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Posts posted by Marisa

  1. Okay just unmolded this one, it is a castile bar So it had to sit longer. Alothough the top is thick enough to cut, its really weird it really feels like a hard whipcream, the same feeling..I really hope it ahrdens up like ther bottom part, I really whipped it so maybe it will be like the whipped soap on top:undecided Made with RA's rootbeer best.. I can belive How much our customers and I love rootbeer scent in soap (maybe it makes us feel young, and it smells sooo yummy!) thanks for looking


  2. Your not kidding! I even added the fragrance to the oils before the lye to be safe. I promise it was a thin trace and before I could turn my glass pouring pot upside down it was hard as a rock, Like i could of cut it already!!LOL I saw shutter a week or so ago when I first smelled this (at her house) I asked her if she had soaped it and she looked at me Like I was crazy (to precious to waste!!LOL) But I need to tell her its a good thing she didnt, she would have been beside herself. I know I was ..That scent is to die for and even tho I rebatched it still smells heavenly!

  3. Here is a couple of soaps I made thid morning, I still have one in the mold Rootbeer float with whipped cream topping.(will post later)

    1.First is Fresh Pear from ICS ..soaps beautiful and so strong!!LOVE it. and smells like fresh cut pear. ( I only wish it would smell that strong in candles)

    2. Fairy dust and Twinkle toes (had to rebatch, traced faster than lighting!!)

    3. Blackberry freesia, With yellow, black, light blue and plum swirls..Hope you can see them in the pic.

    4. Ginger mIlk FNWL (tester soaps)these are just my testers so there are imperfections!)

    thanks for looking! Sorry so many pic, I dont know how to post them in one post!


  4. Fern , I think you are right. Some are jsut so similar it cant be a mistake!LOL

    Peoples minds can work on them with smell too.. I couldnt sell Candy Cane to save my life and I changed then name to Pure Peppermint and the same people that didnt like it before Were telling me how much better of a peppermint that it was and just loved it!!??LOL (I didnt say a word!HA) so i guess some suppliers may do that to??.

  5. Very beautiful, IMO The label is about your company name, not just the graphics, so besides detaching it from the fire place a tad .I would not change a thing about the font..It goes with the look. Go with your gut feeling too and the look you like or youll never be happy , as you know what looks good in your mind and itll be something youll love.:D Again great job and that was a very neat process to see. thanks for sharing

  6. Hi there and welcome. Sorry, I havent had enough coffee and my head is fuzzy so im Not sure exactly what your questions is. Are you trying to find a way to help your mom maintain the orders? Maybe wanting to rent a place for the production, hire someone?If you can give a little more info on the problem, Maybe we can help figure something out:D

  7. I ve noticed this with a couple of oils from different companies. I just wondered if maybe some companies use the same Fragrance vendor and just change the name on their site to make it sound different:undecided And for companaies that carry two similar, maybe its just like we change the name of a fragrance and it ups our sales.Anyone else think so?

  8. Hi labelle and welcome. To answer a few of your questions ,I think first getting a kit from a supplier near you to try your hand at, would be the best bet.. Its really easy to over spend before you really decide if all the testing and researching time and money is worth it for you.. Ill be honest its more of a moneyspender than maker for the first year or so LOL (well for mw anyway) , as you spend most of your time testing different jars, wicks and fragrane, wax etc.. So maybe get a bath & Body get and a candle making kit from a close supplier and see what you think.. this is reat to do before spending the money on getting business liscence, . This place has a great deal of invalulable info and there are other candle and bath sites that you can find alomost any answer to your question by doing searches on each forum. Hope you enjoy your new hobby and good luck!

  9. Thanks Maryann, i have noticed that the oils I use make a difference in a nice red. I use the light colored Olive oil and other oils otherwise it will give me the rust color. (exspecailly the darker green olive oil etc) Anyone else find that happens to you?

  10. If those dont work for you, I love my Brick red oxide from MMS. (the picture makes the soaps look wacky, spots and pinker, but its my dumb camera the havent been trimmed yet)Anyway its the best red Ive found..


  11. Well , I contacted a VERY well known packaging supplier about a problem and got the front chasier ( he wanted to know which department and asked me up front what My question was) I told him I have a defect , theres something wrong with the packaging I bought.. Before I could tell him which product or finish the "cashier" guy (who is not even involved with that department) .. He says "No there's not, theres nothing wrong with the product you have from our company on our end."..????!! I was floored, he didnt even let me tell him which product and what was wrong with it was before he said that!!.:tiptoe: I just "Politely " said 'its funny you would say that when you have no idea what Im talking about and dont even deal with that particular department!!..Needless to say ..that is the end of our business relationship!!LOL Sorry to rant..bad customer service drives me nuts!

    So I guess mine would be also.." No, theres nothing wrong with the product we sent you.

    Like I jacked it all up as soon as It arrived at my door!LOL

  12. Okay, Im here too:) Here is what I thought so far


    My second favorite, super bubbly ,smooth, but may have just been the recipe base


    this had less bubbles, not real sure I like the mayo in a bar.. felt sorta sticky , I know it sounds weird, but thats the feel I get


    I actually think this was one of my least favorite which surprized me. it felt drying to me


    Not tried yet


    this had amore creamy feel to me, kinda felt weird showering with eggs..lol but it had a nice smooth feel.and i was surprised how much i liked it.


    This felt like a normal wonderful bar of soap not drying,bubbly.. so its a nice additve imo..left my skin soft..ill be soaping this one..


    Jury is still out on this one (love the scent) Ill post updates later


    My first favorite, not sure if the scent helped me love it more, but it had a great non drying feel..Really like this one..soaping this too soon!

    Thanks so much Bunny for letting me be a part of this..its been really fun testing different ingrediants!

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