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Posts posted by Marisa

  1. With my topping for pie soap I set aside some oils and add TD

    wait till it gets a really thick trace and then pour on top of the already setting up first pour (I usually dont add Fragrance to the white part so it can sit a minute and wait for the first part to get thick. Anway after you pour the white at thick trace, take a fork and gently lift and turn all over the top.(dont go to deep ir youll get th first layer color mixed with your white. this works for me, Im sure there a better way, but its easy.hth

  2. Aww thats too bad.. You had SOAP on a stick, I had "OIls in a glass"LOL meaning I tried to soap coconut cream pie from Southern scentsatoins and for some reason it started out wonderful and then I went to add the meriagane top and tis all turned to Clear liquid oil! I tried rebatching and everything no,luck still kept getting clear oil.lol!! So maybe this will make you feel better:o

  3. Well, here it is this morning.. After I cut out all the crudy parts its only ab 2.5-3oz bar , but looks alot better than last night!!LOL Shutterbug , you would never know that my husband calls me "the mad scientist" would ya!!:grin2: I had covered it in a oven that was turned off and barely warm at all, butI think it just got to warm from the oils, etc. Thank good I had put it on a cookie sheet, could you imagine what a pan if that would have went everywhere in my oven!!


  4. I have been wanting to soap Lemongrass EO for a long time.While I was visiting Shutterbug, the sweet woman that she is, gave me some to try. I soaped it this evening used about .5 oz pp and must have made it get to hot cause here is what happened!! I couldnt believe it. So I mashed and hopefully this can be a save cause it was pretty expensive with all the luxery oils I used even for a 2.5 lb batch . Do anyone of you think this will still be okay for use? Im hoping it just got to hot from the EO and shouldnt have had a cover put on it. We need a thread on EO's and CP soap..I had to search lke a mad dog for pp usual and safe use!!LOL Well here it is ..I put German Chammoile ground in it and on top.No color, and smelles devine!. It was pretty for about 3 minutes:cry2: Thats Red Saran that was on top , I guesss ASH is the LEAST of my worries!!LOL.EWWW looks like a mass murder!


  5. I like Number 2 it looks modern and flows good.. The key hole is great idea . The best idea is the one that grabs you, becuase if you like it , youll always be happy with it ./ (meaning if you like the key hole) and your customers will get to looking for it to find your products! May be make your company name black or white tho on it.JMO

  6. Looks great! I ve searched everywhere for tha recipe, ont he dish I cant get int he archives to view it, even pmed the administor, she must be busy.hey just a thought , it may depend on where ya got it, I use Pink sugar from ICS and havent had a problem yet and have been using it for months. Not sure on other companies tho.

  7. Thanks, I have searched everywhere and could not find ANY info or recipes or anyone who had ever attempted it with this mix.and really thought it would be a big flop, but its a nice smooth peppermint with a slight kick to it. it was also my first time using silk in a recipe and I must say Im not sure if ill ever soap again without it! Why didnt someone tell me that silk made SUCH a difference. ( I know, you did and I wasnt listening).LOL

  8. I posted on this on the discussion board and here it is this morning. I cant believe the smell isnt bengay to me at all, ita like a rich peppermint with maybe a twist of vanilla (which may come from the unbelievable tea buds I I found yesterday and for a additive) I am really Loving the feel only the slightest tingle but mostly really refreshing and dosent make your skin smell of medicine..lol. I may up the crystals next time. I will say that I can see this base formula (without the peppermint & additives) I tried bcoming my favorite, the lather was awesome and left my skin really nice.. THANK GOD < THis never happens the first time for me!!LOL.. Just cut and not trimmed yet.


  9. Okay let me first begin by saying that I am the only guinia pig for this soap so before all the warner's start pming and blasting me Ive read on this and am the lone tester, its something I had to try for myslef no matter the danger!!LOL Its been calling my name and I couldnt resist :P That being said I was at an awesome orgainc store today and got some Gunpowder pearl mint (its a peppermint leaf type that is one of the strongest and beautiful ive smelled!! and also got some menthol crystals. So I came up with a little recipe and just put it to bed , My house smells divine and I really have never been a peppermint lover!!HA Anyway I added a few crystals to the oil before the lye and the gunpowder pearl mint (which is a beautiful purplish black color) ground at trace for exfoilation and peppermint oil. Im hoping this will be good for a tingle sinus shower relief soap ( not to much on the neverland parts..lol) Anyone this is what soapings about huh, creating concoctions that may be awesome or awful!! HA Ill post pics of final product tomorrow. here is some of my ingredients .. Id like to know if anyone else has tried the menthol crystlas in Cp?

    Rice bran





    Palm Kernal


    menthol Crystals

    At trace

    kaolin Clay

    Gunpowder pearl mint

    Peppermint EO ( a small amount)

    (also silk & Sugar were added to the lye water)

    If I die or I tingle to death, DONT try this !!LOL:eek:

  10. I made some bath bubble bombs few months ago and used some tro I got off the classifiesds about a year ago . Any how I opened a pink grapefruit and cucumber melon and the scent was morphed it didnt smell the same. I put it on the tub to see what it would smell likle and it smelled more normal..Anyone have ideas what may have happened or have had this happen? Could the TRO have gone bad thus making the scent more.. I got my bags from KY candle supply and dont think thats the problem..TIA!

    (How long is a bubble bombs shelf life?)

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