not as much frosting as without the coconut oil. I also was doing what cs states for that wax, heat to 185 pour at 125. Doesn't work for me, I found if I heat to 195 and poured no lower than 145 it looks so much better. I'm testing 2 different candles last night, I poured one at 140 w/o coconut oil and one I poured at 145 with the coconut oil and the one I poured at 145 looked much better. The one I poured at 140 didn't look as nice. The 140 had pulled away from the jar half way up from the bottom. Then the top adhered to the jar. The one with coconut oil had a bit more scent throw but not by much. My tarts look better with the coconut oil but I still can't get that pretty creamy look to my tarts like the cba gave me. They almost look like they have a chalky layer on the outside of them. I'm thinking about trying that USA they keep talking about on here. Does anybody know where to get it? Keep me posted if you find any remedies for the cb135 flameyjamie, I'll do the same if I find the perfect mix, lol. Its frustrating but then sometimes I wonder if I'm being to fussy. My husband thinks I am, I must be asking him to sniff way too many candles.
  18. I use cb135 with 1 tsp co and 1 tsp bw to 1 lb wax. I add 1.05 oz of fo. The best hot and cold throw scents from cs for me is wold berry mousse, and cranberry marmalade.
  19. Sorry if I confuse pp I have that way of doing so. I tried the bw but then I'm reading on here about the coconut oil so I thought I would try the cocnut oil due to the fact that the bw changed nothing for me. I am very happy with how much better the ht is on the 135 w/bw and it seems to be burning a lot slower than the cba. I'm going to pour one with bw and one with coconut oil and bw and see what happens. Boy I wish these products were it bit cheaper it seems I'm giving a lot of testers to ppl and having fo's sitting here that didn't throw in my candles. I just soak up paper towels with the oil and put it on the floor of our vehicles, when you turn the heat on it smells great.
  20. Yes I did mean tablespoon, sorry. Is the bw and coconut oil the same thing or should I try the coconut oil? If so is it the same stuff they sell at Walmart thats with the coco butter? I noticed my tarts are dry looking they don't look as creamy as they did with the cba, but it seams like the scent is much better with the cb135. The tarts are harder to get out of the mold also with the 135. Is there any other additive I can put with my 135 that will help with smoothing out the tiop and help with some of the frosting? Thanks all. Wendy
  21. I tried adding 1/2 TS to 1 lb of cb135 wax and it didn't change anything to me. I still have a lot of frosting and the tops look like a cross between snowflakes and cauliflower. I smoothed them out with a heat gun but after burning the candle the top went back to the same look. I also have the same candle burning that is cba. The ht and ct is wayyy better in the 135. The 135 is burning a bit slower aslo. The 135 again W/bw adhered to the glass all over and the cba didn't. So now do you want a different looking candle that smells great hot or cold or do you want a prettier candle that smells way weaker??????
  22. I've never ordered for bw yet but I already waited for a month at creative Illuminations. Most of the time its a week for me here. CS is the fastest for me but their the closest to PA.
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